Sicky Rossy

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^Laura is in Austin and Ally party.^
Raini: Lauraa!
^Raini hugs Laura quickly^
Raini:What are you dringing? It smells sooo good.
Laura: W...
Raini: Actually better question. Which one of you is driving?
Laura: I'm here with Riker, actually. Ross is sick.
Calum: Oh, too bad. Where's Riker exactly?
Laura: I don't know.
Raini: I saw him just.
^Riker comes^
Riker: Sup'?
Laura: Where were you.
Riker: Taking ice cream.
Raini: Oookayyy!
Laura: By the way, who called you?
Riker: Ross. He said when mom and Rydel left he comes here.
Laura: What!? He's sick.
Riker: I tried already. He's coming.
^Laura takes her phone^
Laura: Great. 18 missed calls from Ross. I've to call him.
Riker: Sure.
Raini: Okay.
^Laura calls Ross and he answers^
Laura: Ross, you're not coming.
Ross: Yes I am. I don't wanna miss those.
Laura: You stay there. I come home as soon as possible.
Ross: Lauraaaaaa.
Laura: Ross seriously.
Ross: I'm not so sick.
Laura:Oh really? Why your vouce sounds like two dogs fighting over a ball?
^Raini laughs^
Ross: Is that Raini? Give the phone to her.
Laura: You are inpossible! Ross, you stay there.
Ross: Fiiiiiine.
Laura: Good, bye.
Ross: Bye.
^Laura ends the call and Ross texts her^
Laura: "S T A Y H O M E😈"
Ross: "I will, I will...😊"
Laura: "😚"

At home.
^Ross is in Raura's room sleeping. Laura and Riker come^
Stormie: How was it?
Laura: So awesome! I cut the caaaake. ^laughs^ Where's Ross?
Rydel: In your room.
^Laura goes to their room^
Laura: ^whispers^ Ross? ^goes next to his bed and put her hand to Ross's forehead^ Oh my.
^goes tell to Stormie^
Laura: Umm... When was last time when you checked his fever?
Stormie: Umm... Yesterday, before going to sleep. Why?
Laura: Well, his fever is really high now.
^Stormie and Laura go to Raura's room and Stormie puts her hand to Ross's forehead^
Stormie: Sweetie? Ross?
Ross: ^wakes but he barely can talk because his throat is sore^ What?
Stormie: Have you cried?
Ross: ^remember how he taaalks 😂^ Yesss... I have tummy ache, my throat is sore...
Stormie: Your fever is really high, Ross. Do you feel dizzy?
Ross: Little bit yes...
Stormie: Do you have head ache?
Ross: Yes.
Stormie: Oh Sweetheart... I don't have know what got into youuu. Do you wanna talk with Laura?
Ross: Yes please.
Stormie: I leave you two here. ^whispers to Laura^ Thank you honey.
Laura: You're welcome.
^Stormie goes^
Ross: Can you put cover on me?
Laura: You already have 6 covers, but sure.
^Laura takes blanket and put it on Ross^
Ross: Thank you.
Laura: You look so sick... You better sleep Ross.
^Laura goes away and closes their room's door. She go to the living room^
Stormie: I've not seen Ross as sick as now.
Laura: Me either. Should we get worried?
Stormie: I better call doctor. It's not normal if Ross cries because his tummy ache.
Laura: Yea.
^Stormie takes her phone and calls doctor^
Stormie: Hi, Stormie Lynch here. I call about my son. He's very sick.
Doctor: Have you check the fever?
Stormie: Yes. It's really really really high. He cried because his tummy ache, he has head ache, his throat is sore, he feels dizzy.
Doctor: Sounds really bad. I come there. Try keep the patient awake.
Stormie: Thank you.
^Stormie ends the call^
Stormie: Go wake Ross.
^Laura goes to Raura's room^
Laura: Ross... Wake Ross... Ross! Rooooss? ^She shakes Ross^ What? Ross, seriously this isn't funny!
^Rydel comes^
Rydel: Is here everything okay?
Laura: Ross doesn't wake...
Rydel: What? ^Rydel slaps Ross to cheek^
Ross: ^wakes^ Whaaat...?
Laura: Thank god... Did you hear me?
Ross: No...
Rydel: Mom called doctor. He or she is coming soon.
Ross: I don't feel so good... ^pukes^
Rydel: Mooooom!
^Stormie comes^
Stormie: Ross... Oh my.
Ross: Mom, help me...
Stormie: I do the best I can.
^Stormie takes the blanket where Ross puked^
Stormie: Laura and Rydel, please, try keep him awake.
Rydel: Sure.
^Stormie goes away with the blanket^
Laura: Do you feel dizzy?
Ross: Yess... Is like world is spinning around my head.
Rydel: When was you this sick before?
Ross: Do you really thing I remember now?
Rydel: I don't know. I just tried talk to you.
Ross: Okay...

