Rebuild Jade Chamber

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Liyue Harbor, Liyue

Ever since we got back from Inazuma, I had more guests over at my Sereniteapot.

So we decided to ask Childe and also Zhongli about running a sort of traveling hotel business inside my Sereniteapot.  My teapot had 4 mansions and each island was quite large enough to house and place things, each a different realm of their own. (Based on Genshin's Teapot house and 4 realms)

Childe thought it was a great idea and Xiao will tell Zhongli about this.

Itto had already agreed to work as managing the front desk all while joining me on my journey across Teyvat.

Kazuha wanted to travel around Teyvat too so he was our first guest.

Klee was happy to have another friend besides Qiqi and she introduced him to Dodoco, (her stuffed animal) right away.

Meanwhile in Liyue Harbor, outside Teapot that afternoon

"Feels great to be back at home." Stated Xiao, smiling a little to himself.

"Feels great to be in a less tense atmosphere!" I laughed a little.

"Yeah that was quite a trip in Inazuma!" Exclaimed Paimon.

"Hey have you heard!" Began a lady in Liyue.

"Huh?" Asked a seller.

"Ningguang and some people are gonna rebuild the Jade chamber!" Exclaimed the lady.

"What!" Yelled a businessman with a surprised look.

"Yeah! I know!" Replied the lady, "I'm just as surprised as you are!"

"Huh?" Asked Paimon, tilting her head a bit.

"Interesting." Replied Xiao.

"Guess they are rebuilding, come look at this News Board." I replied, noticing something.

"They're holding some kind of competition..." Noticed Paimon.

"What's the jade chamber?" Asked Itto, scratching his hair.

"It's a floating jade palace Lady Ningguang Build! It keeps all the information and even the top secret information of Liyue, and answers all the questions people have towards Liyue." Explained the Childe.

"Interesting." Replied Itto, "alright I'll back to working front desk in case anymore guests show up inside your teapot." Replied Itto as he was about to jump inside my teapot.

"Be sure to join us to explore Liyue later!" I called.

"Okay!" Replied Itto as he jumped into the teapot.

"I'm going to the Northland bank now..." Began Childe as he walked to that direction.

"Y/N, I'll be right back, I'm going to visit my lord." Began Xiao as he was walking towards Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, "feel free to walk around Liyue and don't hesitate to call out my name if you need me." He nods at me.

"Alright, see you later." I replied as we quickly kissed before Xiao left.

Qiqi also hopped out the teapot.

"Meeting Baizhu and Ningguang, Qiqi almost forgot." Replied Qiqi quietly as she ran kff.

"Okay, see you guys." I replied as I took Paimon to Wanmin Resturaunt for lunch.

"Strange everyone is busy..." replied Paimon.

We decided to go visit Ningguang to confirm if the rumors were true.

Perhaps that explains why Xiao was suddenly busy today.

There below the giant jade building structure was Ningguang and her secretaries.

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