Flying and Sailing

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We now had to figure out a way to get to the Golden Apple islands.

I suggested we go find Venti, aka "Tone Dead Bard," As labelled by Paimon.

Venti was standing quietly in wind rise, soaking in the sun and the wind.

"Hello Venti!" We greeted the Anemo archon.

"Hello Y/N and friends." Smiled Venti as he turned around.

After explaining to Venti about Klee's letter, he chuckled.

"So can Mr. Tone-deaf bard take us to Golden Apple Archipelego islands?" Asked Klee, smiling at Venti.

"Tone-deaf bard huh?" Asked Venti raising an eyebrow and chuckling again.

"Well, that's what Paimon called you." Replied Klee awkwardly.

"Oops." Goes Paimon.

"Well, alright." Smiled Venti as he jumped into the air and played his magical lyre.

The melody was like the normal wind itself, gentle and soothing, but also had its strengths.

A loud Woosh! Overhead us was heard as we see a dragon soaring over us.

"Dvalin?!" I asked, shocked.

"Yep! I'm sure he won't mind." Smiled Venti as he whispered something to Dvalin and gave the dragon a few fruits and a piece of meat.

Dvalin nodded and ordered us to get on his back.

"Alright." Replied Jean, as she, Barbara and Klee all glanced nervously at the dragon.

"I don't bite." Smiled the dragon, showing only a bit of his fangs as he smiled.

Barbara jumped a little and Jean had to steady her.

"We know." I smiled as I petted the dragon and fed him a smoked ham from my inventory.

"Thanks for the food." Replied the dragon as we sat on his back.

On the way there, we talked about the Golden Apple islands and what we should do.

While Dvalin and Xiao conversed with eachother. Dvalin seemed to admire the Adeptus. They got along quite well surprisingly.

Later around the Golden Apple islands

"I'm sorry, but I must drop you here, I cannot go further." Began Dvalin as he slowly landed on the sand.

"Thank you for taking us here." I replied.

"Thanks for the ride, Mr. Dragon!" Replied Klee happily as she petted Dvalin and fed him an apple from her pack.

"No problem, stay safe and have a good vacation." Replied the dragon as he took off to the skies again.

"Goodbye, Dvalin!" We waved.

Golden Apple Archipalego Islands

We explored the first Island together and looked around the place.

"Hey, I see some boats!" Barbara pointed the ocean area down the hill.

"Oh yeah! There's 2 boats!" I noted.

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