Test of the Sea

584 18 13

Champion~Neoni & Burnboy

"Osial?!" Screeched Paimon, shocked.

"That isn't Osial,  that would be Beisht, the wife of Osial!" Answered Ningguang.

"What?!" Squeaked Paimon, shocked as she almost dropped from the air.

"Prepare the canons!" Yelled Beidou as she glided and jumped onto the Alcor.

I spotted Qiqi not far.

"Prepare the projectiles and ballistas!" Ordered Ningguang.

Beidou's crew in the sea, Millieth soldiers,the Tianquan soldiers drew out their weapons, went behind canons, ballistas and all sorts of weaponary to prepare for a fight.

"Beidou warned me months prior for this sea monster's  revenge, while you explored Inazuma, we spent months to prepare for this and you just happen to return on the same time as this day." Explained Ningguang briskly.

"Understood, But let us help." I nodded.

"We will show the Liyue Adepti, that the Liyue people, the mortals are ready to rely on and fight on their own,  rather than the Adepti." Explained Ningguang determindly.

"Good luck." I whispered.

I watched as Keqing and the Tianquan soldiers activated the projectiles, and Ganyu helping the milieth soldiers with ballistas and arrows.

The attack continued onto Beisht as she was hit with multiple projectiles, arrows and weapons.

Beisht suddenly opened her jaws and gave a thunderous roar.

The roar echoed and shooked the jade chamber along with us.

"Oh no..." I whispered.

"Tsunami!" Yelled Beidou.

I leapt and glided in the air with dawnbreaker in hand.

"WINDBLADE!" I yelled, as I tried to intercept the Tsunami,

Beisht gave an angry snarl and-


Something bright blue blasted towards me.

I screamed as I hit the stone pillar, blacking out instantly.

"Y/N!" Paimon yelled.

Third pov

Paimon, Ningguang, Keqing, Beidou and Yunjin all watched Y/n in  horror as their friend was launched and had slammed into the stone pillar. A tiny tremor shook the stone pillar as her friend landed.

Shenhe instantly leapt down and caught her unconscious friend.

"Y/N!" She yelled, as she gently placed Y/N next to Paimon and Ningguang.

A short flashback began as Shenhe saw her father abandoning her young self to fight the monsters of the village.

"You were always special." Echoed Cloudretainer's voice.

The flashback ended as Shenhe furiously summoned a huge, cryo talismen.

The sheer cold travelled fast as the wind, instantly freezing the Tsunami with a giant Hiss!

Beisht, still having her jaws open, was also frozen.

"Fire!" Ordered Ningguang.

The soldiers instantly fired the canons, destroying the frozen tsunami and reducing the danger.

Shenhe then dives into the vortex, going after Beisht.

Y/N's Pov

I groggily sat up as I found Qiqi rapidly healing me.

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