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^Rocky and Chelsea broke up in Switzerland but no one knows it. They all went to Auschwitz, the torture camp for Judish people that Hitler wanted to kill. They're on an info tour. Laura, Bea and Rydel aren't so sure if they're liking it^
Info guy- ig: There's the steam room. They put over 2000 Judish people in there and let the killing steam spear in there. People who they put in there were told they're going to take a shower, and of course they believe everything they say in that situation. It happened all over again because no one survived from The Steam Room so they couldn't tell anyone about it. Over a million Judish people were killed in so short time.
Mark: Do you know, why did Judish people believe everything they said?
Ig: As I said, in that situation everyone believes and stands for everything they hear.
Mark: Okay....
Ig: Lets go in.
^Rydel links arms with Ell and Laura holds Ross's hand tighter. They get in^
Ig: You see that tube over there? It was supposted to be a shower but there steam came from.
Rocky: Has this been some other room too? I mean, there reads this room had many meanings.
Ig: Yes. It was most used for pulling out nails from toes and hands, also for turning their shoulders backwards as they hang so soon those turned around left their place.
^Laura's phone rings^
Laura: Sorryyy....! ^she gets behind^ Laura Marano.
Nurse: Hi Laura! We saw you tried to call us.
Laura: Yeah, I did. I was trying to get a baby check and a family check now that I'm pregnant.
Nurse: Oh sure! Let's see when we have timesss....... Are you able to make it a week from now at 11:00 a.m.?
Laura: That works well!
Nurse: Good to hear! What name I put for your reservation on?
Laura: Uh... Lynch- Marano.
Nurse: Alright!..... You're now here, Laura. Your doctor will be---... Well, me!
Laura: Okay, great!
Nurse: See you then!
Laura: Bye!
^she hangs up and hugs Ross from behind^
Ross: ^whispers^ Who was it?
Laura: I got us a baby check a week from now...
Ross: That's amazing!....
Riker: How could they kill pretty lady?
^everyone laughs^
Ig: Yeah, like her. ^winks to Lex^
Lex: Ohh... ^blushes and smiles^ Thank you.
Ig: Lets continue our tour.
Lex: Hey, I'll walk by your side!
Ig: Okay! You're not scared right?
Lex: A bit, haha!
Ig: I'll be right here... ^smiles. Lex blushes^
^Raura links arms^
Ell: Woow, sooo cooool!! This place is so freaky!
Rydel: You. Are. Bæ!
Ell: You. Are. Too. ^kisses Rydel on her cheek and they both smile^
Rydel: We should go on a date as soon as we arrive home.
Ell: I agree.

^later in Rocky and Ry's room. raura is there too. They are all just lying on the same bed; Ry, Rocky, Laura and Ross is the order.
Laura: Rocky.... Where's Chelsea?
Rocky: She's- uh... She went home.
Ry: Why?
Rocky: Her grandpa died...
Laura: Oh my god!!!!! I gotta call her!!!
Rocky: No need! She hated him...
Ross: Why then she went home for him?
Rocky: Her mom told her to.
Laura: Her mom left her when she was 3...
Rocky: I meant---... Um....
Ry: Rocky what's going on?
Laura: Everything okay?
Rocky: ^lets a sigh out^ Truth is---... Well.... Um, we b-broke up...
Laura: Oh honey! ^hugs Rocky^
Rocky: ^puts his arm around Laura^ We broke up in Switzerland. She was so mean to Lex and lied to mom. It was it, I don't watch behavior like that.
Ry: Is everything okay?
Rocky: No... I still don't have Lex! I love her... I just want Alexa back...
Ross: But you do know she's mad at you.
Rocky: I do know it... It would be awful if we'd not get together.
Ry: You think it's gonna work out?
Rocky: Geez, I have had so much time to think about that....! I don't know! I should probably do something but here I am, cuddling with my brother's girlfriend.
Ross: Yeah.... But Rocky, we shouldn't be just sitting here worrying about your  relationship with Chels. She was awful...
Rocky: Well, yes....
Laura: And we all believe in Rocklexa.
