Switzerland #3

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Continue from Switzerland #2...
^Riker is still in Raura's room, full of shock from Laura's pregnancy news. Ross tries to get signal to call everyone. Raura wants to tell all of them about the baby^
Riker: Sooo, let me get this straight.... You did use protection buuut it didn't work, then you went to bathroom and decided to keep this thing, and then this happened.
Laura: Yup!
Riker: Huh.... ^his face gets a bit sad^
Ross: Rik?
Riker: I'm sorry guys... all this reminds me of mine and Bea's baby. Sonetimes I just----..... Uh, nevermind!
Laura: Tell, please?
Riker: Welll, sometimes I keep wondering should Bea and I keep the baby....
Ross: Really?
Riker: Yeah....
Laura: Um.... Have you told Bea?
Laura: Run!
^Riker runs at the door^
Riker: Okay okay! ^he takes off^
Laura: Well that went well....
Ross: Yeah...
Laura: Let's cool off a bit. I want another soda like the one Lex spring on Chels.
Ross: Yeah, sure. Let's get one.
^they hold hands and walk put of the room^

^in Rocky and Chelsea's room. Chelsea's drying her clothes^
Chels: Fuck her! She seemed so nice!
Rocky: She is nice buuuut she's also very sassy.
Chels: Ugh, I feel so stupid!
Rocky: Thank you for not being mad at me...
Chels: I could never.
Rocky: I go apologize Ross and Laura for yelling at their place...
Chels: Okay... ^gives Rocky the key^
Rocky: Thank you!
^They kiss and Rocky takes off. He walks towards to Raura's room and opens it^
Rocky: Ross! Laura!
^he gets no answer^
Rocky: Maybe they're at Rydellington's....
^suddently he gets a need to pee so he gets in the bathroom. After awhile, Raura gets back in their room, but Rocky doesn't hear them coming^
Laura: ^cries^ That lady was so rude!
Ross: Bae, she told the lady behind that counter she's weird.
Laura: Really?? What's wrong with meeee?
Ross: You're just pregnant, babe... ^smiles^
^Rocky presses close to the bathroom door without even putting his pants back on. He listens to Raura^
Ross: How we're gonna tell others?
Laura: In the restaurant, tonight. We're gonna say I'm pregnant and let they freak out.
Ross: Before we tell it, do one more pregnancy test.
Laura: I took it this morning and it was positive.
^Rocky accidently opens the door and falls on the floor^
Laura: OH MY GOD!
Ross: FUCK!
Laura: O-.... Rocky?
Ross: Rocky, what the fuck!?
Rocky: Hellooo...
Ross: Please put your pants on...
^Rocky gets up and Laura turns around. He puts his pants on^
Rocky: You can turn, Laura...
Laura: ^turns^ Rocky?
Ross: What the fuck you were doing in there!? Did you fucking spy us!?
Laura: Ross, calm down...
Rocky: I was in a bathroom! I was here to apologize to you for the earlier fight, but I didn't here you coming in and then you started talking and I heard---.... YOU ARE PERGNANT!?!?!?? WHY!? WHEN!? HOW!?
Ross: HOW!? Did you miss some classes in school, Rocky!?
It's not fair to yell in front of a pregnant lady! I'll start crying, yelling or laughing!!!
Ross: Mm...
Rocky: Why is she pregnant?
Ross: It was an accident! She was on pills but they didn't work... This happened last night before we came here.
Rocky: Oh shit.... Guys?
Laura: Rocky, I'm begging you... Don't tell to others, please?
Rocky: When are you gonna tell others?
Ross: Tonight.
Rocky: Are you keeping the baby?
Laura: Yes...
Rocky: WHAT!? WHYYY!?
Ross: Because as young as that baby is, we love it!
Rocky: Wow, guys, wow.... ^sits down and covers his mouth^ Oh shit...
Laura: We understand; it seems crazy and stupid but please try feel us...
Ross: Bro, when you love something as much as I love that baby, there's no way or no one you could stop it....
Rocky:That's true... I feel you.
Ross: How?
Rocky: I've made thee biggest mistake ever!
Laura: I question that... ^pets her stomach^
Rocky: Congrats, guys. I'm proud of you. ^smiles^
Laura: Thank you...
^Rocky gets up and Laura hugs him fast. Rocky takes off^
Ross: That went well...
Laura: You've gotta be kidding me! First he, naked Rocky, falls of from our bathroom, freaks out and one more people knows about this! This is so awful, Ross! First Riker, then Rocky!! What if- what if---.... ^breathes out^ What if this baby's just bad for us...
^Laura looks very worried and Ross looks at Laura with sad face^
Ross: Laura.... Sometimes things go wrong, but in Lynch- Ratliff- Marano family things go aaaa lot wrong and you know it, baby. Everyone will be happy for us.
Laura: You sure?
Ross: How did your parents react when Vanessa was 19 and got Toby?
Laura: They told her how stupid she is and she has to do abortion. Mom screamed from pain and dad told me to go out...
Ross: Yeah. What does your parents think about it now?
Laura: ^smiles a bit^ They both think Toby's an angel.
Ross: You get what I am saying?
Laura: Yes... Your family's much nicer than mine which means they'll accept this.
Ross: Yeah.
^Ross and Laura hug^
Laura: Ross....
Ross: Mmmm?
Laura: My dad's gonna kill you...
Ross: ^smirks^ I think so too.

