Baby fever

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(( don't read if u don't know even little bit of pregnancy OR you're under 13, cuz this is little bit dirty. Thank you💚))

^Laura's on the phone with her mom. Ross is sitting at the dinning table eating breakfast and Laura's standing agains the fridge^
Ellen: Laura, Laura. I can't- I can't give a birth to this baby. It's been 19 years since the last one came out of me, or that is what I thought back then. I'm freaking out. It's only 16 weeks anymore...
Laura: Mom, calm down.
Ellen: I can't, I just can't. I'm a single mom.
Laura: You have us. I can take care of it anytime you want. That'd be good practise for mine... baby...
^Ross looks Laura^
Laura: ^says with out no voice and points her tummy^ N O.
Ellen: Aaah, why did I get pregnant again! I don't wanna baby, I just don't.
Laura: You're giving a life for something new. Your kinda have to do that, y'know.
Ellen: I wish this baby doesn't hurt me... Like when it comes out of m...-
Laura: Mom! I'm 19, not stupid.
Ellen: I'm begging you to do that giving birth thingy.
Laura: I can't and I think I'm not the right person to tell the right advices of pregnancy cuz I haven't been pregnant yet.
Ross: ^looks at Laura and whispers^ Yet?
Laura: Schh! You'd talk to Ness or Raini or Stormie. One, one and 5.
Ellen: Yeah, cuz Ness really wants to give me advices or being pregnant when she's too
Laura: Say that again.
Ellen:Well yeah, Ness is pregnant again.
Laura: Ness is pregnant!?
Ellen: Well they're trying. Somehow is not working.
Laura: Mom? Talk to her. I gotta go now.
Ellen: Laura, I think we gonna see next time after the baby's born or just few weeks earlier.
Laura: Okay? Why?
Ellen: I need rest. I wanna be just with my baby.
Laura: Sure. Okay, bye.
^Laura hangups and goes sit next to Ross^
Ross: Are you really thinking havin' a baby with me?
Laura: Whaaaat!?
Ross: ^smiles^ Like seriously?
Laura: Fine, I have thought that a lot. I wanna have a beautiful baby boy and I wanna hold him like a egg. Very carefully and softly. ^smiles^ I wanna baby.
Ross: You've a baby fever!
Laura: I might! I don't know, Tony and my bro... And probably new nephew.
Ross: Ness is pregnant?
Laura: They're trying, but I don't know. They have been married for 5 years and they are already 26, both of them. Caini has T and they are getting married in 7 months. We're 19 and we haven't been like them.
Ross: I know but you know right that we will get a baby in just 6 years.
Laura: ^her face gets serious^ 6 years... 6 years and I'll have my baby right here and I'm feeding it.
Ross: ^smiles^ Yes?
Laura: 6 years and I-I'm parent. You're too. Rydel will have a child, probably, Riker and Bea will have a child. We live in our own house. Oh son of a bitch... Thanks Ross for making me realise that I'm not ready to be a mommy, even I do what to..
Ross: Babe, we can do it right now but we are not ready. You'd be pregnant for 9 months.
Laura: So in 5 years aaaand 3 months, we have baby?
Ross: If you want so. You know right, that I do anything for your happiness.
Laura: Yes. So can youuu? ^smiles^
Ross: Imagine, if we'd have a baby, I'd not do this. ^kisses Laura's neck gently^ and then this ^takes his shirt off^ and then go to our room and have fun.
Laura: ^smiles^ I like that...
^Ross kisses Laura's neck with tongue and Rithany ( now on Rea ) comes from shopping^
Riker: Bro?
Ross: ^stops kissing Laura's neck^ Yeah?
Riker: Okay. Laura, I just saw your mom.
Laura:Really? I talked her on phone earlier and she's so freaked out of her pregnancy.
Riker: How you feel?
Laura: I wanna my own baby. ^raises^ I wanna my own baby to take care of.
Riker: But you two haven't...?
