Itto joins the team

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Outside the ronin hideout

We waited, five minutes, ten minutes, no Itto or Takuya.

"Will they be okay?" I asked Xiao, concerned.

"They should be..." replied Xiao.

"Hopefully." Nodded Paimon.

Itto and Takuya emerged with some minor injuries.

"Ow this is gonna hurt for a few days..." complained Itto loudly.

"Thank goodness you two are alright!" I yelled.

We watched as Itto recouncil with Takuya.

The Tenryou comission were already waiting outside the ronin hide out to take Itto away and also Takuya.

"Maybe we should go pay Kujou Sara a visit..." I began.

"Okay." Replied Xiao.

The next day

Sara greeted us and was surprised to see us go visit her.

"Hello Y/N and Adeptus Xiao..." began Sara, "what brings you here?" She asked as her servants brought us some matcha tea and sweets.

"We came to visit you and wanted to talk about Itto because we met him yesterday." I began.

"Oh is that so?" Asked Sara, "Itto!" Hissed Sara suddenly, "tell me if he does anything stupid again! Also come to me anytime if he bothers you!" Adds Sara, nodding to me.

"Actually, he's a nice guy." I replied and then took a sip of the sweet matcha tea.

Sara cringed a little, "He's nice alright but also stubborn." Replied Sara, "always getting in trouble with us and the Tenryou comission!" She added.

"He has a fun personality alright!" I laughed.

"Fun? I call that stubbon!" Exclaimed Sara.

"You guys seem to have history, are you guys like together?" I asked.

"NO! I WOULD NEVER!" Yelled Sara, she then regained her posture, "No! Just seeing his face makes me want to bring him to her majesty the Raiden Shogun to deal with him! Hmph!" Replied Sara with crossed arms.

"Okay, I see." I laughed.

Sara laughed a little too.

"I was actually going to ask if I could invite him on my journies and hire him to work in my sereniteapot-" I began.

"You want Itto to join you on your travels?!" Asked Sara, spitting out her hot tea.

"Yes and are you okay?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Yes I am just didn't expect you would finally bring this menace- I mean Oni out of here." Replied Sara.

"We can pick him up from the Tenryou comission tomorrow if you could speak with them." I replied.

I placed a bag of mora on the table.

"No need for mora, you have already helped us so much in saving the nation from the Vision Decree! Consider this a tolken of my appreciation!" Nodded Sara, she then adds, "I will speak with them tonight." She nods.

"Great thanks!" I nodded.

"Also what's a sereniteapot?" Asked Sara, looking a bit clueless.

"Oh it's an Adeptal realm with many islands and some houses and other furnishins and decor... plenty of food and shelter provided, and clothes for me and my friends who wanna travel with me." I explained.

"Xiao being her boyfr-!" Paimon began.

"Emergency Food!" Hissed Xiao as he snatched Paimon from Sara and flicked her across the room.

"I didn't hear a thing she just said but I'm guessing that was unimportant." Laughed Sara.

"Yeah, don't mind Paimon." I replied quickly.

"Oww!" Yelled Paimon as she stomped in the air.

"Sorry not sorry..." Shrugged Xiao.

Later that afternoon

After Sara brought over Itto, we showed them my sereniteapot.

"Woah it is big in here!" Exclaimed Itto.

"It's beautiful! A true masterpiece!" Exclaimed Sara.

Itto then made a beeline for the hotsprings by the Pavilion mansion.

"Oni coming through!" He yelled excitedly as he stripped his clothes and jumped in.

"My eyes!" Paimon and I both yelled.

Xiao stifled a laugh.

"Did the almighty Liyue Adeptus just laugh?!" Asked Sara, shocked as she saw Xiao laugh a bit.

"He sure did!" I giggled.

"Nope I did not!" Replied Xiao, regaining his adeptal composure.

"Yeah right." Muttered Sara, "Before I went to pick up Itto, I already spoke with the Shogun about this hotel/inn business you wanted to run in this teapot, and she approved."

"Oh thank you!" I replied.

"No problem, good luck on starting your Hotel business in this teapot of yours, And make sure he does all the work!" Added Sara, pointing at Itto specifically.

"Don't worry, and I'm sure he'll enjoy this job!" I replied.

"Bye Sara!" We called as Sara left.

It was now just the two boys, Paimon, Qiqi, Klee and me.

"Alright guys let's get some dinner and start making some arrangemenrs!" I called.

"Alright! You got it boss!" Saluted Itto.

How did he exit the hotsprings and change so quickly?!

That night

I yawned as I went to sleep between Itto and Xiao.

We had encountered a slight problem, that being the fact we didn't have enough beds for the main mansion aka the Liyue Pavilion the one me and Xiao shared.

And so, I managed to convince Xiao for Itto to sleep with us just for a couple nights until we get to Liyue for some furniture supplies and to visit friends.

Didn't know Itto would be more than a friend-

*Imagine all you want what could've led to this cliffhanger hahahahahaha!*

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