Good news in bad news #2

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( thanks to R5andRydellingtonxo for helping me think how Laura's pregnancy goes on :) ily!)

^Raura's driving to Doctor's appoiment. Laura's very nervous^
Laura: Oh my, what if something's wrong? What if they'll go "We have bad news for you..."!?
Ross: Heyyy, calm down. I bet it's just fine. ^smiles^
Laura: Okay, yeah, yeah! That's probably true... ^breaths heavily^ Oh shit...
Ross: Seriously Laura. You're not making this easier to me either...
Laura: Sorry, honey. It's just that I want to see my own baby. Does it look like youor me? Does it have brown or blonde hair? Will it grow tall or short? Do we make great parents?
Ross: We will make great parents! Stop worrying...
Laura: Alright then....

^at Doctor's. They've just walked in the room.^
Doctor: I'm Mariel Montara, nice to meet you! ^smiles^ I'm gonna be your doctor through your pregnancy.
Laura: Laura Marano. ^smiles and shakes hands with Mariel^
Ross: Ross Lynch. ^shakes hands with Mariel^
Mariel: Sooo, according to this info you are both 19, not married and you have no actual job. Where do you get money to take care of a baby?
Ross: I'm a singer/ actor. I'm in a popural band called R5.
Mariel: Oh R5! I love your music!
Ross: Thanks!
Laura: And I'm actress/ singer.
Mariel: I bet you have aaaa lot of money then!
Ross: Yeah!
Laura: Absolutelly!
Mariel: Good, good. So not married yet? How long have you two been dating?
Ross: Almost 5 years.
Mariel: Aww, that's great! Congrats!
Laura: Thank you!
Mariel: I got one more question to ask you about this music bisness you're in, Ross. As a band member, lead singer, you gotta be on every tour, concert etc. How can you be home with your family?
Ross: Yeah, well, we have anymore 4 countries on our World Tour which takes like 2 weeks and after it, we're many months home.
Mariel: Great. Okay then! Laura rest on this bed.
Laura: Sure! ^lies down on the bed^
Mariel: Lift your shirt up so I can see you stomach.
Laura: Alright. ^rolls her shirt up^
Mariel: This may feel cold and uncomfortable first. ^puts gel on Laura's stomach so the machine, what helps seeing the baby, slides on her stomach^
Laura: Oh, it is cold!
Mariel: Haha, yes! ^looks at her computer screen where she sees Laura's uterus^ Hmm... This is interesting. Are you sure you've been pregnant only 2 weeks now??
Laura: Yes? Why?
Mariel: Your uterus has been working now 7 months. You can see it from the walls..... You are 7 months pregnant, honey.
Laura: No no no, it can't be. I had my period and everything.
Mariel: It happens to some women. You may have your period while you're pregnant but it doesn't mean your baby would be sick or anything.
Laura: A-a-are you sure?
Mariel: Yes I am! Your baby has started growing just now. It's okay. It seems like it's healthy, nothing's wrong.
Ross: But we've not done it 7 months ago...
Mariel: Sweetie, this machine never lies. Have you drank 7 months ago?
Laura: Both of us, yes. It was our anniv-... Nooo!
Ross: On no... We drank a lot on our anniversary and I just remember waking up from our bed, naked. Oh god....
Laura: So it's 100% true?
Mariel: Yes. But the good new is your baby's healthy. It's that little white dot which looks like a potato.
Laura: ^emotional smile takes over her face just like Ross'^ That's our baby?? It looks nothing like a human... More like a peanut with 4 tails.
Mariel: Normally it wouldn't have legs or arms yet but your pregnancy will speed up 7 times now. What birthcontol you think you used 7 months ago?
Ross: I also blamed Riker for having it in our room since I found-... Y'know.
Mariel: Okay. So that thing. What did you use 2 weeks ago?
Laura: Pills.
Mariel: Pills must have start a reaction in your belly which caused your baby's growing.
Laura: So our baby's fine?
Mariel: Very fine! And you know what's great in this, you get to know your baby's sex in 3 weeks!
Laura: Yayy!
Ross: Does she have to take some tests in hospital?
Mariel: I can send her there but only once since everything's fine.
Laura: Sure, okay.
Mariel: You want a picture of this?
Raura: Yeah!
Mariel: Okay! ^prints it and wipes Laura's stomach with a paper towl^
Laura: ^stands up and rolls her shirt back on. She takes the picture^ Thank you.
Mariel: Next time we'll chat more but this time all needed informationis on my computer. I'll send you, Laura, an invitation to hospital.
Laura: Okay! Good! Okay, bye!
Mariel: Bye!!

^at home. Laura went to their room and Ross stayed in the living room with Riker.^
Riker: Before we get in that doc's oppoiment, you got something in mail. ^goes get it and gives it to Ross^
Ross: What the fuck is this? ^opens it^
Wow, "Home Coming" ??? What is this? It's a script.
Riker: There's a note.
Ross: "Dear Ross Lynch,
We would want you to play a quick scene as David. It only takes a day and you'd have 3 lines to say. The scene is Carolyn's dream of handsome guy who she has heat with. Just easy making out. If you're interested, email me;
Hope I see you on the set!

P.s. filming starts in 3 days, 11/25/15. Learn your script so we can shoot it real quick!" So I'd have to learn 3 lines, go up there, kiss some random chick and leave? Easy money!!!
Riker: Look how much they're gonna pay you.
Ross: ^looks at an another page^ What...
Riker: The...
Both: Fuck!?
Riker: $9000 for 3 lines and one day. Dude go for it!!!
Ross: The hell I am!

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