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Bree Tyler

Driving our way home.

We had just left Niall's approximately twenty minutes ago, for some odd reason I had timed it on the dot. Harry's hand had been planted right dead center on my thigh, and the black nail polished thumb lightly stroking my exposed skin up and down.

His blinkered flashed on and off as he was about to turn around the corner, so it would be easier for the other cars and for him to see at this crack of dawn.

But the moment the flashes of lights came repeatedly on and off, I saw something in the road and Harry was about to accidentally hit it. I knew I had to do something, whatever the thing that's helplessly laying in the road may be.

"Harry stop!" I shouted, making him furrow his brows, he squeezed my thigh harder out of my panicked and unexpected screams. He slammed on the brakes and halted the car.

"Bree what the fuck?!" He looked at me, I was probably seeming psychotic and drunk as I frantically stumbled out of the passengers seat and swung open the door.

I walked out and the stray of light revealed to what Harry had almost hit, if I never stopped him this little puppy wouldn't have been alive.

It's a baby Golden Retriever.

There is no way that this little puppy could be older than two months maximum, it was tiny and a little bit shaggy with locks of silk gold. Had dopey eyes, and the cutest floppy ears. It didn't have a collar either, meaning it's a stray.

"Come here.." I smiled, lightly crouching my knees and tapped my laps with my hand in rep. The puppy seemed scared like it hasn't seen a person in a long time, nonetheless eaten any food, it was tiny and fragile.

The puppy didn't come to me, so I retorted to the next best bet. I lightly put the back of my hand in front of it's slightly dried out nose, giving the puppy a sense of comfort and that it was no longer in danger. Or, whatever happened to it that made it wind up in the middle of the road.

I swear I saw the golden thing shed a small smile. So adorable! I bent down, the asphalt hitting my knees and I knew that they'd turn all gray and ashy soon, but I didn't care about my appearance right now. 

I reached my hand out, and the puppy licked it softly with a small tongue. It's tongue was slightly dry meaning it hadn't drank water in days or who knows how long, poor thing.

"Let's take you back home, yeah? Get you all pretty and cleaned up?" I smiled, making the puppy's tail wag side to side at my soft and happy tone.

"Absolutely not." Harry stood above me, making me jump since I hadn't realized he's been there. I looked up at him, and the puppy  turned his head to look back up at Harry too. Me and the nameless puppy both sharing sad eyes at the man towering above us.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, biting my lip and standing up to cross my arms. I looked at Harry in anger, what is he talking about?

"No way in hell are we taking that thing home." He pointed at the meek little puppy, as it sat down in its own sadness making my heart shatter.

"First of all, a puppy is not a thing!" I shouted, making the puppy lightly whimper and I instantly felt bad that I made it cry at my shouts.

"And secondly," I said in a much softer tone. "I think this is what we need Harry." I looked over my shoulder at our maybe future dog.

"Nope." He shook his head, "it's a mutt who will piss and shit all over the floors and whine all the time."

"Harry.." I warned, holding his hand and sighing as my head fell onto his shoulder. "We just have to tame it."

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