France Paris

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^in Raura's hotel room. Romeo (their puppy) has been playing with Ross's sock for a while. Laura's changing and Ross is watching Romeo^
Ross: Can you believe Raini and Calum are getting married in 3 days. I called them yesterday and she said it's okay that we haven't been there as long as we still are okay to be their best man and maid of honor.
Ross: Oh my god... It's so close!
Laura: They're gonna live finally as a real family. ^tears up^ Oh my god... I'm alright, I'm alright. ^breaths out^ I still can't believe it. Do you have your speach ready?
Ross: Yess. You?
Laura: Absolutelly. They're really doing this?
Ross: They had a baby in the season 2, so it's kinda obvious.
Laura: When do you think we're getting married?
Ross: I don't know.
Laura: Austin and Ally got married while they were in school. ^laughs^ They had like 20 babies at the age 19.
Ross: Wow, Austin was good at making babies.
^Laura laughs^
Laura: Anyway, hey Ross, could you check from your suitcase, is my skirt there?
Ross: Sure.
^Laura goes on her knees and sticks in the sock. Romeo pulls the sock back^
Laura: Aren't you strong, little Romeo? ^smiles^ Even Rossy isn't this strong.
Ross: I found your skirt. ^throws it to Laura and lies down on their bed^
^Romeo tries to climb on the bed so Ross lifts him there. Romeo bites Ross's finger^
Ross: This actually feels very nice. ^laughs^
Laura: ^smirks^ Don't let him bite you, he can't get used to it.
^Ross takes his finger back and Romeo start played with a blanket^
Laura: ^sits on the bed^ Will we take him on tour with us or leave him home with my mom?
Ross: I don't want it to get used to your mom more than us.
Laura: Yeah, but taking care of a dog is pretty hard on tour.
Ross: I still say we should take him on tour with us. We have, ^counts^ what, 10 people helping us. It's gonna be easy, I promise. Are you ready?
Laura: Yeah.
Ross: Let's go to lobby, others are waiting for us.
^Laura puts Romeo in leash and puts him in her purse (y'know like in movies).^
Ross: ^opens door to Laura^ Ma'am Pink.
Laura: Stop it.
^they both laugh^

^in a restaurant^
Rydel: I think I'm gonna curl my hair and then lift it up with pins. It sounds messy but it's very classy.
Stormie: Nervous, Ross and Laura?
Laura: Super. Only thing I know is that I have to boss people around and walk down the ail with Ross. Oh and also, tell people where to shit- I mean sit, sit!
^everyone laughs^
Ross: Same here.
Rydel: It just feels so weird to think they're getting married. Ell?
Ell: Serious?
Rydel: Yes.
Ell: ^freaks out^ I-I-I... Hmm-- I'm scared.
Laura: ^laughs^ I'm kidding, I'm kidding! You should've seen your face!
Ell: ^smiles^ Rydeeeel!
Rydel: No, seriously this time. And they've a kid and everything. Crazy!
Riker: Yeah...
Laura: Not that I dis them or anything but I think they do decisions toooo fast. I know T is already 2 and they're 24 and 25, but still. It would be same if Riker and Bea would get a baby and they'd get married.
Stormie: Agree.
Ross: I go take Romeo out.
^Ross raises and takes Romeo out of Laura's purse. They take off^
Bea: How long are we gonna be in LA?
Riker: 5 days.
Bea: Okay.

^later. They went to the top of Eiffel- tower^
Laura: It's so beautiful. ^smiles^
Bea: It's gorgeous...
Lex: I wait you guys inside... Before I throw up.
^Rocky hold Lex's hand^
Rocky: You'll not fall.
Lex: Oh-kay...
Frech guys: ^walk past them^ Bonjour mademoiselles. ^smiles^
Guys: Hey!
^girls smirk^
Laura: Shor, ^links arms with Ross^ you're adorable...
Ross: Really? Not paranoid?
Laura: A bit.

Rydel: ^kisses Ellington onto cheek^ I love you so much.
Ell: ^smiles^ I love you too. You were worth to wait all them 6-7 years.
Rydel: So, were you.
^Rydellington kisses^
Rydel: Probably the most beautiful view ever. ^smiles^ I'm glad I can share it with you.
^Ellington takes Rydel into his arm^

^at R5's concert. They've already played Sometime Last Night through but Ross wanted to do something special to Laura^
Ross: Alright, scream IF you DON'T know I've a girlfriend.
^kinda much of the fan crowd scream^
Ross: How many of you knew?
^not that much fans scream^
Ross: How many of you ships Raura?
^basically all the fans scream^
Ross: Okay, well I have. I never ever thought I would be so lucky to find someone that special to me. That girl is also my best friend. She is funny and loving, I can trust her. I don't think there's many couples whose partner is their best friend... I'm so happy I have her in my life. I couldn't imagine to be with someone else, she's the one for me. It's been 4 years since I fell in love with her... I love her so so so much.
^fans scream like a crazy^
Ross: ^smiles^ Laura, come up here.
^fans start screaming even louder and Laura comes on the stage^
Laura: What was that for? ^has an emotional smile on her face^
Ross: ^smiles^ I just really had to tell you that.
Laura: You're so awesome...
^they kiss a long one and fans scream^
Laura: I love you too...
Ross: ^hugs Laura and kisses her onto forehead^ You are thee one.
Laura: ^smiles^ same here.

^In Raura's hotel room after R5's concert. Laura's on a phone with Raini^
Raini: I'm freaking out! 2 days and I should be a loving wife! I can't do it, I really really really can't!
Laura: Raini, it's going to be alright. There's no reason to freak out.
Raini: Really?
Laura: Really. You love Calum and you love your daughter. Do it for love.
Raini: Still, it's so huge!
Laura: I know, I know.
Raini: What if something happens?
Laura: Nothing will.
Raini: Oh my god...
Laura: Take deep breaths. I'm your maid of honor and if something goes wrong, it's fixed before you even notice it.
Raini: Thank you Laura.
Laura: No problem.
Raini: I really have to go now, bye!
Laura: Bye!
^Raini hangups^
Laura: She's flipping out. Anyway, have you packed. We have to be in lobby in 10 minutes.
Ross: Yes, and oh, we have ten minutes? ^smiles and pulls Laura in bed with him. Laura giggles^

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