^in the restaurant. They have ordered their food already. Rocky sits next to Ross^
Stormie: Does anyone know where Alexa is?
Rydel: She said she would like to be alone for awhile.
Ry: What do you think would happen that bad Alexa's not willing to get out?
Chels: Maybe-maybe she's just not in the mood.
Riker: M-mhh... ^looks quickly at Chelsea with mad face^ or maybe someone made her very very very sad.
Rocky: ^coughs^ Riker!
Chels: I wonder who that horrible person is...
Stormie: You guys have no idea?
Chels: No, not at all.
^Riker hits his glass on the table^
Ross: Don't do it.......
Rocky: Chelsea?? A word....
^Rocky and Chelsea take off^
Ross: Guys....
Laura: Now?
Ross: Yes.... Laura and I would like to tell you guys something...
Riker: My lord...
Stormie: Tell, sweetie. Is everything alright? You seem pretty worried.
Ross: Laura and I-....we would like to t-....
Laura: I'm-.... I-I-I'm--... ^her voice cracks^ pregnant...
^Mark spits bread out of his mouth, Rydel and Sav sits still, Stormie and Ryland get coughs and Ellington's mouth is wide open^
Ross: I-I-I can explain...
Mark: No-no-no there's nothing to explain, I mean we'll go to a hospital get Laura an abortion. Right?
Ross: Yeah, about that....
Laura: We're actually keeping this baby...
Everyone: WHAT!?
Stormie: Wha-wha-hevikv-what are you-yo-you do-doing?
Ross: Keeping it....
Mark: Taking care of a child is a lot of work! Feeding, cleaning, loving, caring!!! It's hard especially for you two! You're 19, we're touring all the time, R5!
Ross: Dad!
Mark: I mean, you barely have time to take care of Romeo!
Ross: You guys will help us! Right?
Mark: If you guys really are keeping it, of course! Oh god, you're really keeping it!?
Laura: Yeah...
Stormie: Are you 100% sure?
Laura: More than that...
Ross: We promise we'll take parenting classes, read book about it and really really really take care of that baby...
^silence takes over their table for next 5 minutes^
Stormie: Is everything all planned?
Laura: Pretty much.
Ross: We've been planning it now 2 days.
Everyone: TWO DAYSSSSS!??!
Laura: More surprises, greeeat...
Mark: The baby's already 2 days old!?
Ross: Yessss...
Mark: Oh sweet lord...
Stormie: Sweethearts, I'm asking this one more time.... You sure?
Raura: Yes.
Laura: We'll take parenting classes, tead books, search from internet, hopefully you two will also tell us about it, my mom and Vanessa will help us...
Ross: I get pretty good money every day to keep up one baby. If we're living in the band house, they all with help us.
Rydel: I-I'm shocked....
Laura: We promise this is gonna work.
Mark: That do sound pretty safe...
^Raura looks at each other^
Stormie: Ross, Laura...... ^looks first Mark and he nods, then turns his face back to Raura^ Congratsulations!
^Raura smiles widely and excitedly. They hug each other and they all come to hug them^
Mark: ^smiles^ Unbelievable! It's Ross!
^Raura's making out but it's like cute making out ;) ^
Mark: They're gonna be parents, oh god! ^laughs^
^Raura stops making out^
Ell: Congratsulations, guys! ^smiles^
Rydel: Congrats babes!
Ry: Congrats!
Mark: Congrats! I'm proud of you! ^smiles^
Riker: Congrats!
Sav: Congratsulations!

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