Crazy Stupid Love part 2

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Continue from the last part....
^Laura drove home and she's in her and Ross's room looking for the photo that they took when they were 15. she is alone at ("R6's") home. She has tears on her cheek cuz she took the big movie role in the morning.^
Laura: ^Opens Ross's closet and finds the photo. She sits down to the bed and few tears come out to her cheek.^ What did I do... I can't take that movie role...
^Laura lies down and has the photo in her arms^

^At Lynches (Stormie, Mark and RyRy's home). Ross is lying on his bed reading Laura's messages: "Sorry sweetie... I took it😭" and he also found a message from 3 years back: "Yay, I'm packing! Can't wait to move there😊💗". Stormie comes into his old room^
Stormie: You have been very quiet today... Are you okay?
Ross: Laura took the role....
Stormie: Oh.... Sweetheart, how you feel?
Ross: I feel horrible, but I'm also very proud of her...
Stormie: Ross, I don't know what to say...
Ross: I-...
^Laura calls Ross and he replies^
Ross: Hi...
Laura: ^cries^ I'm-I'm so g-glad you replied...
Ross: Bæ, why you're crying?
^Stormie's face gets sad^
Laura: I made so big mistake... I found a photo of us-...
Ross: What photo?
Laura: The one we took when we were 15 and I wrote onto it "Raura Forever".
Ross: Okay... But, what?
Laura: It was a huge mistake. Ross, two years without you would be the most horrible thing in my life. I can't make the movie, cuz if I do it I'm gonna cry my eyes off. Ross, I love you so much.
Ross: Laura.... I love you too....
Laura: Still?
Ross: ..... and that is why I can't let you come to our tour, I let you take that part.
Laura: What? Ross?
Ross: It is gonna be hard, but I only want your best here... That movie will make you a big star. I don't wanna be the person who didn't let you make it.
Laura: When you'll come home?
Ross: Rocky is taking a shower so in 30 minutes.
Laura: Okay.... Okay.... See you then.
^Laura hangups^
Ross: ^his face gets sad^ Remember when we were on a tour and you had the best idea ever. You asked is it okay that Laura would move here?
Stormie: Yes, it was 3 years ago... Ross, listen. Now you all expect Ry have moved to your own home together and that is a big step. ^Sits on the edge of Ross's bed^ I moved together with your dad when we were 20, just 1 year before we got married. I did very big changes in my life and I had to think Mark also. I had a change to move into New York, I didn't. I liked living in Littleton. 3 years after I got Riker and I knew I made the right decision. If I was move into New York, I would be the most depressed woman ever. I'd be a big career lady with assistant and a job. I wouldn't have a family like this. Ross, Laura is going through one of the biggest decision in her life. Is it you or her career? She choose you.
Ross: Soooo, I would call her and tell that she'd stay?
Stormie: Yes...
^Stormie goes out of Ross's room^

^At home. Ross, Riker and Rocky are behind the door. Laura comes to open it and Riker and Rocky come in first. Laura stands staring Ross and Ross stares Laura. Laura takes a few quick steps and Ross drop bags from his hands. They kiss^
Riker: I gotta call Bea...
Rocky: You should...
^Riker and Rocky go upstairs. Raura is still kissing^
Ross: Laura...
Laura: I called my agent. I didn't take the part. I canceled it so I can be with you.
Ross: Really!? ^smiles^ You're the best girlfriend ever.
Laura: Yeah I know, but there is a huge chance that I may lose my whole career after A&A...
Ross: What!?
Laura: I... My agent Malcom is very aggressive personality so I fired him. Well, I remembered that he has rights to my acting career. So, if I wanna take a movie role I may or may not get it
Ross: Laura, no...
Laura: I'm ready to throw my WHOLE career away if I can tour with R5, be with you and your family and be happy.
Ross: It's your family too...
^they kiss^
Laura: After A&A I'll throw it away. I wanna be famous only cuz you.... ^smiles^
Ross: Laura, A&A ends in 1 week.
Laura: I know, I'm looking forward to it already.
^Ross kisses Laura gently and fast^
Ross: Are you sure? Like sure, sure?
Laura: Yes. I made lots of thinking in last 4 hours. I saw a blind girl who was the sweetest, I've a little brother, I've you and "my" family, I've my music career. Well, I'm not making music in 1 year cuz I can't cuz I choose you 4 years ago but I don't care. I love you.
Ross: I love you too...
Laura: I'm throwing away my career! Yay!
Ross: ^smiles^ Let's go packing... But, Laura. Are you really sure?
Laura: more than I could ever be.
Ross: No. No, you'll not throw your career away.
Laura: You are not the boss of me, I'm.
Ross: Laura...
Laura: I've made my mind. I just wanna be with you... I promise, this is a hella good decision... I'll not take movie roles or any roles in 5 years, cuz I love you.
Ross: Laura, please... You don't want this.
Laura: I need it.
Ross: However, you'll wanna get your career back and it's very hard.
Laura: I have my musician career in 2 years, I wanna come famous through that not because I'm a Disney star.
Ross: Seriously? Are you 1000% sure?
Laura: I couldn't be more. Now, let's go packing to your tour. It starts in 1 week week!

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