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^They're having a dinner at a "jungle" styled restaurant. Everyone has make a toast to Rydel already. O'clock is 11 at night^
Mark: Tomorrow we have a lot if activitites! ^smiles^
Ross: What will we do??
Rydel: Jet skii, water skii, swim, snorkkeling with vegetarian sharks!
Riker: This sounds so cool!!
Bea: I know! Thank you Rydel for being born and thanks Stormie and Mark for giving us this trip. ^smiles friendly^
Ross: I was afraid what she'll say after "Stormie and Mark". ^smirks^
Laura: No more wine for you, Romeo. ^everyone laughs^
Laura: You're not so dirty minded when you haven't got wine. ^grinds^
Lex: Oh you two! ^laughs a bit^
Rydel: Bora Bora is so romantic! ^leans closer to Ell^ Here's as dark as in space and the crickets... Beautiful lights and music... No better place for a birthday.
Lori: Congratsulations Rydel! ^smiles^
Rydel: Thank you, honey! Speaking of honey's... Who's this?
Lori: He's Dylan. ^smiles^ We met 3 months ago while we were bowling.
Riker: Oh, yeah. I'm Riker, nice to meet ya!
Ross: Ross, but everyone calls me with wacky nicknames so...
Rocky: Rocky.
Lex: I'm Alexa, but call me Lex! ^smiles^
Stormie: I'm Lori's aunt, Stormie.
Mark: Mark Lynch. ^smiles^
Ell: Ellington Lee Ratliff, you can call me Ell.
Bea: I'm Bea.
Laura: Laura, nice to meet you!
Rydel: I'm Rydel! ^smirks^ Like, you wouldn't have heard it!
^Dylan smirks^
Ryland: Ryland.
Sav: Savannah.
Lex: There's two more people but...
^everyone looks at Ross^
Ross: Yeah, I can't stand that guy...
Dylan: Ookay... Nice to finally meet you. ^smiles^ Lori has told me only good about you.
Rocky: Makes the truth more beautiful...
^everyone laughs^
Riker: Good one!
Laura: Romeo! No! Ew!
Ross: Fuck that dog.... Shit. My shoe is full of pee! I take him out...
Laura: Okay...
^Ross and Romeo take off^
Laura: He's only 5 months old...
Dylan: I-I totally understand. I have 3 dogs and it's like that at the start.
Laura: Oh good! So 3 dogs...? Um, Romeo bites Ross, but not mee... He also barks a lot....
Dylan: Typical for puppies. Romeo has just got used to you more.
Laura: I mean, only Ross.
Dylan: Maybe Romeo is jealous. ^smirks^ Y'know, he has become close with you and he sees how Ross is thee number one in your life, and the barking thing. Just tell him not to.
Laura: I try but Ross never tells him...
Dylan: Tell him to. ^smiles friendly^
Laura: Are you some kind of dog whisperer or something...? ^smiles^ Like, you're so good with dogs.
Dylan: I'm actually a musician.
^Everyone starts complimenting Dylan^
Dylan: Thanks.
^Ross comes back^
Laura: Hi baby, you're back...! ^smiles adorably^
Ross: Yeah??

^later that night. They're sitting around a bonfire. Rocky is playing guitar. Lex is basically sleeping agains his shoulder. O'clock is 2 am^
Ell: Happy birthday, baby... I love you so so so so much...
Rydel: I love you more than anyone....
^Rydellington kisses and they hug^

Riker: Bea? You awake? Beaaaa?
Stormie: Aww, she fell asleep...
Rocky: Like Alexa....

Ross: Are you tired, baby?
Laura: I'm hanging between sleeping and being awake...
Ross: Maybe we should take a walk on the beach...
Laura: Yes, sure.
^Raura gets up^
Stormie: Where are you going?
Ross: Just taking a walk.
Mark: Okay...
Lori: Y'know, tomorrow's a lot of doimg so I think, Dylan and I are going to sleep...
Rydel: Okay, goodnight!
Riker: Sleep well!
Stormie: Beautiful dreams!
Lori: To you too! See you in the morning.
^Dylan and Lori take off^
Riker: It looks like Ms. Sleepy would like to get in bed, so we're gonna go too. ^takes Bea to his hold like a bride^
Stormie: Sleep well!
Riker: You too....
^Riker and Bea leave^

Ross: ^holds hands with Laura^ Y'know, in my all life I haven't been this happy. You're the cause of that.
Laura: Me neither.... ^smiles^ I'm glad my first kiss was wit-... Our first kiss anniversary is tomorrow! ^smiles^
Ross: ^smiles^ Oh yeah! I still have a little heart on the August 11th.
Laura: Me too!
^they laugh^
Ross: Look, a water fountain!
Laura: So gorgeous...
^Ross pulls Laura through the bushes and they sit on the edge of the fountain^
Laura: I still remember the one time in Denver when we went to see your cousins and Bauer fell into the fountain. ^laughs^
Ross: ^smirks^ What do you think they'll do next week?
Laura: I don't know but let's not let them go in our room...
Ross: A reason?
Laura: There's messy.
Ross: That's pretty much true.
Laura: Well yeah!
^they laugh^
Ross: You look so gorgeous in that dress... ^grinds^
Laura: Thank you... ^smiles romanticly. Ross and Laura stare into each other's eyes and just when they're about to kiss they fell in the fountain^
Laura: OH MY GOD!
Ross: Shit!
Laura: Aaah! No-o-o- ^laughs^ -ooo!
Ross: ^starts laughing too^ Oh my god!
^Laura throw a water on Ross^
Ross: ^gets close to Laura^ Know what?
Laura: What?
^Ross shakes his head so the water what was in it, is now on Laura's face^
Laura: ^wipes her face^ I'm glad your hair smells good...
Ross: ^smirks and gets up^ Of course.
^Laura gets up too^
Laura: Let's go our room. I wanna sleep.
Ross: Same.

^back at the bonfire. Raura comes^
Stormie: What happened to you??
^Rydellington, Ryvannah and Rocky laugh^
Laura: We fell into a water fountain. ^smirks^
Stormie: Aha... ^laughs^
Ross: We're going to sleep, so goodnight!
Rydel: night night!
^Raura goes away^
Ell: Ryland, is your room where?
Ry: Next to Raura...
Rydel: We've next to mom and dad.
Stormie: Yeah... ^smiles and rubs Rydel's back^ I can't believe you're 22 already... I still see 2 years old DellyBelly running behind Riker and screaming: "Riker! Riker! We're getting a little brother!"
^Everyone smiles^
Mark: I remember when guys oulled pranks on you, you cried to mom and when she was mad at guys, you had this evil smile on your face and you looked at me. Then mom turned around and you cried again.
Rydel: ^smirks^ Good times...
Stormie: Thanks for being my daughter....
Mark: Mine too.
Rocky: Uh, thanks for- thanks for being my big sister.
^Rydel smiles^
Ell: Thanks for being my girlfriend.
Ry: Thanks for being my one and only sister.
Sav: You're my best friend!
Rydel: Thank you for being my family...
^they aaaall hug^

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