Baby bro

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^Laura and Ross are cuddling on the couch.^
Laura: Peaceful day with my baby...
Ross: ^smiles^ Can't believe that in some years that really means a baby.
Laura: Yeah... ^smiles^
^suddently Laura's phone rings and she's have to answer^
Laura: Hi mom!
Ellen: Hi Lauraa! I've great news.
Laura: Well?
Ellen: But I'm also freaking out...
Laura: Okay, okay, tell.
Ellen: I'm in a hospital. This baby's coming out.
Laura: Oh my gosh... Oh my goodness... Do you want us to come there?
Ellen: That'd be very nice.
Laura: We're on our way. Bye...
^Laura hangups and Raura stops cuddling. Laura raises^
Laura: ^cries^ Ross...
^Ross raises^
Ross: What?
Laura: ^cries and smiles at the same time^ I'm going to be a big sister...
Ross: ^smiles excitedly^ What?
^Raura hugs^
Laura: My mom's pregnancy is over... I'll get a baby bro.
Ross: ^kisses Laura's head and stops hugging^ Everybody!
^Riker, Rocky and Rydellington come to downstairs^
Ross: Get your stuff you need, we're going to hospital.
Rydel: Omg why?
Laura: My mom's giving a birth...
^everyone smiles^
Ell: Guys, we need to go now!

^in the hospital. They are sitting on the couches opposite of the room where Laura's mom is^
Nurse: Ms. Marano?
Laura: Yes?
Nurse: Is the father coming?
Laura: Umm... I've to call my dad, excuse me.
^Laura goes to call her dad^
Nurse: Is there some kind of hard situation?
Ross: Her parents have broke up.
Nurse: Oh okay.
^the nurse goes back into the room^

Laura: What do you mean "not coming"?
Dom: I can't.
Laura: You promised mom you'll be here for her EVEN you'd have a fight. We have a party tomorrow and we'll stay here as long as it takes and I'll make sure you're coming cuz it's your baby as much as it's mom's. You're coming or not, but just for your information, she really wants you to be here with her.
^Laura hangups and come back to couches. She sits down between Ross and Rocky^
Laura: ^hugs Ross^ He said he's not coming...
Rydel: What?
Riker: Seriously?
Laura: He said he's at Christina's place so he can't.
^Ross puts his arm around Laura and kisses her head. A nurse comes^
Nurse: Ms. Marano, what did your dad said?
Laura: Uhh... Umm... To be honest, it sounded like he's not interested. He said he's not coming.
Nurse: Okay, well, thank you for calling and telling us. ^goes back^
Laura: This is horrible. I know they have broke up and they are friends, but how's this possible? Know what, I'm not bothering my head with shit now.
^smiles^ I'm getting a brother...
^A doctor comes for them^
Doctor: Ms. Marano?
Laura: Yeah?
Doctor: Ellen is almoust ready for giving a birth. In 6 hours the baby's here. ^smiles^ Congratsulation, big sister.
Laura: ^tear ups^ oh my god...
^Doctor goes away and Vanessa, Toby and Chris come^
Ness: Sorry, we're late, but the traffic was awful. How long have you been here?
Laura: For 3 hours or 4 hours. Mom'll give a birth in 6 hours. ^smiles^
Ness: Oh my goodness...
Rydel: Your bellyyy... ^smiles^
Ness: ^smiles^ I know... A boy and a girl.
Laura: Have you thought names yet?
Chris: Yes actually, a boy will be Cody or Dylan and the girl will be Nata or Hanna. ^smiles^
Laura: Beautiful names. ^smiles^
Rydel: How long have you been pregnant?
Ness: One month. ^smiles^ 8 left.
Rydel: Okay.
Laura: I go get coffee. Ross?
Ross: Sure.
^Raura goes^
Laura: I'm so excited! I'm getting a bro. ^smiles^
^they go into elevator. There's some girl with them. Laura checks her phone^
Ross:Don't worry, babe. Your dad will come. He has to have heart.
Laura: Oh please, he's in Christina.
Ross: You mean at?
Laura: Nope.
Ross: Oh... OOOH!
Laura: Yeah. ^looks mad^
^the elevator stucks^
Laura: Why did this stop moving?
Ross: I think we're stuck.
^the girl turns^
Ross: Sarah?
Sarah: Oh hi Ross!
Ross: Hii...
Sarah: Last time we met you dumped me. ^smiles^ Well, we didn't even go out, we just had a 4 day relationship.
Ross: Yeaaah...
^they hug quickly^
Sarah: Omg, it's Laura Marano. ^smiles^ I'm Sarah Chochs, a huge fan of yours.
^Laura and Sarah shake hands^
Laura: ^smiles^ nice to finally meet you.
Sarah: ^smiles^ it is. So, Ross, how are you?
Ross: ^smiles^ Good, you?
Sarah: Not very. My granpa's very sick and well, that's why I'm here.
Laura: Oh you sweetie...
^Laura and Sarah hug quickly^
Sarah: Why you're here?
Ross: We're here supporting Laura's mom. She's giving a birth.
Sarah: Wait a minute, you two are still going out? ^smiles^ congratsulation! Like, you and Laura and just Laura.
Laura: Haha, thank you.
Sarah: Weird, my granpa's dying and a child is borning. ^smiles^ A crazy life, huh.
Ross: ..... Should we call some help?
Laura: ^presses the "help" button^ Soo hard! ^laughs^
Sarah: I'm claustrophobia of elevators....
Laura: Take deep breaths and sit down.
^Sarah sits down^
^Rydel calls Laura^
Laura: Hi!
Rydel: Hi! Well, uhh, your mom's wondering where the heck you went.
Laura: Uhhh, were stuck in a elevator...
Rydel: Oh my! Did you call help?
Laura: Yeah. We be there in a minute.
Rydel: Good. Is there anyone else?
Laura: Sarah.
Rydel: Gosh!
Laura: ^laughs^ I know...
Rydel: Gotta go, sorry. Bye!
Laura: K, bye!
^Laura hangups. A mechanic comes to help them out^
Mechanic: Don't worry, you're out soon!
Laura: Great! Thanks.
Sarah: So glad I met you guys. ^smiles^
Laura: ^looks at Ross^ same here. Sarah, ^smiles^ just wondering, but do you have plans for tomorrow night?
Sarah: Sleeping but nothing else.
Laura: Would you like to come to our party then?
Sarah: Yesss! ^laughs^ That'd be nice.
Laura: See you then.
^the elevator starts moving again and it comes to the buttom level of the hospital and they go out of it^
Ross: Why did you do that!?
Laura: She still has feeling for you and I wanna be nice. ^smiles^ I want you to stay friends with her even I couldn't stay friends with Cavin.
Ross: ^smiles^ You're so nice...

