Meeting Gorou and Teppei

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We decided to take Qiqi with us.

Xiao insisted because Qiqi could heal us and the poor child deserves to explore the world a bit.

"Let's go look around for them," I began.

"We could check out Tartarasuna," Suggested Paimon.

"Why does it sound like Tartaglia," I muttered, trying not to laugh.

"Erm... I don't know," Replied Paimon, giggling already.

"Isn't Tartarasuna heavily affected by electro radiation?" Asked Xiao, turning to us.

"Yeah, we just gotta be careful," I replied as we walked on.

"Inazuma is sure more dangerous than Liyue, you're lucky you got me," Replied Xiao with arms crossed.

We quickly hid behind a huge bush by a tree when we found two Shogun soldiers marching around.

"What do we do?!" Whispered Paimon.

"Shh! I'm trying to listen to what they are saying!" I hissed quietly

It was Takayama and Ishihara.

"Hey did you hear what happened to the Resistance soldiers?" Asked Takayama.

"No, what?" Asked Ishihara.

"They got pushed to the Musoujin Gorge! Man, our army is so strong!" Exclaimed Takayama.

Seconds later

"Well, now we know where to find the Resistance!" I whispered as we quickly crept away.

"Let's go to the beach." Replied Xiao as he followed behind us.

A Resistance soldier was up against several Shogunate soldiers.

"Order of the Almighty shogun to arrest all Resistance soldiers and members!" Yelles the Shogun soldier.

"Never!" Growled the Resistance soldier.

"Let's help them..." I began.

Xiao already sprung ahead and flung the Shogun soldiers into the air.

"What the?! Hey isn't he from Liyue?!" Asked a Shogun soldier.

Before the other Shogun soldier could reply, Xiao and I sent them flying towards the rock side.

"Windblade!" I yelled as the soldier flew towards the sand.

Another splashed into the water with some rocks.

The Shogun soldiers then scrambled away.

"You alright?" I asked the young man.

"Yeah, thank you, I'm Teppei of the Gobius Platoon." Greeted the  Resistance soldier.

"I'm Y/N, and this is Xiao and Paimon," I replied as I pointed at my two companions.

"You must be here to help the resistance, General Gorou has been looking for like-minded people like you." Replied Teppei, glancing at the three of us.

"I would love to help, where is your camp?" I asked.

"Follow me," replied Teppei.

"How many people are in the Resistance?" I asked.

"Enough, hopefully more to fight against the Shogun Army," Replied Teppei, he then added, "I heard a lot about you, traveler that you could wield elements without a vision."

"Yes, it's true." I replied.

"Show me," replied Teppei, as he prepared in a fighting stance.

I carefully gathered the anemo anergy and send a windblade his way.

Teppei almost got hit if Xiao hadn't stepped in to get him out of the way.

"Woah nice one!" Replied Teppei, admiration in his eyes as he gazed at us, "And nice reflexes young man." Replied Teppei, looking at Xiao.

"Thanks." We both replied with a shrug and a small smile.

"Thank goodness you're here, you'll be able to fight more than half the Shogun Army!" Exclaimed Teppei.

"Oh?" I asked.

"The Shogun army is led by an exceptionally strong vision wielder, a leader of the Kujou Clan, Kujou Sara, and so far no one is able to win a battle against her." Replied Teppei.

"She enforces the Vision hunt decree on behalf the Shogun?" I asked shocked.

"Yes, see the Raiden Shogun's goal is Eternity, and in order to achive such goal, her closest followers and Shogun army enforce this rule, and by order of Vision Hunt Decree led by the Tenrou Comission, the Kujou clan." Explained Teppei.

"We have to stop this Vision hunt decree, and we must start with defeating the Shogun army first." I realized.

"Yes, now we're here." Replied Teppei as he led us inside the encampment.

"Y/N, this is General Gorou, General Gorou this is Y/N, the traveler we've all been talking about." Teppei greets as he introduced us to General Gorou.

Teppei then tells Gorou how we saved him from Shogunate soldiers.

A shiba-fur colored young boy with a shiba-like tail stared at us with new interest. He sniffed a little and smiled, reaching out his hand to shake mine.

"Greetings, Pleased to meet you! I am General Gorou!" Replied Gorou.

"Yeah," I replied

"Would you like to joun the Resistance Army?" Asked Gorou, pearing at us both, "We would love to have you here." He added.

"I will, also I witnessed and tried to stop the Vision Hunt Ceremony," I began.

"Oh! I heard there was a disturbance in the ceremony despite the presence of the Almighty Raiden Shogun!" Exclaimed Gorou.

"That was me..." I replied awkwardly.

"Oh! That was you!" Exclaimed Gorou, wagging his tail excitedly, he then realized what his tail was doing, "Sorry, Ignore my tail." He replied, face beet red from embarassment.

Gorou then recalled a bounty after one of the Resistance soldiers told him that a Shogunate Samurai has been defeated.

"Traveler, Did you just defeat a Shogunute Samurai while saving Teppei?!" Asked a Resistance soldier who gave the bounty letter back to Gorou.

"Oh that person we were fighting was a Shogunate Samurai?!" I asked shocked.

"Yeah, that's why I recalled this bounty..." blinked Gorou as he took the letter, "I officially wecome you three to the Resistance Army." Smiled Gorou.

"Happy to join," I replied as I shook his hand.

Xiao gave a curt nod and Paimon flew around Gorou in circles.

"Come on! I'll show you guys around camp!" Replied Teppei as he led us into the Resistance camp.

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