Anniversary part 2

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^Raura, Rydellington, Rithany, Rocklexa, Ryvannah, Brandon are in the pool^
^everyone laughs^
Alexa: What will the couple do this night? ^smiles^
Laura: Actually nothing. I've meeting with mom and I gotta go cuz she's on 4th month pregnancy...
Sav: Wow, congrats! We really should hang out more that just once in a year, like sleepover or something.
Laura: Yeaaah! That'd be great! But anyway, we're talking 'bout Ross so I just can't stay up all night and next day go to my mom like some drunken women. ^laughs^ like seriously.
Riker: Yeah. Does anyone drink tequila? Rydel and I bought it in the morning, so does somebody wants?
Ross: I should.
Alexa: Me too.
Sav: No, thank you.
Brandon: Sure.
Riker: Ryyyy... No. Ryd?
Rydel: Just one.
Ell: Same here.
Bea: Not this time.
Laura: Can't.

^Riker and Brandon just brought the drinks.^
Sav: Brandon, drink that so we can leave.
Laura: Nooo! Stay for night. Stay for 2 nights so we can do that girl's night thingy!
Rydel: Yeah! It'd be Beaby's first girl's night.
Alexa: I think you don't know what we are talking about. ^laughs^
Bea: ^laughs^ No I don't.
Sav: We have once in a year a day for just girls. It's like we'd be singles again, we don't talk about boys or relationship, we tell gossips and stuff. It's sooo fun!
Ross: Don't talk about guys? How 'bout last year I heard Laura talking 'bout me?
Girls: .......
Ross: What!? ^laughs^ Who you were talking about?
Laura: 1D Harry.
Rydel: He's soo cute!
Laura: I know!
Ross: Boyfrieeeeend...
Laura:Yeah sorry. Love you, baby.
^kisses Ross to cheek^
Ross: Love you too. ^smiles^
Laura: But anyway, Bea you're coming? Alexa? Sav?
Sav: Yes, sure. And I was 'bout to leave!
Alexa: Oh I stay!
Bea: It'd be fun!
Rydel: YAYY! So Bea, Lexa and Sav, stay here for 2 nights.
Alexa: Sure. Guys, it's been soooo long time since we hang out. Let's play that question game.
Laura: Yas! I start. Who's in a relationship? ^smiles^ me...
Ross: ^smiles with her teeth and looks at Laura^ Me too...
^Raura kisses^
Rydel: I am. ^smiles^
Ell: Me too. ^smiles to Delly^
Riker: Me, finally. ^laughs^
Bea: yes... ^laughs^
Rocky: Still no.
Sav: Yeah.
Ry: That girlllllll! ^points Sav^
Brand: Yes I am.
Riker: What!?
Rydel: Oh my gosh, Brand!
Ross: Tell more!
Brand: Well, she's very intelligent and pretty. She's wonderful.
Alexa: Cool! And by the way, no I'm not.

Next morning.
^Raura, Rydellington, Rocklexa, Ryvannah, Rithany and Brandon are in the living room^
Laura: Ross drank tooooo much! ^laughs^
Rydel: Yes he did! He called me Laura.
Ross: I'm sorryyyy! ^laughs^
Riker: Okay, Rocky and Alexa slept together so Ross wasn't only one who was drunk.
Alexa: Does somebody want coke? I'd love to. Okay then. ^raises and goes into the kitchen^
Laura: My baby slept with me. ^smiles to Ross and hugs Ross. Ross puts his arm around Laura^
Ross: Yeah... ^smiles^

^Laura just went to see her mom. They are in a coffee house^
Laura: So? What's up?
Ellen: I went to hospital earlier this week and they said that the baby is healthy and he will born maybe earlier that it should and it will come smaller that normal guys of his age, but you were smaller and your life has turn out pretty awesome. Four years already! Happy anniversary, honey.
Laura: Aww thanks. How's dad?
Ellen: Well, he said he's 100% into this baby thingy but there's something you really should talk about with him.
Laura: Tell me, like seriously.
Ellen: You know that we have divorced and we both have our own lives now, right?
Laura: Absolutely.
Ellen: Your dad has new relationship.
Laura: What? ^her face gets serious^
Ellen: Laura sweetheart, I've to go see Ness now but let's chat on Whatsapp.
^Ellen raises^
Ellen: Bye sweetie.
^Ellen goes outside, into the cab. Laura takes her phone and texts Ross^
Laura: "Ross?"
Ross: "Yeah?"
Laura: "My dad has new women in his life...😢😖"
Ross: "Oh... ???"
Laura: "We've to go to his place. I wanna talk with him. Can u come w/ 'e? 😢😘"
Ross: "Sure. I brt!"
Laura: "Thank you Shor💕"
Ross: "💦💦💦"
Laura: "Uuuuh whaaat?😅"
Ross: "Oh my gosh! I meant 😉😉😉😂"
Laura: "😂😄"

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