Rocky: You really think we'll be together some day?
Laura: Absolutelly!
Ross: Fuck yes!
Ry: Heck yeah!
Rocky: ^smiles^ Thank you...
Ross: Should we do something?? Like, Rydellington went out...
Laura: I don't know....
Ross: Wait a minute.... ^pulls Laura away from Rocky and hugs her^ Too long...
^Raura has only inches between their noses^
Ross: Hi... ^smiles and Laura smirks^
Ry: Oh c'mon...!
Rocky: It's like they have some kind of space where they have to be overly cute and super gross!
Laura: ^kisses Ross's nose^ You're so cute... ^her eyes are almost close as she's reaching Ross's lips^
Ross: Oh yeah?.... ^kisses with Laura^
Ry: Is bed so magical place anyways?
Ross: Y'know- y'know, even tho my brothers are next to us, this is not weird...
Ry: Maybe cause you do this aaaall the time!?
^Raura kisses twice but it ends up making out smoothly^
Rocky: Oh dear god.... ^lifts up his head to see what they're doing and then presses it back to the pillow^ Seriously!?
Ry: Raura makes me feel so awkward...
Rocky: Mmm...
^Mark comes in^
Mark: Ross, Lau-..... Really?
Rocky: Yes. We're right here!
Ry: Daaaad, they're so weird!
Ross: Shut up, we're in love... ^makes out with Laura^
Mark: Alright, Raura. Now.
^Raura looks at Mark^
Mark: I'm here to talk about this baby thing.
Ross: ^seems uncomfortable^ Dad...
Mark: You guys are aware of things?
Laura: Basic stuff.
Mark: Laura, you'll have addiction to things you wouldn't normally even think about. Like, to horse meat.
Ross: How you know she hates horse meat?
Mark: We hang out. I hang out with all your girlfriends. You think I don't talk to them?
Ross: okay, okay... Continue.
Mark: Yes. Laura, stay strong. You have to find out a way how to stand agains your needs, right?
Laura: Absolutelly!
Mark: Ross will help you with it. When Stormie was pregnant with---... Uuuuh, hmmm... With Ry-Rydel, I think, she wanted to eat corndogs and everyone knows she hates them! All your needs will be huge. Fight back. Then is this thing called love. Ross,--...
Ross: Oh god...
Mark: Ross, you got 9 months to be with Laura and make out with her as much as you want, but as soon as the baby comes, it's over. Your mom and I couldn't even kiss after we brought Rydel home because Riker started crying.
Ross: If you couldn't even kiss, how did Rocky started?
Mark: We had time while they were at grandma's.
Ross: Ew...
Rocky: gross!
Mark: I'm saying that as soon as the baby comes there's no time alone. I still hear the horrible scream of Rydel in my head when she caught us kissing like Raura.... And it was last week!
Ross: EW!
Rocky: NO!
Mark: Next: You guys listen to music so loud in your cars that I'm sure your child would die, haha! You have to turn down the music.
Laura: That's easy.
Mark: Yeah. I-.... ^mark's phone rings and he gets it^ Mark Lynch.
Rydel: Dad.... Uuhh... Ellington and I got stuck in a elevator and that yellowish button isn't working and here's pretty hot so could you please get us out if here?
Mark: Yes, of course! ^hangs up^ Raur, I'll be back soon.
^Mark runs out^
Laura: Raur? Haha!
Ross: My dad caught us off pretty bad time... You wanna start where we stopped?
Rocky: Oh c'mon! Like this, there's a new baby in no time!
Ross: ^first looks at rocky with mad face and then smiles to Laura^ New baby? It sounds cool...
Ry: This is getting so weird here!
Rocky: It is! Ry, I'm leaving you with these two, I go find Lex.
Ross: What? Why?
Rocky: I need to tell Chelsea is history.
Laura: Good for you!
Rocky: Byee! ^takes off^
Ry: Why does my brother hate me....?
Laura: I'll take a nap. You wanna join me, guys?
Ross: Yeah.
Ry: Mmm-mh.
^they all close their eyes^

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