After 4 hours.
^They all are in the wating lounge. Raura's holding hands and Laura's head's on Ross's shoulder^
Laura: Could she just give the birth?
Rydel: ^laughs^ I know this is not the right time to ask you, but you met Sarah!?
Laura: She was very nice, actually. ^smiles^ not at all like Ross's version about her.
Rydel: Ross's version is real, y'know. She acts nice to get close to Ross.
Ross: Like Cavin acts gay.
Laura: So Sarah's "Cavining"?
Ross: Yeah.
^A doctor comes^
Dr: Ellen's cervix's 3.9 inches so she's ready to give a birth. Could you come here, ms. Maranos?
Ness: Mrs. Marano O'feul.
^Laura and Ness go into the room where Ellen's^

After just 30 minutes R5, Laura, Chris and Ness are in the room where Ellen's^
Laura: ^holding the baby. Whispers^ Hi... This is like the third time I say "hi" to you... You're so cute... I'm Laura and I'll take so good care of you that no one will even touch you when you're older... ^moves the baby so he can see others^
You're awake now, so you can see these very important people in your beautiful life... There's Ross and he's my boyfriend... Then is Rydel and Ellington, Riker and Rocky, my best friends... Vanessa your another sister... Her husband Christopher and your uncle Toby....
^Laura's tear drops onto the baby's face and the baby moves his face. Laura whipes the tear of his face and gives the baby to Vanessa^
Ross: ^hugs Laura and smiles^ Are you happy now?
Laura: ^smiles^ Yes...
^A door opens and Laura's dad comes in^
Ellen: Domiano?
Ness: Dad?
^everyone looks mad and uncomfortable^
Ellen: If you're here to tell why you didn't come earlier, I say this now, go away.
Laura: Dad, you came here for no reason...
Ness: Seriously, go away. If you're too busy having sex with the devil bitch, don't even bother to come.
Dom: Let me see my baby and I'll go.
^Vanessa shows the baby to her dad^
Dom: Thank you... ^looks sad^
^Domiano goes away^
Laura: I feel so bad... Mom, I go talk to him.
Ellen: No. He's too selfish to even bother to see his kid, he doesn't need to see his other ones either. So, let's focus on that cutie... ^smiles^
^everyone smiles^
Rydel: Welcome to the world cutiepie... ^smiles^

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