Bora Bora #3

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^They're roller skating back to their hotel. Ross is trying to teach Laura how to, and Riker is trying to teach Bea^
Ross: So, brake!
^Laura brakes and her speed gets slower^
Ross: Now lean foreward a bit so you won't fall so easily.
Laura: Hey, I got it!
Ross: Hold my hand and we'll ho a bit faster. If you fall, I got ya.
^they skate faster^
Ross: And brake!
^they both brake^
Ross: Wow, you're so good!  ^smiles^ After this, we gooo--??
Mark: Hiking to Bora Bora's view place, but we go by bikes to the start of the mountain road.
Ross: I take a skateboard!
Riker: Me too!
Ell: Same!
Rocky: Me too!
Ry: Same!!
Ross: Hey Laura, maybe you should take a skateboard too!
Laura: And fall for no reason? Do yoy hate me that much?
Ross: I don't hate you at all, and I'll teach you! ^smiles^
Laura: How will you hold my hand while skateboarding??
Rydel: Laura, we can take a bike with two rider's seats. Ross takes one skateboard.
Laura: Sounds smart... Okay! ^smiles^ Ross: Maybe your teacher is tired and only thing that puts his energy up is a kiss. ^has a flirty smile on his face. Pulls Laura close to his body and they kiss^
Ross: Hmm... That kiss was a little unexpected! Maybe I'll teach you more.
^they kiss again^
Rocky: Alright, you two! ^pushes Raura to move again^ You can kiss or do more at night.
Ross: ^says in sarcasm^ Dude, Lex is sooooo lucky!
Rocky: You're right! She is.

^back to hotel. they're renting bikes and skateboards. The guy who's working there is named as Jay. He has weird accent^
Jay: So here is the skateboards! ^hands them to guys^
Guys: Thanks!
Jay: Girls' bikes are outside, the two-rider's-seat bike is there also and the man's bike is also there.
Rydel: Okay, thanks!
^they leave the store^
Ross: Okay, princess! Show what you've got!
^Laura gets on the skate board and turns out, she's very good at skating!!^
Ross: What the fuck!? ^smiles brightly^
Rydel: I didn't know!!
Ross: How!?
Laura: Thanks to Rocky! ^smiles^ Thanks for giving me secret lessons!
Rocky: No prob!
Laura: I wanted to make you proud so how did I go? ^smiles adorably^
Ross: You.did.incredible!! ^hugs Laura quickly^ That's so awesome!!
^Everyone gets on their bikes/skateboards and they begin their trip^
Stormie: Don't hurt yourselves guys!!

