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^R5, Laura, Bea, Stormie, Ry and Mark are going back to NY for another concert. Ross and Laura are in Ross's bunk^
Ross: ^smiles^ why you are smiling? What happend? What did Bea tell you?
Laura: Just the juiciest gossip everrr! Oh yeah, Rocky has put a condom here again.
Ross: That's the gossip???
Laura: noooo... It's not here so who could use it?
Ross: Uhhh... Rydellington!? He did my sister!?
Laura: Nooo! Other couples.
Ross: Ummm... Lex is not here... Mom and dad!?
Laura: No! And maybe, eww.
^Ross nods^
Laura: Like, cuz here is others, but Rithany!
Ross: Rithany had sex!? ^smiles^ Seriously?
Laura: Yes! Isn't this cool!
Ross: They have go out for like 4 months and we have go out for 4 years and we haven't done it.
Laura: I don't care! ^smiles with her teeth^ even tho, Rocky cares.
Ross: When we will do it?
Laura: Are you asking me that?? ^kisses Ross^ I promise you, in this year, we will do it twice.
^they both laugh^
Ross: Yasss!
Laura: But, omg!!! Rithany had sexxx!
^Rydel comes^
Rydel: Riker and Bea had sex!? ^smiles excitedly^
Laura: Yesss!
Rydel: Oh my god!
^Rydel goes away^
Ross: I just afraid they'll seriously broke up.
Laura: Yeahh....
Ross: Babe, promise me will never break up.
Laura: I promise.
^they come out of Ross's bunk. Ross hugs Laura from back and he's kissing ((eating out)) Laura's neck with tongue. They go to the ""living room"" where others are^
Rocky: ^has a dirty smile on his face^ What did you dooo?
Rydel: Did I just see tongue there, Ross? ^smiles^ you two are so freaking cute!
Laura: Talked, you did, and I know! ^smiles^
Stormie: Aww! I'd wanna see more Raura tonight... and also Rithany, but Beaboo is leaving tomorrow.
Riker: Aw-... ^his face gets serious and he acts that he doesn't care about bea^ Whatever.
Bea: ^acts too^ I'm so sad about that, but now Riker can be without me for while.
Riker: Goo-od.
Bea: Fine by me, we have broken up so...
^Ross rests his head to Laura's shoulder^
Ross: What?
^Bea and Riker ask by their eyes that they wouldn't tell^
Laura: I mean, what are you saying? Leaving already? Could you stay here whole week?
Stormie: That would be awesome! ^smiles^
Ross: Riker, a word.
^Ross lets Laura go and he and Rik go outside^
Laura: ^fakes a smile^ Bea, sweetheart. Can you show me where is your clothes?
Bea: They're in a closet at the end of the bus.
Laura: Still.
^Laura and Bea go away^
Rydel: That was... Odd.

Ross: So you are trying to cover up your dating just cuz you don't want to answer any question or get advices?
Riker: Yes?
Ross: Cool!
Riker: Excuse me?
Ross: That's so clever! Good bro.
Riker: Oh, I thought you think I'm an idiot.
Ross: I did, but not anymore!
Riker: ^laughs^ Cool, but I'll tell it soon.
Ross: Yeah, yeah. That's smart.

Laura: Are you mad!?
Bea: I knooowww! Rik and I just don't wanna all the advices. Like, Riker stopped loving me cuz he didn't see me for a while. All the advices of that.
Laura: Well, yeah, but tell soon.
Bea: I'll.
Laura: And by soon, I mean today. In the concert!
Bea: Seriouslyyyy? Okaayyy!

^Later today. Ross and Laura are in Laura's bunk^
Ross: What the heck is under my pillow?
^puts his hand under his pillow and takes the thing off there^
^Stormie comes, pulls the curtains away and sees the condom in Ross's hand^
Stormie: Oh... Sorry.
Ross: No!
Laura: No, no!
Ross: this-this is by Rocky. He puts these here.
Stormie: Alright? Why?
Ross: He ships Raura.
Laura: We don't have anything to do with that.
Stormie: Oookay.
^Stormie pulls the curtains back together and goes away^
Ross: That was awkward.
^they both laugh^
Laura: Yup. Imagine, if she would see us doing it!
^Suddently they hear crying^
Laura: Bea???
Bea: ^cries. talks from the one bunk under them^ Yeah?
Laura: Where's Riker?
Bea: Buying more pregnancy tests...
Laura: Excuse me? More?
Bea: Yes...
Ross: Bea, what do you mean? Why are you crying?
Bea: I'm... I'm... ^cries harder^
Laura: Bea? What are you saying?
^Raura comes out of Laura's bunk and they go on their knees in front of Riker's bunk^
Laura: Sweetheart, what are you trying to tell us? Why is Riker buying MORE pregnancy tests?
Bea: I'm... p-pregn-nant.
Laura: Ohh... Sweetie...
Ross: How you know?
Bea: Well, I had morning sickness today and I thought it was cuz some food I ate, but it continued and I got worried so I bought an pregnancy tests on the last bus stop. I did it and... Here we are. I told Riker 'bout this just before he took off to store.
Ross: What did the last test said?
Bea: It was positive.
Laura: Maybe, you peed wrong, like you used a condom.
Bea: There's 3% possibility that it doesn't work so you'll get a baby...
Ross: Alright Laura, we'll not do it.
Laura: ^looks Ross with mad face^ That was the best time to say it, idiot!
^Stormie comes^
Stormie: What's happening?
Bea: ^whispers^ don't tell...
Laura: ^raises^ Uuuhh...
^Ross raises too^
Ross: Laura and I made out and I said I wanna go pee.
Stormie: Alright???
^she goes away and Riker comes^
Riker: Bae?
Bea:Yea? Did you got them?
Riker: Schh!
Bea: They know...
Riker: Ohh...
Ross: Sorry, bro...
Laura: Ross, it may also be a good thing.
Riker: Well, it isn't. Bea's have to do abortion, cuz I can't raise a kid during all R5 things.
Bea: And I don't wanna be mom yet.
Laura: Well, yeah, but sweetie, you have to carry that kid inside you for 2 weeks.
Bea: I know...
Ross: Laura, we should go.
Laura: Yeah. Good luck, or bad luck, or whatever.
^Ross and Laura go to Ross's bunk. It not very close of Riker's bunk^
Laura: Oh my god!
Ross: Great, just when they got back together, this happens...
Laura: This is like from a nightmare!

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