Germany #2

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^Rocky is in the lobby, looking for Alexa. He goes to the lady behind counter^
Rocky: Excuse me, ma'am?
Lady: Yes, sir?
Rocky: I'm looking for this girl with kinda long hair, they are a bit longer than to her shoulders, she had leather jacket, sweater and black jeans. Have you seen her, I have lost her.
Lady: I can't say it for sure, but I think she's in the bar, sir.
Rocky: Thank you so much!
Lady: No problem, sir!
^Rocky takes off to the bar. He sees Lex sitting there, alone, and he goes up to her^
Rocky: Hi...
Lex: Y-... Oh, Rocky! Hi.... ^sighs^ What now? Is your girlfriend gonna come and bunch me for talking to you?
Rocky: Actually, I got no girlfriend..... We broke up, Lex...
Lex: ^looks surprised^ What? Really? That's-that's----... Whoa... Uhh....
Rocky: Is there any hope for us left?
Lex: Rocky, this-this is so much to take in.... I mean, she was the reason why we went apart.... Aah, wow...
Rocky: Take your time. 1 beer, please!
Lex: Rocky, ac-...
^they give Rocky his beer^
Rocky: I feel awful, Lex. Please, give me a change... I love you so freaking much. You are my life.
Lex: ^her eyes go wide open^ Oh my god.... Rocky! Oh god... I can't believe this...
Rocky: Do yo- Do you Love me?
Lex: I d-...
^The guide guy from Autchwiz comes up to them. His name is Andre^
Andre: Alexa? ^smiles^
Lex: Hi, Andre!---.... Uhh, Rocky, this is Andre, from Autchwiz. He and I are going ou-out. He turned out to be from LA, too.
Rocky: O-ohh.... Wow.
Andre: Lex, we have to go now...
Lex: ^she's so shocked^ Yeah! Well, Rocky... "I love you"--- I mean, I'LL MISS YOU! Wow, oh god, bye Rockster! No, Rocky! ^pushes Andre out of the bar^
Rocky: ^his face gets very sad as he drinks his beer by one zip^ Hey, give me your strongest! Just fucked up her life and mine too....
^they give Rocky a shot^
Rocky: 10 of these, please...
^awhile goes before they give them to Rocky and he drinks them in a minute.^
Rocky: Tequila, please. I'm trying to get out of my pain.... and 10 shots more.
^a guy makes Rocky his tequila and passes it to Rocky. Rocky drinks it by one zip, again!! Ross sees Rocky from outside of the bar and he goes check on him^
Ross: Rocky?
Rocky: Y-yep!
Ross: Really?
Rocky: L-Lex went out with a guy!!
^everyone looks at Rocky^
Guy: Um, do you still want your shots?
Ross: No, no more for him. How long have he been here?
Guy: Like, he has been drinking for 3 minutes. From strong shots to tequila!
Ross: Oh my god, Rocky! I'll take him now...
Guy: Okay.
^Ross helps Rocky up and they go to elevators^
Ross: God, Rocky!!! What were you thinking?
Rocky: Alexa!! She's dating!
Ross: Yeah, sure... They went out for one date!! Rocky.... What did you say to her??
Rocky:I love her.
Ross: Dude, shit...
Rocky: I know...
^they get in a elevator and go to Raura's room^
Laura: Hi?
Ross: He's getting drunk right now.
Laura: Oh my...
Ross: Laura, I was thinking if you could sleep with Alexa or something, I mean I stay with him. You need rest, baby needs rest.
Laura: I can stay here, honey. I've been feeling gashy and sick, also I need so much food! Plus, I go shop for mommy stuff  with Stormie tomorrow morning.
Ross: Mommy stuff???
Laura: Yeah, y'know... Mommy bras and panties, clothes.
Ross: Okay.... I was just wondering when you're gonna tell your mom?
Laura: Should I do it now?
Ross: Yeah! Call on FaceTime!
Laura: ^smiles^ Alright!!
^rocky lies down on Raura's bed and Raura sits onto it. Laura gets signal to her mom^
Ellen: Hi sweetie! ^smiles^
Laura: Hi mom! How are you doing?
Ellen: Great! You?
Laura: Amazing!
Ellen: Still dating?
Laura: Hmm, yasss!
Ellen: Good to hear! Where's Rossy?
Ross: Here! ^smirks^ Wazzup?
Ellen: Bradley just fell asleep. I was just chatting with Vanessa. She's 9 months pregnant, can you believe it!?
Laura: No! I mean, Toby were just born!
Ellen: Yeah.... Soon, I will be grandma to 3.
^Raura smiles to each other^
Ellen: What??
Laura: We have some cool news for you...
Ellen: Tell meeeee!!
Laura: ^looks excited^ I'm pregnant!!!!!
^Ellen screams and doesn't notice Domiano at the back^
Dom: SHE'S WHAT!?!?!?
Laura: DAD!?!? What the poop are you doing there?
^Ellen smiles and shows her wedding ring to Laura^
Ellen: We're back to marriage!
Laura: ^tears up^ Oh my god, this is so- aaaahh!! ^smiles^ Dad, you dumbed that bitch!?
Dom: Yeaaah, she wanted to do stuff too much....
Laura: I see.... Yay, oh god!
Ellen: You're pregnant? Oh my god!!!! Are you keeping it? Are you sure?
Laura: All yes!
^Ellen screams for joy^
Dom: What the fuck!? You are what!? Are you serious!? What are the chances you get pregnant on your first time!?
Laura: Yeah, it's not my first time....
Dom: WHAT!?!?
Ellen: Domiano, calm down...
Dom: Ross! You took away my daughter's virginity!
Ross: I won't do it again.....
Ellen: This is a happy thing...
^domiano takes off^
Laura: That went well...
Ellen: Aah, he's always like that! ^smiles^ You wanna know something that will cheer you up?
Laura: Yes...
^Ross hugs Laura and places his head on Laura's shoulder^
Ellen: Awe, look at youuu... Oh yeah! Toby swears! ^smirks^
Laura: ^smiles^ What!?
Ellen: Yesss! Vanessa's in panic because Toby goes like "Shit!" "Fuck you!" and "I fucking hate..."!
^Raura laughs with Ellen^
Ellen: I had to took off from theirs cause I laughed so hard!
Laura: That's like the most funniest thing eve--...
^her phone's battery dies^
Laura: MY PARENTS ARE BACK TOGETHER YASSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! ^she gets up and does her happy dance^ WOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^opens the door and runs through the halls^ OH MY GOOOOOOODDDD!!!!!!
^Ross stands outside of their room. Laura jumps on Ross's hold and they kiss a long, passionate kiss^
Ross: You happyyyy?
Laura: Yessss.... Dreams do come true!
Ross: They do. I realized it 4 years ago.
Laura: Awwww.... Ross, I feel bad.
Ross: For what?
Laura: For dad... She really thought we'd not done it. Like, what would you say if our child would suddently come up to you and say he did it??
Ross: Well yes... Laura, it is called growing up! Tomorrow we---...
^Raura runs to Riker's room^
Ross: What happened!?
Laura: You okay!?!?
Riker: Our concert got canceled!
Ross: No shit?
Riker: No shit!
Ross: Whyyyy!? Fuck....
Riker: They told there was huge problems with the stage and lights... It wouldn't be safe to perform. We have to home today!
Ross: Reallyyy??
Laura: But we planned to have Rocky's birthday here....
Ross: Yeah...
Riker: I know! We don't have that much money to stay in Germany for 3 days. Actually, we have but Japan cost so much we couldn't go there.
Laura: Yeah.....

