Just some crap

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^They're in San Frans. Alexa came to hang out with them for next 5 days. Girls are having a girl's night. They sitting on the kitchen floor^
Lex: The most sweetest text you've ever got from your boyfriend? And I say that cuz I know the guys are spying on us.
^guys come out from their hides. They sit behind their girls. (Ell-Ryd, Ross- Laur, Rocky- Lex)^
Laura: The most sweetest text I got from Ross is the one he sent me without any reason at night at 3. "I just wanna tell you how glad I'm for having you. I love you and when you smile, I smile. When you cry, I cry, When you laugh, I laugh. We're a perfect match. Nothing can rip us off from each other. Laura, the one reason that makes me sure of my decision is you. You are my decision, and I'm gonna stick in it 'til the very end. I don't know how can I ever thank you enough for being my girlfriend. I LOVE YOU BABE."
Rydlexa: AWWW! Ross!!!
^Raura smiles^
Laura: How about your, Lex?
Lex: "I love you more than I wanna live. I would go to hell if it depends do I get you. Sure, you wouldn't let me do it cuz you care about me. Alexa Dowd, I love you :) <3 I hope our bond will be forever..." and then there was this cute "- Rocky" with a small hearts. ^smiles^
Laura: Please marry me Rocky! ^laughs^
^everyone laughs^
Ross: He won't, but I will.
Laura: Aww... ^smiles^ Rydel's turn.
Rydel: It was on our anniversary, which is also tomorrow. "Rydel, I've been thinking things between us and the thing what I joked about us ( I love you thing) wasn't a joke... We've been friends for over 6 years and I began loving you... Rydel, I'll say this face to face tomorrow, but just to be sure: u like me? love you..."
Laurlexa: ELL!!
Ell: I knoww... ^smiles^
Ross: Where you read these questions?
Lex: From Gals.com/questionsfortakens
Laura: Next one.
Lex: Are you virgin?
Rydel: Yes.
Laura: Yes.
Lex: Nope.
Lex: No, not by Rocky, boo. I was in collage and I was drunk.
Ross: Oh, good!
Lex: Yep. What's the longest time you have been making out for? 15 minutes.
Rydel: 1 hour.
Laura: Do I've to tell?
Rydlexa: Aha.
Laura: Well.... 5 hours...
Lex: Cutiessss!
Laura: Aha. ^laughs^
Lex: Have you ever got ate out surprisely by your guy? No...
Rocky: Sorry.
Rydel: He just kissed my neck for a couple of mins.
Laura: Yes.
Lex: Cutiess!

^after a few hours. Girls are watching some romantic movie. Every girl is inside of their guys' arms^
Laura: Y'know, I don't know why Dubby dumbed Carolon for Nesley. They've stupid names!
Rydel: I know right! Just to get wetter sex!?
Ross: Wetter?
Rydel: Mix of wet and better.
Lex: Nesley's hickeys are so unreal! You see? Laura's hickeys are so real but hers-... Phyyw!
Ross: Always a pleasure to watch a movie where the main ship breaks up...
Laura: You shut up!
^girls watch the movie for a while^
Rydel: I see their heads!
Laura: They ain't kissing!
Lex: Who's she?
Rydel: I think that's Carolon...
Laura: Threesome??????
Lex: Threesome!?
Ross: This movie just got intresting...
Laura: The fuck, Nesley's ass so large that I won't see Carolon!
Ross: One juicy ass...
^guys laugh^
Laura: I'm so gonna dumb you...
Ross: Your ass is so adorable... Small and round. ^smiles^
Laura: Like for real...
Lex: Oooh! Dubby left! It's just Carolon and Nesley....
Laura: This movie sucks!
Rydel: They stopped...
Laura: Dubby's abs...
Lex: I know... Yum!
^Rocky and Ross cough^
Laura: Yeah, yeahh...
Lex: Eeww! I hate that Nesley girl.
Rocky: She's not all bad....
Lex: Fuck you...
Laura: Guys are just watching her ass...
Ross: No...
Laura: Ross!
Rocky: Same...
^Ross kisses Laura's cheek^
Laura: ^smiles^ okay...
Lex: Oh oh! I see boobies, I see boobies!
^girls go into the kitchen^
Laura: What a movie!
Ross: Schh!
Laura: You're watching her boobies!
Ross: Aha...
^Lex takes the remoter and turns the TV off^
Lex: There went your boobies...
^guys come in the kitchen too^
Ross: I'm sorry, babe...
Laura: I better get see Rex tonight.
^Ross whispers Laura: Maybe we'll go to the hot tub together and you'll get to touch it...^
Laura: Ross... ^has a dirty smile on her face^ What's the time?
Rydel: 11 pm.
Laura: Oh nuts! I better go sleep, but before it, I'll take a loooong bath....
Lex: Good night!
^Laura goes into the bathroom^
Ross: She obviously needs help over there...
^Ross goes into the bathroom^
Ross: Put the water on...
^Laura puts the water on and she puts her arms around Ross's neck. Ross puts her hands on Laura's back. Ross presses Laura agains the door^

Lex: Why wouldn't they make out in front of us?
Rydel: I don't know... I have never seen them MAKING OUT in front of us, just kissing. They usually always after concert go into a closet and make out there, or in the evening and at night they make out in Ross or Laura's bunk.
But I'm sure they know we know they're making out.
Lex: Does they do the sound?
Rydel: Yep. ^smiles^
Ell: What sound?
Rydel: The sound when you're about to stop kissing with somebody and your lips are "wet" and then they stop kissing and there comes that sound.
Ell: Oh yeah...

^after one hour Raura comes out of the bathroom. Rocklexa and Rydellington are talking in the living room. Raura goes there too^
Laura: Happy one year anniversary Rydellington. ^smiles^ I can't believe it has been already year!
Rydel: I know... ^hugs Ellington^ thank you...
^Ross and Laura cuddles^
Laura: ^"whispers"^ You're so wonderful... and cute...
^Raura kisses twice and there comes the sound (now on everytime they kiss there comes that sound :) ) Ross sits on to floor in the living room and has his legs wide open. Laura sits between Ross's leg and Ross hugs her from back^
Ross: ^whispers^ you're so adorable... ^kisses Laura to behind her ear^
Laura: ^plays with Ross fingers^ I would pay so much on you...

^next morning. R5 is about to take off to LA. It's 8th last place to them to go on US tour, then they have world tour.^
Stormie: ^smiles^ Happy anniversary Rydellington!
Rydel: Aww thank you guys. ^smiles^
Mark: Already a year! ^side hugs Rydel and kisses her to cheek^
Ellington: I really appriciate all your support you have given on us. ^smiles^
Riker: No prob, dude! ^smiles^ How are you gonna spend this day?
Rydel: As you know, we're heading to LA so we thought we could go to our fave restaurant "Suchi" the sushi place.
Then we come home and hang in a pool.
Ross: Sounds nice.

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