Girliezzzz #2

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^Sofia, Viivi, Krissu, Oona, Kaisla(y), Iida, Petra, Rosanie and Annika are hanging with their besties, R5, Laura, Bea and Ryland. They're at a beach and it's 12 at night. They're around a bonfire, telling scary stories^
Oona: .... And the girl was never seen again!
Rydel: I don't think I can sleep again...
Oona: Haha, Rocky's turn!
Rocky: Alright, it was unusually dark and foggy night... The wind was calm but still the trees were banging the windows. A young woman was doing the dishes, without knowing this day will be her nightmare... The woman was scared of every scary movie ever made. She wanted to be brave even once so she had rent a movie called "Triple Or Die". She was looking for the most scariest movie and that movie was number one on every site. She turn off the water and threw a knife back to a sink. She got comfy in her blanket and couch. She was so scared of the movie that she had to call her best friend. There was no signal just like in the movie. She thought she's being so silly, afraiding just a movie. Her doorbell rang and she went to answer it. There was no one. As she got back to her couch, the TV was off. She just sighed even tho she was so scared. After awhile, she heard something dropping in the kitchen. She went to look at it and saw the water dropping into the sink. She turned around and heard a louder drop. A fork was on the floor. She shook her head and walked back to living room. The TV said there's no signal. Doorbell rang again, again no one at the door. The water went back on... The woman couldn't move a thing. She had to get up and go see what is it all about. The doorbell rang on non-stop and the water was going on as much as it could. She screamed as someone pulled her from the legs into her basement! TV went back on, water stopped rolling and doorbell stopped ringing. Legend tells, what happened to her was so horrible she turned evil and she'll be back to YOU and do a lot worse...
^Rydel and Petra has pressed on Ell, Kaisla on Riker, Oona on Ry, Viivi on Rocky, Krissu, Laura, Rosanie, Sofia, Saara and Iida on Ross^
Laura: Stop stop stop...
Rocky: Scary enough?
Viivi: Just stop please....
Ross: Is this okay if I like this??? I mean, I'm a bit cold so you guys warm me.
^Laura pinches Ross^
Ross: AUCH! Clearly not...

^next morning. In the living room^
Oona: WTF happened last night? All the lights went suddently on...
Rocky: Maybe the woman from my legend is coming...
Laura: ^graps Ross's hand^ I'm scared...
^Ross smiles to Laura and kisses her head^
Iida: ^chuckles^ Not that I don't like you Rocky... Can you shut up?
^everyone laugh^
Rosanie: What will we be doing today?
Riker: Let's get ready for the picnic. ^smiles^ We leave in... 15 minutes!
Rocky: You guys deserve this, you're leaving already in the evening so let's have super day!

^on the picnic. They are in LA park^
Rocky: have you felt good here??
Oona: Yes!
Annika: Absolutelly!
Petra: hmm... I'm feeling a bit homesick...
^Ryland puts his arm around Petra and kisses her cheek once^
Ross: Well, hello there Ryletra!
Petra: ^giggles^ Wow....!
Oona: Ryloona!? ^laughs^
Ryland: ^puts his another arm around Oona and kisses her cheek once too^ Ryloona and Ryletra!
Kaisla: YASS!
Viivi:... IIII!
Ross: Guys, I forgot my thing!
Riker: Oh yeah your thing!
Laura: Why I'm  not a fan of that...
^Rydel smirks just like the other girls^
Rocky: Guys, maybe we should go get them?
Ell: Yeah!
Rydel: Hurry back!
^Ross, Riker, Ry, Rocky and Ell take off^
Rydel: You guys have an idea what Ross is missing?
Laura: No.... He's weird anyways so..
^they laugh^
Sofia: Umm... We'd have a one question...
Laura: Ask away! ^smiles^
Sofia: This is embarrasing... Uhh...
Rydel: Sweetie, I've embarrased myself big time so has Laura. ^smiles^
Sofia: Uh... What makes Ross and Ell so great boyfriends?
Laura: That ain't bad, it's sweet! Um, well, I think how gentle, kind and romantic he can be but he also got his bad-boy-side. I mean, he's so sweet and loving... I feel so special with him.
Rydel: Ellington treats me like a princess! He always makes me smile and it's what I'm looking for. I got my best friend with me...
Everyone: Awwwwww....!!!
Annika: Hey I wanna get some berries so Krissu maybe you'd come with me?
Krissu: Yup!
^they take off^
Rydel: Shoot you guys ain't gonna be here tomorrow....
Laura: Yeah...
Saara: Hey we got this day left! ^smiles^

^after an hour. Laura's trying to call Ross but he's not answering. The girls (not Rydel and Laura) are tearing up^
Rydel: ^hugs Oona^ No worries... They'll come back soon...
Laura: Dear god....
Saara: Should we try to yell their names?
Laura: Good idea! ROSS! ROSS!
^all the girls shout for awhile but then they calm down a bit^
Laura: I'm so scared right now... I wanna just find them... ROSS! IF YOU ARE THERE JUST COME! ^she starts crying and Petra hugs her^
Laura: If I don't find him, I ain't leaving this place until I do...
Rosanie: Let's just settle down... They'll come...
^they sit down^
Laura: Oh my god.... ^cries a bit harder^ I'm sorry guys... I-I just can't leave this thing hanging...
^Suddently guys comes guy out of bushes yelling. The girls cry and scream^
Riker: GOT YAAA! ^hugs them all^
Rocky: Sorryy! ^laughs^
^Ryland pulls Oona in a hug and shakes Petra's head and then hugs her too^
Ross: You crying babe?
Ell: Rydel what's wrong?
Laura: What do you think? I was so scared a bear ate them or you got lost!
Rydel: We seriously were so freaking scared!
Ell: Hey that was funnyy!
Ross: You can't be mad at us.... You love us... Right baby girl? ^opens his arms and waits for a hug^
Laura: ^looks mad for first but then hugs Ross^ I don't like that...
Ross: ^closes his arms around Laura^ I'm sorry...
^they kiss cutely^
Laura: ^kisses Ross's chin^ Why you're like that?? You make me feel weird...
^Rydellington's cuddling^
Ross: Baby, I love you more than there's stars at night...
Laura: Okay....
Ell: You're gorgeous...
Rydel: Hm...
Rocky: Hey wait?? Shouldn't here be 2 more girls?
Rydel: OH MY GOD!
^they take off to forest and look for Annika and Krissu. They shout them for awhile and they finally found them^
^everyone hugs them^
Annika: When were we missing?
Rydel: ^smirks^ Never!

^back at home. Baaliplants are about to hit the airport but they're saying goodbyes^
Ross: Hey babes, we'll have only a few steps on our world tour so maybe we can hang out after it?
Saara: Sounds awesome!
^everyone hugs from R5, Laura and Ry hug the girls^
Laura: Let's chat!
Oona: Yeah sure! ^smiles^
Ry: Whoops, we have to go if you want to catch your flight.
Petra: Oh...
Riker: Hey beauties, send me a message when you're in the airport! ^winks at the girls^
Kaisla: Absolutelly!
Sofia: Maybe we can come and see earlier. ^smiles^
Rocky: For sure!
Viivi: ^smiles^ Gonna miss you!
Rydel: Gonna miss you too!
^all the guys kiss baaliplants onto cheeks^
Iida: Okay, now we're late...
^they take off to door and wave. They go outside, Ryland followinf them^
Ross: ^in a low voice^ Such a babeeeees!

Raura storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora