🎆Lantern Rite Fireworks🎇

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Fireworks (I'm the One)~Ateez

Y/N's pov

I went to tell Verr Goldet that Xiao doesn't want to watch the lanterns and firworks.

Suddenly, an idea popped in my head.

"Wait, if Xiao doesn't want to go to Liyue Harbor for the festival, we could just bring the festival to him." I suggested brightly.

"Great idea! I will talk to the husband and chef about it! In the mean time go do your commissions, we'll handle bringing the festival back here." Replied Verr.

"Alright, see you later this afternoon." I nodded as Paimon and I left.

Later that morning

I walked around the bustling streets of Liyue.

"Time to do comissions and go watch the fireworks tonight." I smiled to myself.

"Can't wait." Nodded Paimon.

"Hey Y/N!" Called Xinyan.

"Hey guys!" I replied as I joined Xinyan, Chongyun and Xingqiu.

"Wanna do comissions together?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll join ya." Replied Xinyan.

"Me too." Nodded Chongyun.

"I'm gonna finish this book and then join you. Nodded Xingqiu behind us.

"Alright, but don't be long." Replied Chongyun, walking past Xingqiu with a playful glare.

Later that afternoon after comissions

I decided to change into my outfit Keqing, Ganyu and I brought.

After getting changed, I walked out of my room. Paimon was wearing a red knot on her outfit.

I suddenly remembered asking Xiao to join us to watch the xiao lanterns.

My red heels clicked along the wooden stairs as I went up the balcony to find him.

"The lantern rite ends after tonight, you sure you don't want to go?" I asked Xiao.

"No, I told you before, I prefer to stay away from crowds." Replied Xiao.

"What if we brought the festival to you?" I asked.

"My answer remains the same." Replied Xiao.

"We have almond tofu, tigerfish and lanterns." Added Paimon.

"Your favorite." I replied, trying not to smirk.

"Huh?" Asked Xiao as I led him down the stairs.

After dining with Xiao we managed to convince him to escort us to Liyue Harbor.

Xiao stopped before the entrance of Liyue Harbor.

"You should be able to arrive at the harbor on your own now." He replied.

"Thank you, and you sure you don't want to watch the lanterns?" I asked.

"I can see them from here." Replied Xiao.

I nodded, and suddenly I gave him a quick hug.

Xiao didn't return the hug but let me hug him anyways.

He gave a confused sound and then gently let go.

"Happy Lantern rite Y/N and I'll see you tomorrow." He replied.

"Happy Lantern Rite, See you tomorrow." I replied as I left with Paimon floating after me.

Paimon and I entered Liyue harbor.

We walked towards the docks to view the fireworks and lanterns show.

The fireworks were about to start.

Paimon and I released the xiao lantern gently above the water. It slowly floated upwards into the air, into the night sky.

"Ironic how the xiao lanterns are named after Xiao." I commented.

Paimon giggled in reply and nodded.

I chuckled to myself at the thought.

*Boom! Goes the fireworks*

The stars were bright tonight, and we watched in awe as Skybracer deer ran up the sky, and exploaded into fireworks. More fireworks shot up into the sky.

"I wish Aether was here to see this." I sighed as I watched the fireworks.

"Your brother would absolutly enjoy this." Agreed Paimon, watching the fireworks.

"Happy Lantern Rite, Aether." I whispered.

On a cliff far above the harbor

"Happy Lantern rite to you too." Smiled Aether as he released a lantern.

Two abyss mages sat at his side too, enjoying the view.

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