🐺The Wolves of Wolvedom🌲

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Andrius Doninator of Wolves boss battle theme~Mihoyo, Hoyomix music

Not long after Diluc left, Huffman one of the Knights, walked over to us.

"You must be the traveler." He began.

"Yes? Can I help you?" I asked

"We were wondering if you have spotted the "Darknight hero"?" He asked

"No? Why?" I asked.

"It's just he has been causing some confusion among the Knights of Favonius." Began Huffman.

"How so?" I asked.

"Well, the people he saves at night, how he's always wearing a mask and venturing around the city at night." Replied Huffman.

"I don't see that as a problem." I replied.

"Thing is, we aren't sure if he is an ally or a foe, and would like to know about his identity." Replied Huffman.

"Well, I don't know and never seen him." I replied simply.

"Alright, sorry for asking." Replied Huffman.

"It's fine." I shrugged as I left and travelled towards Dawn Winery.

I need to tell Diluc about this before they discover him.

While we were walking, a letter suddenly flew towards us.

Paimon was hit in face by a letter.

"Huh? What's this?" Asked Paimon as she peeled the huge letter away from her face.

"A letter?" I asked as I reached for it.

Paimon gave the letter to me to read.

"Letter from Abyssal order?" I asked confused.

"Huh?! Probably, because the writing is so messy!" Replied Paimon, annoyed.

"We have to hurry to warn Diluc." I replied as we both ran towards Dawn Winery.

"Its night! Why don't we go there tomorrow?" Asked Paimon, stopping me.

"Fine, we should find a place to camp out." I replied.

A wolf howled into the night. We found a place to stay in Wolvendom as according to signs. I fell asleep in a small tent, left behind by hunters probably.

Paimon had fell asleep on a smooth rock and you could hear her tiny snores.

The next day

"Y/N!!!" Yelled a voice, it was Amber.

"Huh?" I asked as I woke with a start.

"Thank goodness I found you and Paimon! I need your help with someone!" She explained.

"What's going on?" I asked as I followed her.

"I met this strange boy from the forest and there's an injured wolf with him." She explained.

I quickly woke Paimon up and followed Amber to the location.

Not far into the forest, was a boy with brown hooded clothing and green baggy pants. I took a closer look at his face to find long blue hair and wolf-like face. He had two red marks, some sort of tattoo or facepaint on his face.

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