After the doctor checked Ross out^
^Stormie, Laura, Mark and Rydellington are in the living room^
Doctor: I don't know what's wrong with him. You don't have to go to hospital but you really have to keep eye on him. Fainting is possible. This may be just some disease what comes and lefts, but now he's really sick so you have to take care of him.
Mark: Sure.
Rydel: I go cancel the concert.
Ell: I come with you.
^Rydellington go to Rydel's room^
Stormie: Thank you.
Doctor: No problem.
^Doctor goes out and Laura goes to Raura's room. Stormie and Mark sit on the couch^
Stormie: Maaaark... What if Ross faints?
Mark: We just have to keep him awake.
Stormie:How about at night?
Mark: Well Laura sleeps in the same room.
Stormie: We can't put Ross and Laura into same room. That girl will get sick.
Mark: Then, Ross sleeps in their room, but where Laura sleeps?
Stormie: Ellington is here... How about Rocker's room?
Mark: Umm... Do you think it would be kinda awkward like to Ross...
Stormie:Why so?
Mark: His girlfriend sleeping with his bros who are also Laura's brothers-in-law.
Stormie: You're right. Ry's room?
Mark: Tooooo messy. What about basement?
Stormie: There smells bad cuz all the dirty laundry.
Mark:Why there's dirty laundry?
Stormie: Cuz I'll wash those tomorrow.
Mark: So where she gonna sleep?
Stormie: Umm... In our bed?
Mark: There's no room to 3 of us.
Stormie: You're right. We can't put her sleep on the couch cuz Ross will go bathroom and puke and do everything what he does.
^Ross comes and sits next to Stormie^
Stormie: What? ^put her hand around Ross^
Ross: I need some food...
Mark: You look awful Ross...
Ross: G, thank you.
Mark: Sorry Ross.
Ross: ^nods^
Stormie: What do you want Lynch? ^smiles^
Ross: Chicken soup.
^Stormie goes make the soup^
Mark: Must be hard to you. You can't kiss Laura.
Ross: You know me so well. ^smiles^
Mark: Go sleep Ross. I bring that soup to you.

Next day.
^Clock is 3pm. Ross is lying on his bed. Laura gropes Ross's hair^
Laura: You look awesome even you're sick...
^Ross's hand is on Laura's hand. Her hand is on Ross's tummy^
Ross: I don't know... I look like a mess.
Laura: You still have sore throat and fever... Do you feel dizzy or do you have tummy ache and head ache?
Ross: Yes, I'm not feeling any better. Actually I'm feeling worse.
Laura: Oh sweetie...
Ross: Don't worry... I'll get better. I'm not dying.
Laura: ^smiles^ I know... Ross I love you more than anything.
Ross: I love you too. You can be sure I kiss you more than once when this goes away.
Laura: ^laughs^ And I am.
^Ross and Laura kiss^
Laura: Rest now... ^smiles^
Ross: Sure.

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