LA #1

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^R5 just came home from Raini and Calum's wedding. Rydel, Ellington and Rocky already go to bed, but Riker and Raura stay downstairs^
Laura: I go to get a glass of wine... It's only 12...
Ross: Babe? ^takes a seat from the couch^ come here.
^Laura sits next to Ross and puts his arm around her. He holds her tight. Laura cuddles Ross's left side^
Riker: ^sits onto the couch too^ Is everything okay?
Laura: My dad is really getting married, and my mom has been arguing with her boyfriend... Plus, I think I'm getting sick by some food from Paris...
Ross: Talk to your mom tomorrow.
Laura: Yeah....
Riker: We're going there? Cool.
Laura: She invite us to come there. ^smiles^
Ross: ^kisses Laura's head^ Everything's alright, baby....
Riker: I let you two lovebirdies talk... or do more... ^raises up^
Ross: Riker! ^laughs^ We recorded "Saw 3", wanna watch?
Riker: Sure. ^sits down^
^Ross puts the movie on^
Laura: Last time I watched this, I couldn't sleep well.
Ross: Yeah, and you pressed agains me and twirled your legs around mine.
Laura: You're safe.
Ross: I know.

^in the morning. Ross has woken up, like everyone else except Laura. They're eating breakfast in the kitchen^
Ross: I'm telling you, she went round and round. Something's bothering her...
Rydel: So what, she didn't slept well.
Ross: I'm worried. It's not the first time. In Argentina, she watched TV 'til 4am and went sleeping to couch. I don't know what has her dad done to her, but she's not acting normal anymore.
^Laura comes in the kitchen. She still has bed head. Ross raises from the table^
Ross: Morning, tornado.
Laura: What?
Ross: Did you sleep at all?
Laura: No... I kept thinking my dad... and I had a dream about Saw 3 and it killed you. Then, somehow I thought you and Sarah, and us, and me and Calvin. I also thought if we'd break up and now I've a whole list for reasons why to break up.- Baby, help me...
^Ross and Laura hug^
Ross: You need to talk with your dad.
Laura: I won't talk him.
Ross: I won't sleep with you if you keep spinning like tornado.
^they let go each other and Laura goes to fridgerator^
Laura: You're pain in my ass.
Ross: You're mine.
^Ross takes his plate from the table and places it in the sink^
Laura: ^takes a water bottle and butter from fridgerator^ Ross, if we're gonna go to talk with my dad we have to go now.
Ross: Really?
Laura: Yeah. We have to be at mom's at 2, so we have 1 hour to be at my dad's.
Ross: Okay. I go dress up.
Laura: Thank you honey. ^opens a bag of toast and takes one toast out from there. She puts butter on it and eats it^
We come pick up you all after I've fighted with him.
Rydel: Good luck.

^at Laura's dad. Laura just rang the doorbell^
Laura: I don't think I can do this...
Ross: You can, and you will.
^Laura's dad answers the door only a towel around his waist^
Laura: Oh god...
Dom: Laura! Ross! ^laughs nervously^ What are you doing here? Come in.
^They step in^
Ross: Laura would like to tell you something... Right, babe?
^Christina and his sons suddently come behind him^
Laura: Oh... Ye-yeah... ^wipes her hair behind her ear^ but it-it can wait.
Dom: We were just having breakfast, if you want join?
Laura: Did they stay here a night?
Dom: Actually, we all live here... We're looking for a house. ^smiles^
Laura: ^looks shocked and sad^ I'm- I'm hap-happy for you...
Chr: We're a family now. ^smiles^
Laura: Family....? Good for you.... ^holds tears^
Dom: What did you wanna tell me?
Laura: Actually, um.... I was just stopping by and say that we won't see for next 5 or 6 months, and Ross and I got a puppy. ^fakes a smile^
Dom: Well, actually we will. ^smiles^ I got us tickets to R5's concert in Rome.
Laura: Wow, wow- that's-... nice.
Dom: I couldn't be without my daughter that long.
Laura: Okay.... We're kinda busy with Ross and R5, plus I-I... I help Stormie steam their clothes, so unfortunatelly I don't think we're gonna see each other.
Dom: Wow... Okay.
Laura: We have to go, right Ross?
Ross: Sure.
Dom: What's the rush? I'll cook.
Laura: We have to head off to mom's.
Dom: How's Ellen doing?
Laura: Fantastic...
Dom: Bradley were here a couple of days ago. H- wait a minute! You and Chris's kids haven't met. Here's Alex and Manny, she's Laura.
Alex: Hi, nice to meet you finally. ^smiles^
Manny: Hi.
Laura: Hello... Ross! Wait! You got that thing.
Ross: Thing? ---- Oh, yeah! The thing!
Laura: We have to go, sorry.
Dom: See you soon.
Laura: Fine.
^Ross and Laura take off. In their car^
Laura: Drive home as fast as possible...

^at home. Laura runs upstairs, into her and Ross's room.^
Ross: Laura, wait!
Riker: What's wrong?
Ross: We went to her dad, but his new family was also there. Laura got upset cause now she's truely up from all the changes.
Ell: Changes, like?
Ross: They're getting married and all they 4 are living together and looking for a house to live.
Ell: His dad doesn't care about Laura's feelings anymore, doesn't he?
Ross: Cleary not. I don't know what to do to make her happy.
Rocky: Do that what makes her yell "Rauce!".
Ross: I can't do that right now... But whatever, I need to go upstairs.
^Ross runs up the stairs and walks into their room. Laura's on their bed, crying. She has her bed pressed again Ross's pillow. Ross goes lies down next to her and puts his arm around her^
Ross: Babe... I'm so sorry... Your dad is an big time asshole. He isn't worth of your tears, baby...
Laura: He was so nice to me when we were kids. That bitch turned him upside down...
Ross: Look at me...
^Laura turns her face at Ross from the pillow^
Ross: When I fell in love with you, you were shy and always worrying about the others. Now you're confident and you got a circle.
Laura: Circle?
Ross: Circle. Us, Lynches and Ratiffs.
Laura: Thank you...
Ross: This is why boyfriends are made.
Laura: Really? What about the another thing?
Ross: Are you in the mood?
Laura: Always with you.
^Ross goes over Laura and they start making out^
Laura: Oh yeah! Rydeeel!
^Rydel comes to their room^
Laura: Can you take Romeo downstairs?
Rydel: Sure.
^Rydel lifts Romeo up to her hold and closes the door behind her^

To be continue in LA #2

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