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^Rydellington, Riker and Rocky  are setting everything up for Raura's 5th anniversary. It's thrown at Raura's favorite beach in Malibu. Some of the guests have already arrived. They have visited about 100 guests. Lori, her boyfriend, Laura's mom, little brother and sister and her sister's family, Raini, Triella and Calum, Lynches, Ratliffs and Ross' friends Ron, Malcom and Oscar are there. It's 9PM^
Rydel: Lori, mom! Can you pleeaaase help me out with this? I just can't get these cake pops to cover with chocolate.
Stormie: Sure!
Lori: Why not? ^smiles as she comes up to Rydel^
Rydel: We need to get these done in 15 minutes because that's the time they're coming. I go check on Ree! ^Rydel runs inside of the tent where Ree is. She picks him up to her hold^
Rydel: It's your mommy and daddy's anniversary... They have been together for 5 years. It's unbelievable! They were 16! I want you to find a girl just like your mommy and be in a relationship like theirs... Hmm, should we go outside? Yup!

^after 20 minutes. Everyone saw Ross parking his car so they went hide. Laura gets out of the car^
Laura: Oh my gosh, I don't even remember the last time we came here...
Ross: Yeah, me neither.
Laura: It was definetly before I knew I was pregnant with Ree, but all the other facts are blurry.
Ross: M-mh...
^they walk down the stairs to the beach and walk towards a tent^
Laura: I didn't remember here was a tent. What is this?
Ross: Maybe they wanted to decorate this place, I don't know.
^they walk a few feets until everyone jumps out of their hides^
Everyone: SURPRISE!!!!
Laura: Oh my god!!!
Ross: What thee... !? ^smiles^
Laura: ^smiles^ Guuuyyyss!
Rydel: We wanted to surprise you in honor of your 5th anniversary. ^smiles^
Laura: Aww you guyssss!
Riker: To kick off this party, get your butts up there ^points a stage^!
^Raura gets up to the stage. Everyone is looking at them^
Laura: Uum, uh, oh my goodness! This is incredible! I'm-I'm- aaaah! ^laughs^ Seriously, guuyyyssss!!!!
Ross: Wow, this is awesome! Gosh... ^looks around his self^
Laura: I-I'm speechless... Woah, has this ever happened??
^everyone laughs^
Ross: What are even supposted to say?
^everyone laughs, again^
Mark: Give us a speech!! Both of you!!
^the guests cheer for the idea^
Laura: ^looks at Ross^ Um, alright... I can start.... Uh, Ross, this is our 5th anniversary and everyone year you keep surprising me with the sweetest things. Uh, well.. Um, in all of these years you've been in my life, I still learn so much about you and from you. It gets you more than awhile to get known to a person you love with your whole body. You bring so much joy in my life... For example, almost 2 months ago I gave birth to our son, Ree. As hard as my pregnancy was you didn't give up on me. You believed in me. I'm thankful for that. We have had our low times too but what is a relationship without fights or arguments? Uuuh, nothing! It's healthy if you know how to solve them. If that's true, our relationship is veeeery healthy, haha!... What I'm saying here is that you, Shor, are my soulmate no matter how much I would like to deny it... No matter what happened. You are my other half... I love you with all my heart, Lynch... ^gets lost in Ross' big brown eyes^ You are the person I wanna marry, have more kids and get old with. Happy anniversary... ^smiles. The guests/family claps^
Ross: Okay, my turn... ^grabs Laura's hand and holds it as he stares into her eyes^ Baby, you make happy in a way no one else does. You make me laugh on the darkest days. You bring the best out of me. The sides that I didn't know excisted. The sides no one had seen before I met you. You, Laura. We have went through so many things, funny and not so funny. From millions of inside jokes that everyone loses their mind with to all the mornings we woke up at 4 am to go watch all the airplanes flying above our house. Whatever we do, I know there's no freaking way I could make it if I'd lose you. I love you so much! I can't even put it in words how much... To you my princess, happy anniversary...
^The guests/fam clap and Raura kisses a smooth one^
Mark: Now come down here, we need to show you something!
^Raura walks down the stairs that lead them off the stage. They get next to Riker and Rocky.^
Mark: May you all look at the silver screen! ^presses play from the remote he's holding^


Laura: ^wipes her tears off her cheek^ oh my gosh....
Ross: "there's no like a relationship" ^smirks^
Laura: It's perfect... Oh my goodness! Thank you so much!
Ross: Thanks guys. ^smiles^
Stormie: Ryland put the slow dance on! Lets all join the happy couple!
^Ryland puts the song on. Ross smiles at Laura as everyone makes room to them to dance^
Ross: Can I have this dance?
Laura: Yesss... ^holds Ross' hand and they get in the middle of the growd. They start dancing. Laura rests her head on Ross' breast and Ross' rests his head on Laura's head^
Ross: You look beautiful tonight...
Laura: Aww, well, you are very handsome...
Ross: You're so awesome... Thanks for being my girlfriend...
Laura: What's there to thank for? I love you...
Ross: I love you too. Seriously. I mean it.
Laura: I mean it too...
^they pull back a bit and lean in for a kiss. It ends up being longer than even they thought it to be. They smile at each other and get lost in each other's eyes.^
Rocky: Hey, get a room, here's kids! They don't need to see this smootchy stuff! Wait, don't... We do love Ree but we seriously don't need an another one...
Rydel: ^hits Rocky in the shoulder^ Rocky!!
Rocky: OUCH!!
Rydel: You are ruinning this!! They had a moment!!
Rocky: I knoooowww!
Stormie: Rydel and Rocky, stop fighting...
Ross: Baby, you wanna go walk down the beach?
Laura: I don't care where I am if I am with you, honey... All that matters to me is that we'll be there together, side by side...
Ross: You spoke with my mouth....
^they hug and still dance. Other couples join them^
Rydel: Perfect day, perfect end...

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