^at the most beautiful spot^
Sav: It's breath taking!
Lori: It's so awesome!!
Ross: Thank god, Colin isn't there cause he would ruin this...
Laura: ^pushes Ross friendly^ Rooooss... Just don't fight with him or I get mad...
^Emily, Jeremy and Colin come up there^
Emily: Hi you guys!!
Colin: Hi!
Everyone: Hiii!!
Emily: God, we haven't met at all! Sorry, we just had so much to do!
Laura: That's okay!
Stormie: ^smiles^ If you want, you can join us on dinner at 8. We could catch up!
Emily: Awesome! We'll be there.
Ross: No!
^everyone looks at Ross^
Ross: ... idea, where we're gonna eat! ^smiles awkwardly^
Emily: At hotel??
Laura: Um, we were thinking of going on a island with a boat. There's a great restaurant!
Emily: Alright. Shoot! I forgot to lock my bike!
Girls and Mark: God, we have to go lock them too!
^they,+ emily and jeremy, take off^
Ell: Hey, I need 3 guys to help me get up there! ^points a cliff^
Riker: Me!
Rocky: Me-aaa-hh
Ry: Aye!
^They take off^
Colin: So, Ross... How's it going?
Ross: Great.
^there's this awkward silence^
Colin: If you could be any part of a horse, what would you be??
Ross: What?
Colin: Jeremy told me this... Tell me what and why?
Ross: Eyes? ^looks down and whispers^ I know what you'd be...
Colin: I heard that.
Ross: ^looks up agan^ So?
Colin: Dude, chill. It's been 1 weeks since the fight. You can't be mad at me anymore.
Ross: Really? Oh really?
Colin: I didn't mean anything bad, I told the truth. Y'know, maybe Laura would be a lot happier without you. You guys are cleary no good couple. Hidious, I could say.
Ross: What the fuck is wrong with you!? I came here to spend time with my family, not to fight with a dick! Like, you don't have to say anything that comes up to your head!
Colin: You mean my brain.
Ross: I don't think you got one.
^Colin bitch-slaps Ross on cheek^
Ross: ^looks mad^ I'm so close to puch in the face! Seriously, calm down!
Colin: No one, I mean no one, questions calls names on me and then tells I'm an idiot! You are just spoiled boy who gets all time from the mommy and daddy! You ain't a good singer or a dancer! Fuck you!
Ross: ^pushes Colin away from him^ You little shit! You have major problems!!
Colin: I do? Oh, I do!? I think, you got them! ^kicks Ross to nuts^
^Ross falls down and yells from the pain. No one sees them^
Ross: ^has his hands on his personal area^ You...-- You---.. You need a do-doctor! OUUUUUCCHHH!!! OH FUCK IT HURTS!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!
^Colin sees Laura, Jeremy and Emily are coming^
Colin: You tell them, and I'll kick more...
Ross: You act like 4 years old...! OH MY NUTS!!! SHIIIT!!
Laura: ROSS!! OH MY GOD!! ^Laura, Jeremy and Emily run to them^
Laura: What happened, baby!?!?! ARE YOU OKAY!?
Colin: We shared a hug and my knee hit his things pretty hard. I-I tried to get him up but cleary it hurts too much...
Ross: ^whispers^ Fuck you...
Laura: Oh! Honey, ar-...
Laura: Honey, swear a little bit less... Here's a 12 years old...
Ross: You wanna try to get hit to your places!? CRAP! OH SHIT!! FUCK!!
Jeremy: Mom...
Emily: Go there!
^Jeremy runs away^
Laura: ^helps Ross up^ Babyyy!
Ross: I think I'm getting my skateboard and grap a cab...

^back to hotel. In Raura's room. Ross is lying on their bed^
Laura: How are you?
Ross: It's interesting... It tickles... Weird.
Laura: You sure you don't need a doctor?
Ross: Nah, I'm gonna be alright.
Laura: Okay... ^sits next to Ross^ So what really happened?
Ross: What?
Laura: Em told me about Colin. Sounds a lier...
Ross: You wanna know? Okay! ^raises to sit^ O-ooh... Okay, now. He fucking kicked me and hit me.
Laura: WHAT!?!?
Ross: He seriously flip out! He bitch-slapped me and then kicked so hard to- there!
Laura: Oh my god!!! You sure you alright? I've heard it can cause damage! I'm gonna talk with that asshole! No guy treats my boyfriend like this!
Ross:Before thaaat... Damage?
Laura: Yeaah... If it's serious, you won't probably be able to--- um.... Y'know... It's just ain't possible then.
Ross: Really? God!
Laura: I'm sure it's nothing... I'm just saying.
Ross: So you're not mad at me?
Laura: Sweetie, I know you. You started it by saying something not so bad and he said things and now you're fighting again.
Ross: But you told me you're gonna be mad if we fight.
Laura: I'm not. I love you too much.
^Ross smiles^
Ross: Oh by the way, that white shirt over there. It's much more comfortable to wear. You should wear it.
Laura: You're so sweet, Shor...  ^kisses Ross to cheek^ but we're not staying here more than awhile so...
Ross: Yeah... But just for a record, you look hot and cute.
^they both smirk^
Laura: You too! ^grinds^

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