TB to Laura's move in

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^Throwback to the day when Laura moved in to their old house (now known as "Lynches" or "The house before R6 house", when Ross and Laura were 16. Raura has been going out for over a year. Rydel still has bangs, there's no such thing as Rydellington, Riker's hair's shorter, Ellington and Ross's too, Louder haven't come out yet and A&A is still on. Ross and Laura talking on phone^
Laura: I come there as soon as I come. I just need to get a drive.
Ross: What if I ask Riker to pick you up?
Laura: I don't know, they'll be home soon.
Ross: This got much more complicated after you moved... I miss that you just walked here.
Laura: Yeah, me too. But, at least we didn't move out of the city.
Ross: Yeah. By the way, how are your parents doing?
Laura: They've started fighting even more, but they're trying to get along because of Vanessa. Her pregnancy sn't easy for anyone of us.
Ross: Oh I'm so sorry...
Stormie: Ross, I drive Rydel to her dance, do you wanna come with us?
Ross: Could we pick Laura on our way?
Stormie: Yes sure.
Ross: Hey, we're gonna come pick you up so put your stuff together.
Laura: Oh, okay. See you soon!
Ross: Bye!
^Ross hangups. Stormie, Rydel and Ross took off^

^at home. Ross and Laura are in Ross's room^
Laura: I just heard that Ness and Chris has been going out for 2 years.... They're gonna move in together. Crazy!
Ross: I know!
Laura: I wish we'll move in together someday too. I like you a lot.
Ross: I like you a lot too.
^they smile^
Laura: Imagine if we after being 4 years together. Can you imagine it?
Ross: No... ^laughs^ Imagine if I'd have long hair!
^they both smirk. Laura's mom calls her. She pickups^
Ellen: Laura Marie Marano, where are you!?
Laura: I left you a message, I'm at Lynches.
Ellen: How and why did you get there!?
Laura: Y'know, I wanna see my- boyfriend...
Ellen: Aaah, I just got home and I'm too tired to pick you up, can you stay there for a night?
Laura: Can I stay here for a night?
Ross: Sure.
Laura: I can.
Ellen: Laura, it's too long way to go there everyday.
Laura: What's the idea of having a---- boyfriend, if I won't see him everyday?
Ellen: I don't know, but we can't move again!
Laura: I know.... It would be easier to just live closer....
Ross: ..... Move in with us, here....
^Laura accidently drops her phone^
Laura: .... What?
Ross: Move in with us. If we wanna see us more often, we should live with together.
Laura: What about my family, your family, the moving in and out, all my stuff?
Ross: It doesn't matter... I-I.... I-... I like you a lot.
^Laura picks up her phone and hangups it. She smiles and Raura hugs^
Laura: What will your mom and dadsay?
Ross: They love you, they'll say okay.
Laura: Let's go ask them.

^Ross and Laura stop hugging and they go to living room where Stormie and Mark are^
Ross: Mom, dad... We have something to ask you.
Mark: What is it?
Laura: We know this kinda fast and we're only 16.
Stormie: Tell us.
Ross: Can..... Can..... Uh, I can't....
Stormie: Tell us.
Ross: Can Laura move in with us....?
^Stormie and Mark look at each other for a while^
Stormie: I don't say no, but we have to talk about this. Do you really want it?
Ross: Yes, it would make me very happy.
Mark: Are you sure you're ready to move in with us, Laura?
Laura: Yes.
Stormie: Are you sure Ross? Mark?
Ross: Absolutelly.
Mark: I don't think it's bad idea...
Stormie: What about your parents Laura?
Laura: We haven't asked yet, we needed your permission first.
Stormie: ^smiles^ Well... Move here you little cutie!
^Ross and Laura smile excitedly^
Mark: Welcome to family, Laura. ^smiles^
Laura: Oh my gosh!
^Raura hugs^
Stormie: Go ask your parents and give me the phone. ^smiles friendly^
Laura: Okay.
^Laura goes into Ross's room and calls her mom^
Ellen: Move in with him, huh?
Laura: Uhh.... How did you know!?
Ellen: I heard... I knew you were gonna say yes so I already talked with dad and you have our blessing...
Laura: Mom, I'm so so so so so so so thankful! I don't know how I'm gonna thank you enough!
Ellen: I just need to talk with Stormie.
Laura: Sure!
^Laura goes to the living room and gives the phone to Stormie. She goes to talk with Ellen outside^
Laura: She said it's fine! ^smiles^
Ross: Oh my god!

^2 weeks later. Laura unpacked her stuff to closets a few hours ago. Ellen and Domiano are over at Lynches^
Ellen: I'm so happy to make her happy. ^smiles^
Stormie: They were so excited about it and so was my another kiddos. Rydel basically jumped around.
^they laugh^
Mark: Rocky was only one with a girlfriend until Raura so he punched Ross for going faster that they.
Dom: Oh god. ^laughs^

^at night. Ross and Laura are in their room, but they sleep in differnt beds^
Ross: That thing I said you earlier this day wasn't meant to say in that way.
I meant.... I-.... I-... I love you Laura...
Laura: I-I love you too Ross....
Ross: That's the first time we say that.
Laura: I know!
^they laugh^
Ross: Good to have you here with us.
Laura: Great to be here with you guys.

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