❄️Ganyu's training🐏

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"Hey Paimon..." I began as we walked through the busy streets of Liyue.

"Yes?" Asked Paimon.

"Is it normal to crush on someone you just met?!" I whispered to her.

"Yes of course! Oh does Y/N have someone she likes? Paimon wonders whose the lucky guy." Laughed the little fairy.

"An adeptus." I whispered in reply.

"Ooooh." Whispered Paimon.

"Anyways, let's drop this convo and go eat, I'm starving." I replied.

"Changing subjects are we?" Teased Paimon, giggling next to me.

"Shush!" I replied, glaring at her a little.

"Tee hee, Paimon can't wait to find out who it is." Giggled Paimon as she flew around.

"You better keep it a secret! Or you're gonna be emergency food." I whispered.

"Okay fine!" Replied the Paimon, still giggling and suddenly asked, "I thought you liked Diluc?!" She asked and then giggled even more.

"No!" I hissed at her with an a glare.

"Okay! Paimon will stop asking." Chuckled Paimon as we stopped by a resturaunt.

After lunch

We went to walk around the streets of Liyue.

There were some members of the Qixing by the red pavilion. They must be the Floating Jade palace secretaries.

"Wonder where she went." Asked the first secretary.

"Yeah, where did  Miss Ganyu go?" Asked a second one.

"Maybe she went on vacation? She does deserve one after all." Added a third.

"Are you guys looking for someone?" I asked.

"Ah. It's the girl traveler that saved Liyue with the Qingxing and Adepti." Called the first assistant.

"Greetings, do you mind helping us find Ganyu?" They asked desperatly, "we want to look for her but we can't leave work." they replied.

"Sure, I don't have anything to do." I shrugged as I agreed to help.

"Great, thank you." They replied as they gave me a small pouches of mora and items. I quickly placed them in the magical inventory/bag and walked towards the mountains.

After teleporting to the right location, I began to climb Mt. Aozang.

Ah yes, I remember this place. The mountain with huge cor lapis rock traps.  I sliced one of the huge cor papis traps open and killed a hilichurl. The hilichurl dropped its mask as I picked it up and let it dissappear into my magical inventory.

"Y/N! Good to see you." Replied a humble voice, it was Cloud Retainer.

"Greetings Cloud Retainer, we were just helping some acquaintences fron Jade palace to look for Ganyu." I began.

"Oh. Ganyu is currently training with me, apparantly she wanted to learn the ways of the Adepti." Replied Cloud Retainer, she then continued, "Never expected her to ask to train with us, she treads between two worlds you know." Replies Cloud Retainer.

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