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^Rydellington went as Frankenstain couple, Rocky as Jack O'Latern, Lex as a ghost, Raura as dead Romeo and Juliet, Ry as  and Rithany as Angelica and Jack Sparrow. They are still at home, decorading their own house to halloween spirit. Laura's outside putting pumpkins to frence, Rydel's looking for candy and guys are placing spiders and ghosts on the roof. Trick and treaters come to their door^
Kids: Trick or treat!?
Rydel: ^Opens the door^ Oooh! Aren't you guys cool! A witch, a bunny and a minion! Wow! Here's your candy. ^takes a bowle of candy and spills a bit to everyone.^
Kids: Happy Halloween!
Rydel: Happy Halloween!
^kids go away^
Laura: Your outfits are precious! Love them!
Kids: Thank you!
Laura: Here... ^gives them a candy bars^
Kids: This house is a gold main!!
Laura: Happy Halloween!
Kids: To you too!!
^kids take off^
Laura: Nine months, Laura, nine months... ^smiles^

^at Lori's party. Halloween styled pop is playing loud and people in their costumes are dancing.^
Lori: Laura! You want a shot!?
Laura: Sorry I can't take!
Lori: Why!?
Laura: ^smiles widely^ I'm pregnant!
^Lori jumps and hugs Laura^
Lori: That's amazingggg! Wow, so happy for you! How long!?
Laura: About a week!
Lori: Cooooolll! Aaah, that's so happy to hear!
Rydel: What are ya babes doing here!? Come daaaaance your butts offfff cause you have ones!
^Girls laugh and they go dancing.^
Rocky: Lex!?
Lex: Yeah!?
Rocky: You got a minute!?
Lex: Sure!
^Rocky and Alexa go away from people^
Rocky: About us....
Lex: Honey, you know how much I love Halloween, lets not ruin it....
Rocky: A few questions... Are you with Andre?
Lex: ^looks deep into Rocky's eyes^ Yes....
Rocky: Oh....
Lex: Did that answer all your questions?
Rocky: It did... Bye.... ^rocky takes off and Lex follows him^ Rocky!
Rocky: ^turns around^ Yeah?
^Lex kisses Rocky passionately and Rocky gets into it^
Rocky: What happened...?
Lex: It was answer to your other questions....
Rocky: But-but you with Andre...
Lex: I know.
Rocky: But you kissed me.
Lex: I know.
Rocky: Why?
Lex: I-I g-guess-- I still love you...!
Rocky: ^smiles^ You serious?
Lex: Yes. ^smiles^
Rocky: Andre? You gonna dumb him?
Lex: Actually....
Rocky: You love him too?
Lex: Yes...
Rocky: Tell me your decision... I'll wait.
^they kiss again^
Lex: What happened? Why we kissed again!?
Rocky: I don't know!
^they smirks and get to separated ways^

Riker: This party's sick! We should totally hang out with you more Lori!
Lori: I know! What has happened on the tour!? Except the babyyy newwws!! Congrats, Rossy!
Ross: Thank you!
Rydel: Welllll our concert got canceled in Germany!
Lori: Oh no way! That's sooo sad! I feel bad for ya!
Ell: We were really looking forward to it but you can't always win!
Riker: Yeah!
Lori: Hey I gotta go talk to others too! How 'bout all of you stayed here for this night? Let's watch a horror movie and talk!?
Rydel: Awesome!
Laura: Uuuh duuuh!
Ell: Sure!
Lori: Cool! Byeee!

^at night. Girls are watching a horror film in Lori's bed.^
Rydel: ^cuddles in a blanket with Lex^ Oh my god, I'm gonna dieee!
Laura: ^holds hands with Bea^ My heart's popping out soooon!
^Ross comes in very fast and girls scream^
Laura: Shit Ross!
Ross: What? ^cuddles up next to Laura^ What movie?
Lex: The Conjuring....
Ross: That's not scary! I've seen it like 10 times.
Laura: Shut uuuuup....
Ross: Nah I'm gonna go... ^ross takes off^ We're going outside!

^after awhile lights go off and on and off and on many times in a row.^
Bea: Uuh what's this?????
Lori: I don't know........
^girls get under a same cover^
Rydel: This is really strange..
^TV makes a horrible sound and goes off^
Laura: I'm so scared....! This is not funny at all....
Lex: Yeah.....
^suddently they hear a loud crack from the kitchen.^
Lex: What the hell was that!???
Laura: I don't know.....
^All the guys run in the room, screaming. Girls get so scared they cry^
Ell: We got youuu!
Rydel: Not funny!!!!!!
Rocky: Hey c'mon!
Riker: That was hilarious!
Ross: Total bomb!
Laura: I'm gonna put a bomb on your head!!!!
Ell: Hey c'mon.... It was fun!
Lex: No it was not!!
Ross: Oh you guys thought an actual killer's coming!? ^laughs^
^someone bangs the window and there stands a man with a mask on. All of them, even guys scream^
^girls laugh^
Ross: You knew we're gonna pull a prank on ya?
Rydel: Every single year! Ell you pooped your pants!
Riker: Okay that's not fair!
Lori: Thanks Dan!
^the man with a mask waves at them and leaves^
Rocky: That's cold!
Lex: Oh that was hilarious!
Rydel: I just screamed from fun!
^guys look mad^
Laura: Chill dudes!
Rydel: Lets finish this movie together.
^guys stand still  awhile but then they get in the bed too^
Laura: Yeeeeah... You can't stay mad at us.
Riker: We sure can't....
Ross: Happy Halloween!
Everyone: Happy Halloween!

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