Ross: No, no.
Laura: We had a little chat about it...
Ross: Honey, just for interest. How far you have thought this whole baby thing?
Laura: I know their names already.
Ross: And those aaaare?
Laura: If it'd be a girl, Nelly, Delly or Hailey, if it'd be a boy, Cole, Dylan or Duke.
Ross: You really have a baby fever.
Laura: C'mon, don't guys ever have? You'd just go to some girl and be like: "I'm gonna get you pregnant now" and do that thing with your thingy.
Bea: Riker and I had that chat too.
Of course, we were drunk and we almoust did that.
Laura: Why didn't youuu? You would have a beautiful baby girl or boy now. I'd hold her or him like my own life.
Ross: Do you really want a baby so bad?
Laura: Yesss, yesss. I've read books about it, I've even watch 'Friends' 's every single episode of where Rachel and Ross's baby Emma is.......
Ross: I don't know. A tour and everything.... Austin and Ally.
Laura: Austin and Ally would do something.... Sexy.... and boom, she'd be pregnant. Raini were pregnant on A&A for Dez.
Ross: You'd have to feed her or him with your... Your.... Boobies.... and- and I don't know.
Laura: Everyone is pregnant now. My mommy, my sis, over 1 million ladies are pregnant now.
Riker: Hey, if you haven't even had IT with ^coughs^ something what Ross once got from a fannn... That'd be cool but a baby is lot of work.
Bea: Are you trying to get me out of this converstation about having a baby? I have seen your thing and we have been like how they hav-...
Ross: ^has a dirty smile on his face^ Riker?
Riker: ^looks embarrased^Laura?
Laura: ^has a dirty smile on her face^ Bea?
Bea: ^looks embarrased^ Whoops.
^Rydel comes out with Ell and a baby^
Rydel: Laura, your sister dropped Toby here. She said something about Chris's works and now's THE time. ^smiles and holds Toby with a one arm^ He's so cute! How old is he?
Laura: Oh my gosh... I'm gonna get a nephew... ^smiles and cries^ I can't believe this...
^Riker hugs Laura and she hugs back^
Laura: Oh my god...
Rydel: Uhh, the baby threw up...
^Ross walks to Rydel and takes the baby^
Ross: Seriously how old is this boy?
^Laura and Riker stop hugging^
Laura: ^walks next to Ross^ He's 4 months... ^sniffs and smiles^ my beautiful ba-... nephew.
Ross: ^gives the child to Laura^ Kinda weird that just in this minute, Ness dropped him here.
Laura: ^smiles^ Yeaaaaaah...
Ross: You told her? ^laughs^
Laura: She said she can't make love with Christopher if the baby's there, so I offered to help. ^smiles^ Now, we are going to clean that throw up.
^Laura goes into the bathroom^
Ross: Oh brother! Her baby fever is like Ness and Chris right now probably.
^everyone laughs^
Ross: No, it's not as bad as Rydel's.
Rydel: Well yeah.

^After few hours. Raura's sitting on the couch of the living room. Laura's wearing Ross's sweather^
Ross: Did you liked that Toby was here? ^smiles^
Laura: I noticed that I didn't have any time for you. ^smiles^ You're the number one to me.
Ross: I love you.
Laura: Love you too. By the wayyyy, I found my bra.
Ross: Really???
Laura: Uhu, under your pillow. ^smiles^
Ross: ....... You are wearing my sweather!
Laura: I know. ^smiles^
^they kiss^
Laura: Aaah, ^rests her head to Ross's shoulder^ Baby fever sucks. It sucks. It really really really sucks!
Ross: We just have to wait the right time.
Laura: I think, here's no a right time to do it. In few years, R5 is going to be very famous and then we can't get a new angel. Now, we're too young.
Ross: Well, I know one girl who's 15 and she has 3 babies......... Why did I tell that. ^laughs awkwardly^
Laura: ^smiles^ Don't worry. I just can't wait to see my brother...

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