Bora Bora #4

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^R5, Laura, Stormie, Mark, Ry, Sav, Bea, Lex, Lori, Dylan (Lori's boyfriend), Emily (Laura's friend) and her family are having a dinner. Everyone, except Stormie, Mark, Emily, Jeremy, Colin, Lori, Dylan, Ry and Sav, are kinda drunk (sorryyy!!) especialy Riker and Ross^
Ross: ^takes a zip of his beer^ Y'know- y'know, basic-basically all the things I do are great!
Rocky: You do Laura!
^everyone laugh^
Ross: I may b-be a little-little out from the t-things but Laura, I love you...
Stormie: Should we take your beer away??
Ross: No-oo!
Riker: You-you get no on-one's beers! If you get his, you get mine, mom! I love you, mom!
Ross: Yeah, we love you Stormie!
Stormie: ^sighs and looks embarrased^ Okay...

^on a boat. They're going back to their hotel. O'clock is 12, so it's as dark as black^
Ross: ^Has scotch in his hand^ I-I.... I've ne-never been drunk!
Riker: Dude, I love you!
Ross: I love you too!
Laura: I love you both!
Riker: Do you love so much you'd kiss me?
Laura: Yeah...
Bea: I'd kiss Ross...
^Ross kisses Bea and Riker kisses Laura^
Ross: Lets get nak-naked and dance aaaaall night, Riker! I love you, I love you, I love you! Bro, you're my star!
Laura: Mayb-maybe w-we just shouldn't get naked-- ^starts laughing and Riker, Ross and Bea join her^
Rocky: Wha-what are you guys laughing at??
Laura: Everything!!
^they laugh even harder and Rocky joins them^
Rocky: Alex-Alexa past away! She drank toooo much!
Ross: Man, take some scotch! I-I need to go talk to my-my... Hm...--- mom!
^Ross takes off but he can barely walk. Mark catches him^
Mark: Everytime Ross!?
Ross: I-I... I heart you man... You're the man! God, you're loved!
Mark: You are so freaking drunk right now... Um, let's take a seat over there!
^Ross and Mark sit down and Ross takes a looooong zip of scotch. Then, he hugs Mark^
Ross: ^cries^ God... You are my light, dad...
Mark: ^has pissed voice^ Ross, don't cry. You are a big boy...
Ross: Bu-bu-but... I've nev-never been drunk, y'know. Y'know?
Mark: Really?
Ross: Rheallhy (really) !!
Mark: No more things left to say but you'll loose a day from Bora Bora tomorrow.
^Riker takes a seat next to Ross^
Riker: "We stay up all night, got blue jean baby playing in my mind!".... Umm..
Mark: You too? Oh my...
Riker: I love you both! I could never loathe you!
^Stormie comes up to them^
Stormie: Ross?
Riker: Yeah?
Stormie: Riker?
Ross: Riker's at hotel... No wait, I'm Riker!! I'm right here...
Stormie: You two sound and look like you'd have done drugs! Guys, no more alcohol !!
Ross: Som-sometimes you gotta loose it up a b-b-bit... I'm not drunk at all. ^his eyes barely are open^ And I've never been.
Riker: M-me neither!
Stormie: You take care of these two.
^Stormie takes off and Laura comes up to them^
Ross: That's my hot babeee!!
^Laura sits next to Ross^
Mark: Are you drunk Laura?
Riker: I'm not...
Laura: M-maybe a bit..
Ross: Gimme some love babe!
^Ross and Laura kiss^

^next morning in Raura's room. They both have just woke up. It's 1 in afternoon^
Ross: ^moans^ Oh my head...
Laura: What the hell were we thinking of?? I'll never drink again...
Ross: I've no idea what I did... I remember someone was crying and someone threw up...
Laura: Rydel and I threw up... Then we cried...
Ross: I remember crying too... A lot...
^Suddently Riker, Bea and Stormie walk in^
Stormie: Finally you two are up! ^smiles^ Where were you before going to sleep?
Ross: Umm... Y'know, uh... We were playing guitar.
Stormie: Nice try Rossy boo! ^smiles sneakly^ Laura and Bea weren't that drunk but you and Riker...
Ross: What did we do?
Stormie: You two were hugging, and yelling "I love you man!", and you, Ross, walked from wall to wall cause your legs were "sphaetha" which I think means "spaghetti"-- Yoy couldn't even walk.
Ross: Oh man... Was I seriously so drunk I couldn't even walk and talk?
Stormie: Honey, me and dad had to walk you in bed. And them you lied down and past away.
Ross: I hate hangovers!!
Riker: Good thing is that today is game night! Which mean we're playing strip poker!!
Bea: No Riker!
Riker: I won the bet and now I'm aloud to pick a game.

^at the beach. Ross and Laura are in the water with Ry and Sav. Ross holds Laura like a baby (legs around his waist) and Laura has her arms around Ross's neck^
Laura: Your body's warm... I like that.
^Raura kisses^
Ross: Are you gonna play strip poker tonight??
Laura: I'll undress you 'til you're nakeeeed! I'm the queen of strip poker!
^Ross smirks^
Ross: You sure are! ^smiles^
Laura: Are you okay, from last nigh, I mean? ^wipes Ross's hair behind his ear^
Ross: Yeah, almost... I just have very interesting feeling inside of my bed.
Ry: I was so scared of you, bro! And I was scared for you.
Ross: I'm so sorry, guys. I really am.
Laura: I like you better like this.
Ross: Same. ^smirks and kisses Laura but the kiss ends up to making out^

Rocky: I don't know, but do you think Ross is a little--... Um...
Mark: Love addict??
Rocky: Yeah. I mean, in a good way.
Riker: Definetly!
Rydel: Yaas!
Ell: Yuuup!
Stormie: I'm happy for Ross. ^smiles^ Y'know, past 19 years he has became such a romantic personality. I'm so glad he found someone like Laura to share it with.
Riker: Yeah... I never would've believed 4 years ago, they're gonna be together now. Like seriously, Ross was so different back then.
Mark: He has grew up from a boy to a man with a girlfriend.
Rocky: Imagine if Laura'd be pregnant!
Mark: To be honest, I'm waiting the day to come when all of you have kiddos.
Rydel: ^has a nervous smile on her face^ What? Why?
Mark: Cause you're my kids and I wanna you to succeed, and you'll realize how annoying you can be.
^everyone laugh^
Mark: But not right now.
Riker: Haha, why nooot?
Mark: Cause I know what it takes to make kids... And I don't want to think what it takes.
^Raura comes out of the sea^
Laura: ^taps Ross's abs while they're walking towards the others^ Miiiine!
^Ross smirks and pushes Laura friendly^
Ross: What are you guys talking about?
Rocky: I'm not sure... Kids or relationships.
Lex: Both.
Ross: Kids? What??
Rydel: Dad wants us to make 'em!
Ross: Okay?
Mark: I meant,---... Oh whatever!
Stormie: I don't think Ross knows how it all happens.
Ross: What!? ^smiles^ I do! You just don't use protection!
Stormie: No, honey. I'll tell you some day.
Mark: Any other things to talk about? Getting a bit uncomfortable...
Rydel: Yup!
Rocky: I know what makes Ross uncomfortable!
Ross: Yeah right!
Rocky: I do! Talking 'bout night w-...
Ross: Shh!!
^everyone laugh^
Rocky: Who told thaaat? ^grinds annoyingly^
Rydel: I can't believe these days went by so fast! I don't wanna leave tomorrow...
Mark: In 5 weeks you're having a concert in the Bahamas.
Laura: I loove Bora Bora so much! Thanks Mark for planning it.
Mark: No prob honey!

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