^later that night. They're at the airport, waiting to board their flight back home^
Stormie: Guuuyysss, don't be sad... Atleast now we'll be home by Halloween. Isn't that cool?
Rydel: Sure.....
Stormie: What are you going as?
Rocky: Where.....
Stormie: To Lori's party. Rydellington?
Rydel: We thought we could go as Frankenstain couple.
Stormie: So cute! ^smiles^ Rithany?
Riker: Angelica and Jack Sparrow.
Stormie: wow!!! Rocky? Still my 20 years old son.
Rocky: Jack O'Latern.
Stormie: Aaamazing! Lex?
Lex: I'm going as a ghost.
Stormie: Awesome! Rauraaa?
Ross: To be honest, first time as Romeo and Juliet. But, like dead ones.
Stormie: Awwww, so sick! Ryry?
Ry: A cop.
Stormie: See? You got the most coolest costumes! It's cool to be home and go to Lori's Halloween party!
^all the young people smile^
Laura: And now we can go to Rocky's favourite restaurant to celebrate his birthday!
Rydel: Yayyyyy!!!
Mark: Let's get to our gate now.
Lex: Sure.

^at R5's home street. They're getting their luggages out of trunk^
Rydel: Everything looks so spooky and amazinggggg!! Oh look, trick and treaters! There's another one! And there! Sooo many kids!
Laura: I loooove Halloween!
Ell: Lori's party starts 3 hours from now. We should get our costumes.
Riker: Good we got them before tour!
Ell: Yeah!

Raura storiesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang