Caini's wedding

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^Caini is at the altar. They just said their vows and changed the rings^
Minister: Do you, Raini Gloria Rodriguez, want to take Calum Worthy as your be loved husband?
Raini: ^smiles^ I do.
Minister: Do you, Calum Caleb Worthy, want to take Raini Rodriguez as your be loved wife?
Calum: ^smiles^ I do.
Minister: You may now kiss the bride.
^Calum places his hands onto Raini's waist and Raini has her hands on Calum's shoulders. They kiss a long one and they walk down the ail Raura, Triella and their siblings following them^

^at the party place. Ross and Laura are on the stage^
Laura: Hi, I'm Laura Marano, ^smiles^ Raini Worthy's maid of honor. I just wanna say how happy I'm for them. I love them as much as they love each other. You guys are my best friends.
^Laura backs off so Ross can say his few words^
Ross: I'm Ross, Calum's best man. Raini, Calum, I can't believe you two made it, in a good way, of course. ^smiles^ I'm so pumbed for you. I don't know two people as ready to marriage as you at your age. I love you two.
Raini: We love both of you! Woo!
^Laura walks next to Ross^
Laura: We're gonna tell you what's gonna happen tonight. As dinner we have samon, potatoes and garden salad, if you're allergic to samon- I wish you've told them- you have chicken breast, potatoes and garden salad.
Ross: After dinner, the Mr. and Mrs. Worthy dance their wedding waltz. When they've danced it, you guys can join them dancing first slow songs, then faster ones, and by faster ones I mean dance music.
Calum: R5's gonna perform!!
Raini: And Laura and Ross together! And Laura alone!
Laura: Yeaah. ^smiles^ Their DJ is Ryland Lynch and he's charge of music. At 12 the wedding ends.
Ross: Have fun!
^they go back to their seats and waitresses start ordering the food. Raura shares a table with Raini and Calum^
Raini: Your speaches were a-mazing. ^smiles^ thank you guys.
Calum: Yeah, thank you.

^after dinner. Caini's dancing their waltz^
Laura: They make my heart melt.
Ross: ^smiles^ they're pretty adorable.
Laura: Pretty? They're adorable af.
Ross: Yeah.
^The song stops and other couples join them, even tho Raini now dances with her dad^
Ross: Can I have this dance with you? ^smiles^
Laura: ^smiles^ Yes.
^Raura goes on the dance floor and starts dancing^
Laura: Oh yeah, I now know what's my favorite song from Sometime Last Night.
Ross: Oh really? What is it?
Laura: Repeating days.
Ross: Um, would it be inappropriate kiss you?
^Laura looks around them and notices other couples kissing^
Laura: I don't think so. ^smiles^
^Raura kisses^
Laura: "You look like right into my eyes" is my favorite verse. ^smiles^ "with your big brown eyes"
Ross: You're the best girlfriend ever.
Laura: ^notices Vanessa and her family^ What??
Ross: What?
Laura: Vanessa's there. ^smiles^
^They go up to Vanessa^
Ness: Lauraa! ^smiles^
Laura: I didn't know you were here! ^smiles^ God, your belly's getting bigger.
Ness: Yep.
Ross: How long have you been pregnant now?
Ness: Bradley's 4 months old... Hmm, haha, 5 months.
Laura: Where's Tony and Chris?
Ness: They are at home.
Laura: How's Bradley tho?
Ness: Awesome. That angel has been gaining a little bit of weight lately.
Laura: ^laughs^ Oh my gosh, but you can still hold him?
Ness: He's 4 months old, what do you think? ^smirks^
Laura: I meant, is he that heavy?
Ness: Noooo! ^laughs^
Laura: How's Toby?
Ness: He's feeling sick, but not as sick as Ross was.
Laura: Oh... Tell him how much aunt Laura loves him. Have you listened to Sometime Last Night?
Ness: Oh yesss! It's super amazing! I already have tickets to your 2nd US tour.
Ross: Thank you. ^smiles^ Hey Laura, I'm gonna over there. ^points Riker and takes off^
Ness: Now he left, guess who's also here?
Laura: Don't say it... How did that ass pain get here?
Ness: He's dating with Calum's sister.
Laura: Did he break up with Liela?
Ness: Looks like it. Of course, it would be pretty hard to date with Liela if Hannah's now pregnant.
Laura: What!? Is she gonna keep the baby?
Ness: She's 2 months pregnant.
Laura: Do not tell Ross he's here. He hates Calvin.
Ness: Why? You two only went out for 2 weeks.
Laura: Yeah, but he still tries to hook up with me.
Ness: You do know what "hook up" means?
Laura: Yeah, Ross talked about hooking up before the wedding.
Ness: Wow, it would be your first time! ^smiles^
Laura: Not really....
Ness: Laura Marie Marano! Where?
Laura: In Spain. ^smiles^
Ness: Was Ross's-...
Laura: I'm not gonna tell you about Ross. ^smiles^ How's mom doing?
Ness: Okay, they've fighted a lot with David lately.
Laura: Okay... Dad? ^looks mad^
Ness: Laura... Dad fell in love.
Laura: He cheated on mom and got her pregnant, and then left her! And now he's getting married.
Ness: I know, but dad loves us more than he'll ever love Christina... And he's fine.
Laura: Whatever... When's the wedding?
Ness: 2 months from the day after tomorrow.
Laura: But they just got engaged?
Ness: I know it's too soon but I support dad if he's happy.
Laura: I will never support "Cheater" and "Chanel Bitch". Dad has cheated on mom and I'll never look him with a good eye.
Ness: Dad gave you his blessing when mom yelled at you for dumbing Calvin over Ross.
Laura: I really have to go now, sorry. See you tomorrow at mom's...
^Laura goes up to Ross and Riker. She's extremely mad^
Laura: Babe, I need extra hugs from you tonight...
Ross: What happened?
Laura: My granparents made my dad.
Ross: Alright...
Laura: I need a freaking drink.
Ross: Don't get drunk.
Laura: Shut the fuck up Shor.
^Laura takes off^
Riker: Good luck.
Ross: I better go check she doesn't drink herself to drunk.
^Ross goes to Laura^
Ross: Don't lie to me, how many shots have you took?
Laura: 1.
Ross: Don't lie. I know you.
Laura: 5...
Ross: In 20 seconds! Laura!
Laura: I'm sorryy... ^tries to take one more but Ross takes her shot glass away from her^
Ross: Drink as much as you want at home, but here you won't drink anything.
Laura: Fine.
Ross: Let's go dance.

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