Brazil and a flight

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^R5 and others arrived to their hotel in Brazil like a hour ago. They're now at downtown shopping^
Ross: Laura? ^looks exhausted^
Laura: Yeah?
Ross: Can you take these bags?
Laura: I've to care these...
Ellington: Uhm, Dells? The same?
Rydel: I don't have any room for those.
Laura: Same.
Ross: You gave us the heavy ones!
Rydel: We're girls.
Ell: And we're guys. Exhausted guys!
Bea: Oh c'mon! ^takes Ross's bags from one hand^ Heavy?
^Ross breaths heavily for joy^
Bea: ^gives the bags back^ Here.
Ross: C'mon!!
Bea: Sorry.
Rydel: Laura, Gundest!!
Laura: Omg we gotta go there!
^Laura and Rydel run into that store. Others stop walking^
Ross: Rocky, Riker, Ry... I think I'm gonna die. I'm so jealose for you cause ur girls don't shop as much as mine and Ells.
Ell: Let's die together bro.
Stormie: I should've warned you two about girlfriend, but you chose. Wait for Paris, Milan, Barcelona, Tokyo, etc.

^after 10 minutes Ryd and Laura come out of the store. They've something like 3 bags each^
Ross: What the hell did you buy this time!?
Laura: ^whispers to Ross^ Bras...
Rydel: Same.
^girls give the bags for Ell and Ross. Some stranger stops and stares them with odd face^
Ross: Girlfriends.
^the strangers nods and walks past them^
Ross: Wait a minute, 3 bags, ^counts the bras Laura bought^ 5 bras?
Ell: 3 bags, ^counts Rydel's bras^ 5 bras?
Ross: What thee-?
Laura: If they were in a same bag they'd stuck to each others.
Ross: Babe... I love you but this is so not cool.

^back in hotel. In raura's room. Ross is lying on their bed cause he's so exhausted and Laura's fixing her make up^
Laura: Rauce?
Ross: What?
Laura: Nothing. I just checked are you alive? I'm sorry I made you carry all those bags.
^Laura lies down next to Ross and presses again his body. Ross puts his arm around her^
Ross: No problem babe. ^smiles^
Laura: When is your soundcheck?
Ross: I've 3 minutes...
Laura: Okay...
^they start making out but Rocky walks in with Alexa so they have to stop^
Rocky: R-... Oh I'm so sorry.
^Ross and Laura raises to sit^
Rocky: We should go now.
Ross: Alright.

^Rockexa and Raura takes off. Both of the couples are holding hands^

^in the stadium where R5 has their concert. They're about to start their soundcheck^
Laura: Can I get my 3 minutes after soundcheck in hotel?
Ross: Yes.
^Ross graps Laura in his arms and twirls her around, after it they kiss^

^Rea is holding both of their hands and standing agains each other^
Riker: I'm so glad you're gonna be on tour with us. ^smiles^
Bea: ^smiles^ Yeah, me too.
Riker: You gotta teach me Spanish before we go Spain.
^Bea smirks^
Bea: Absolutelly or then you can go to my nana.
Riker: The one who barely speaks English? No thank you.
Bea: Of course, I'll teach you.
^Rea kisses^

( Stormie has taken pics of all the couples kissing and now she's posting it to instagram. Only caption left:
Mark: R5! You're on!

^after soundcheck, in a cab^
Ross: So our next stop is Spain and we're playing 3 gigs there, right?
Rocky: Yes.
Bea: ^does Spanish accent even tho she kinda has it already^ I'll go meet my relatives.
Riker: Hey, now. Bea teach me Spanish.
Bea: Okay, but first, um, my relatives call me Quera becaaause it kinda is my name....
Rydel: ^smiles^ What?
^everyone smiles weirdly at Bea^
Bea: My mom hates it so she changed my name to Bethany.
Riker: Oh okay!
Bea: Alright Riker,
"Mi nombre es Riker Lynch" means "My name is Riker Lynch"
Riker: "Mi nombre es Riker Lynch" ^repeats it 5 times^
Bea: Okay, "Encantada de conocerte" means "Nice to me you".
^Riker repeats it 5 times^
Riker: Wait, babe! I think I need to be around you.
^stormie laughs^
Bea: Primero me pides que enseñar, pero luego dices que no mi ayuda! hijo de puta, hijo de puta, me dices.
Ry: I thought she only had relatives in Spain! I didn't know she talks Spanish that well!
Riker: What did you say?
Bea: ^smirks^ I was only joking so you really don't need to know. And Ry, come to my place someday. Spanish people are so easy to get angry. Sometimes I don't even understand what they're talking!

^in the hotel after R5's concert. They're about to take off to Spain. Their flight leaves at 11. They've 1 hour to go^
Laura: Got my make up, curling iron, clothes, passport, a pillow, your headphones and mine too, your iPad, shampoo, conditioner, hair mask, my toothbrush and toothpaste... I got everything.
Ross: You wanna spend your 3 minutes now? ^smiles^
Laura: ^turns around^ I'll use it in Spain.
Ross: Alright.

^on a plane. All the couples are sitting next to each other like always^
Rydel: Ell?
Ell: ^wakes up^ Yah?
Rydel: Look at that dude. Isn't he creepy?
Ell: ^goes back to sleep^ Yea, yea...
Rydel: ^wakes Ell again (it's the 4th time)^ Wanna here a secret?
Ell: Rydel Mary Lynch, god sakes!
Rydel: Geez, take a nap or something.
Ell: You're not the best flight company.
Rydel: So aren't you.

^Laura has rested her head onto Ross's shoulder. She's sleeping. Ross is talking with Rocky on the next seat from theirs^
Laura: ^talks in sleep^ Little- litthle bhit of love.... - will.... will change-change your life...
Ross: Oh my gosh! ^laughs^
Rocky: What the-! ^smiles^
^Alexa just smiles^
Ross: Babe...
Laura: ^wakes up^ Ross, what's the time...!?
Ross: You get crancky... It's 3 am. 7 hours still.
Laura: I hate you... ^falls asleep again^
Lex: Talk quieter, please. I go sleep too.
^Laura changes her pose to sleep so now she uses Ross's lap as a pillow. Ross puts his hand to Laura's waist^
Ross: ^whispers^ Isn't she the most adorable?
Rocky: ^whispers^ She and Lex...
Ross: hm...
^Laura moves her head. It's on Ross's "personal area"...^
Ross: Hmp!
Rocky: ^laughs silently^ Oh dude!
Ross: Move your head babe, please...
Laura: ....I like it here....
^Rocky laughs. Alexa hits him^
Lex: Shut up!
Ross: You're on my thing...
Laura: ^moves her head back to Ross's lap^ sorry...

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