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^R5 and Laura went to Stormie, Mark and RyRy for a day. Well, in a way, everything's fine, but Ross got mad to Laura yesterday about her comment on Ryd's question of Ross's kissing^
Laura: Hey, Ross!
^Ross comes into the kitchen^
Laura: Would you help me? I wanna help Stormy.
Ross: Would that be nice?
Laura: Eeh, yesss!
Ross:Then I'll not be nice.
^goes back to others, in the living room^
Rydel: Is he still mad to you?
Laura: Yeah. I said he's a nice kisser. That's a compliment.
Rydel: I know right!

^R5 and Laura's in a music room^
Rocky: Can't believe this room used to be mine and Rocky's room. Here's amazing sound!
Riker: Yeah. Okay guys, what do you think of this? ^plays a guitar^
Ross: That's nice. ^looks at Laura^
Laura: Oh god sakes,Ross!
Ross: Wasn't I nice? ^looks mad^
Laura: Stop it.
Riker: What is wrong with you two today?
Rocky: AND yesterday. Laura didn't even slept next to Ross.
Laura: I said Ross is a nice kisser and he got mad. Crazy, huh!
Ross: I'm a NICE kisser.
Laura: Cause you're!
Ross: How 'bout these other adjectives?
Laura: I'm so close to rip my hair off!
Ross: That'd not be nice.
Laura: Sorry, guys. I go-... Whatever.
^Laura leaves^
Rydel: You gotta be kidding me Ross.
Ross: Naaah, I'm not.

^Laura went to talk to Stormie. They're in the garden^
Stormie: So, Ross got mad to you cuz you said that kissing his is nice?
Laura: Yeah, can you believe him?
Stormie: No... What will you do tonight? Where you'll sleep?
Laura: Don't know...
^Ross comes out but Laura doesn't notice^
Laura: Like, at the moment Ross is nice.
Ross: Yay I'm nice.... ^looks mad and goes in^
Laura: Oh shoot! R5 has their concert tonight! ^covers her face with her hands^ No....
Stormie: Don't worry, sweetheart... I know Ross, he can't be mad to you for long. ^smiles^
Laura: ^takes of her hands from her face^ You sure?
Stormie: What is your longest fight?
Laura: Uhh, the one about Cavin.
Stormie: Yeah, and how long it took?
Laura: 5 days...
Stormie: See, everything is fine.

^At R5's place. Stormie, Mark and Ry came to there and they're staying there for a one night.^
Rydel: ^yells from kitchen^ DINNER IS READYYY!
Ross: Oh, how nice. ^looks at Laura and has an annoying smile on his face^
Laura: Okay, Lynch. If you wanna keep keep doing that, I'm out. I can't take you anymore. That is so annoying!
Ross: That wasn't nice.
Laura: Ross, seriously!
Ross: Eeh, no.
Stormie: Oh god...

^at the dinning table^
Laura: Very delicious Rydel. ^smiles^
Ross: Very nice of you.
Laura: Are you serious?
Ross: Yup.
Riker: Okay, you two. Go talk your problems out in the garden, now!
Laura: What a NICE idea.
Ross: "Are you serious?"
^Raura goes out^
Ell: Ross, well... He's special...
Rydel: Yep!

Ross: Sexy, hot, incredible, amazing, great...
Laura: Well, I think kissing you is all those, but kissing you is also nice! That's why I said that.
Ross: Why didn't you say all those things then?
Laura: Cuz I don't want to sound like a bitch. I love you and whatever, but sometimes I feel like it's too obvious that I'm your girlfriend.
Ross: Is that a bad thing?
Laura: Maybe... You have millions of teenage girl fans and you don't have no idea of the comments that I get every day and all the bad ones are from Raia shippers.... I hate it.
Ross: Are you saying that if you'd not date me you'd not get hate so much?
Laura: Yes... Ross, I love you very much...
Ross: What? Are we breaking up?
Laura: I don't know.... What do you think?
Ross: I hate this... ^puts his hand to Laura's cheek^
Laura: Same....
Ross: Don't know.... Why break up if we love each other?
Laura: ^looks sad^ Y'know, somehow your fans and my fans and our fans will figure this out... We'd get hate again...
Ross: If we'd break up, would you stay here?
Laura: I think it wouldn't be the same... We'd meet different people and bring them here. I couldn't watch you kissing some another girl.
^Raura hugs^
Ross: I'd never kiss an another girl than you...
Laura: Ross, I love you...
Ross: I love you too...
Laura: But, I'm sorry...
Ross: Same...
Laura: ^starts crying^ I don't wanna lose you....
Ross: Me either... Why we break up then?
Laura: I think it's for best....
Ross: Can't believe this.... What if we try?
Laura: Sorry....

^R5 just played their songs at their concert. They are still on the stage^
Ross: I gotta do one thing, guys... ^takes a microphone and talks to it^ I've something to say, actually sing, but I know the girl who I love isn't here but I hope she sees a video of this performance. I wanna sing "Crazy Stupid Love" cuz I think that describes my feelings for her.
^R5 plays the song and Ross sings it. Fans scream^
Ross: Thank you R5familyy!
^fans scream. Laura climbes onto the stage^
Laura: ROSS!
^Ross turns his head^
Laura: I changed my mind...
^they accidently speak to microphones^
Ross: What do you mean?
Laura: I couldn't move to my mom, I couldn't pack... ^tear ups^ I couldn't be without you.... Shor, I love you.... It was stupid to break up cuz some silly hate....
Laura: ^looks at R5ers^ I love you too... ^smiles and turns her head back to Ross^It was my fault to break up.... I thought I'd come here to listen to you...
^walks close to Ross^
Ross: I love you too... ^smiles^
^Raura hugs and kisses at the same time. Fans scream very loud and some of then jump like wackadoodles^
Laura: It was very stupid to break up.... I wouldn't get your incredible rossome kisses.
Ross: That's a nice adjective...
Laura: ^smirks^ Nice to hear...
^they both laugh^

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