just some stuff

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^R5's tour has officially ended and "R6" got back to their band house. It's only 1 day 'til Rydel and Laura take off to Venice. Everyone is in the living room^
Ross: It feels so weird to be back at home like for more than 1 or 2 days.
Riker: I know right!
Rocky: But I'm glad Ryland booked our world tour right after US tour.
Ross: Yeahh... What time you girls take off to Venice?
Rydel: At 4 am. That's why we are going to sleep very soon and by the way, we're gonna sleep in the same room just in case you'd wake up when we leave.
Riker: Okay. ^smiles^
Laura: ^smiles^ I'm super excited for it. I can't wait to see Venice and all the gu-... Guavas...
Ross: Nice save.
^Laura leans very close to Ross^
Laura: Don't worry... I promise I keep it down...
Ross: Okay...
^Raura kisses^

^next morning. Laura and Rydel are in a plane and guys are in the kitchen eating breakfast. Bea came to stay a night at them^
Ross: Bea, you know girls right?
Bea: ^acts like a guy^ Yeah, I know babes. ^smirks^ Yeah.
Ross: ^smiles^ Haha! So, if a girl says she's gonna call you right after they're somewhere, do they mean it?
Bea: Never! We might call you when they're in the hotel but we never actually call right after we arrive to somewhere.
Rocky: Interesting... How 'bout if you guys promise to not even check out a guy?
Bea: We do it. I even once kissed with Rikey and checked out one guy. Girls never mean what they say.
Riker: Really?
Bea: Yeah. But don't get paranoid!
Ross: No, no...
Riker: Bea... I think we have sit down and talk...
Rocky: Yes...

^after hours^
Bea: Guyssss! It doesn't mean if girl doesn't wanna cuddle that she's slept with someone! Know what, I'm gonna go... I don't wanna hear your questions anymore.
^Bea takes her pack and goes out. Soon she comes back in^
Bea: Did you know your new neighbors just moved in?
Riker: Really?
Bea: Should we go say hi to them? They're outside.
Ross: Okay, let's go.
^everyone goes out and walk across the street^
Bea: Hello! ^smiles^
^a sweet looking women turn to them. She smiles brightly. Her name's Rydal^
Rydal: Hello! Who are you?
Riker: ^smiles^ We're from that house over there.
Rydal: Oh, our new neighbors. Josh, come here and bring Welia with you!
^her husband and daughter come^
Rydal: These are our new neighbors...
Riker: Riker Lynch, nice to meet ya. ^smiles^
Ross: Ross Lynch. ^smiles^
Rocky: Rocky Lynch. ^smiles^
Ell: Ellington Ratliff. ^smiles^
Bea: And I'm Bethany Rosewood, but you can call me Bea. ^smiles^
Rydal: So you're only girl living with them?
Bea: Actually, I don't live here. I'm just Riker's girlfriend who stopped by. Rydel and Laura live with them.
Ross: Laura's my girlfriend and Rydel's our sister, except Ellington's. He's her boyfriend.
Rydal: I see. ^nods^ Oh! I'm, actually this is kinda funny because your sister's name's Rydel, well, I'm Rydal Fremie- Gester, this is my daughter Welia Gester and my husband Josh Gester. ^smiles^ How long have you lived here?
Ross: Just for a couple of months. We needed a place cause we couldn't live with our, Lynches, parents anymore, so we all, we plus Laura and Rydel, moved to here. It's kinda our band house.
Welia: R5... You guys are R5! Omg!
^guys smile^
Rydal: Would you like to come to coffee later? You should bring Rydel and Laura too.
Riker: Yeah, sure but girls are in Venice right now.
Ross: But we can come.
Rydal: Okay! Good! At 6?
Riker: We'll be there.
Rydal: Nice! See you then.

^Guys and Bea go to their house^
Bea: Ugh, your bitch next door neighbor has threw them leaves to your yard again!
Riker: Sooo?
Bea: It's annoying!
^Riker side hugs Bea^
Riker: Deeeeeeep breathssss...
^guys laugh^
Bea: Haa Haa, very funny...
Ross: 17 missed calls from Laurs. Gotta call back.
^Ross calls Laura^
Ross: Hey, you called.
Laura: Rydel and I have freaked out what happend to you! Why didn't you answer my calls?
Ross: Oh, I'm sorry. Ell call Rydel! And I was at our new neighbors.
Laura: Oh they moved? Nice. Did you warn them about Mrs. Dest ?
Ross: Not yet.
Laura: Are they nice?
Ross: Um yeah, but the girl seems a little shy.
Laura: Tell Ellington I'm on speaker phone and Rydel just dumbed him.
^Ross laughs^
Laura: Whatcha gonna do today?
Ross: I don't know, probably watch Die Hard.
Laura: Okay, but this call's gonna get expensive so I call you tonight, okay?
Ross: Okay.
Laura: I love you!
Ross: I love you too!
^Ross hangups^

^at Rydal's place. They're drinking coffee on her garden^
Rydal: How did you and Riker met?
Bea: I'm great friends with Laura and I came to their old house for one night. As soon as I arrived we had a thing, y'know? ^smiles^ and it all happened in one day, hahah!
Riker: Yeah. ^smiles^
Bea: Oh, I'm sorry! We have only talked about us. I wanna hear about Welia.
Welia: Well, I'm 17 and I'm almost done with high school and I'm single-
Umh, sorry...
Bea: No problem, it's cool.
Welia: You're so nice.
Bea: Aww, thank you. ^smiles^ Hey, Rydel has her Tea Party on next Wednesday, would you like to come? She loves when there's much people.
Welia: I'd love to. ^smiles^
Bea: Remember to dress up to a flower print dress!
Welia: Sure.

^later that night. Ellington and Ross are talking in the kitchen with Laura and Rydel on a phone^
Rydel: As long as she doesn't piss Lex off like- Alexandea? Yeah, Alexandea did, everything is a-o-kay.
Ell: Yeah.
Ross: What have you done today?
Laura: Hung all day on a beach.
Ross: ^awkward voice^ Did you see any good looking guys?
Laura: Yes...
Ross: Oh...
Laura: ... but none of them weren't as good looking as you.
Ross: Awww... ^smiles^
Rydel: But hey guys, we really have to go now.
Ell: Okay, bah-byee!
Ross: Byee!
^guys hangup^

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