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A/N: Double update, make sure to read chapter 85 first!

Bree Tyler

I woke up to the feeling of my face getting repeatedly licked, I laughed to myself knowing who was doing it.

"Chip!" I playfully sparked a laughed, opening my sleepy eyes and the licking continued with a small bark at my awakening.

I sat up and the puppy pranced on me, making me fall back and laugh. I wiped my face to rid his sloppy kisses, before running my hands through his golden fur.

I hadn't seen Harry yet, it was so weird to wake up without him next to me. I frowned slightly, making Chip whimper and I sighed.

"I'm going to go upstairs really quick, I'll be right back alright buddy?" I smiled, as I stood off of the couch and allowed my legs assented me upstairs. But, of course, Chip followed right behind me by the sounds of his baby paws tapping against the hardwood stairs.

"Fine!" I laughed, as Chip pranced up the second stair and followed me up the spiral staircase. I really hope Harry didn't get upset that I was bringing the puppy upstairs with me.

I opened the door and walked straight through it without knocking, I think me and Harry haven't gotten passed the knocking stage. When I walked in, I was surprised seeing Harry having his arms wrapped around a body pillow which I knew what was meant to be represented as me.

"Missed me?" I questioned, making him look up and his eyes immediately widened as he pushed the pillow off of the bed with great force to act like he wasn't doing anything beforehand.

"Come get in bed." He groaned, "couldn't fucking sleep without you."

"Me either." I rubbed my tired eyes, but of course Chip started to whine at my absence making Harry's eyes widen.

"He's not allowed upstairs, Bree." Harry looked his eyes over to the puppy, making me furrow my brows and retract my body from the bed.

"Why don't you like animals, Harry? You have a garden filled with frogs and butterflies, what's so bad about a puppy? He's so adorable!" I exclaimed, as Chip walked over to me, and wondering the same thing about Harry as I.

I picked Chip up and he rested along my forearms, as he lightly licked my face and I giggled. Making Harry groan and flip his body away from us.

"It's a mutt, Bree. It's no good, and definitely not at all good news." He murmured, making me furrow my brows.

"Okay, well can you at least try to be nice to him? He has feelings too, just like me and you." I consoled, but he was too stubborn.

"It's an animal, it doesn't feel emotions the way we humans do." He growled, looking back at me, and clenching his teeth at Chip who apparently to Harry is the source of all problems.

"You're scaring him. Harry, please stop. He's only a baby, alright?" I ran my hands over Chip's fur, making his small lips curl up. "Don't be mean, please."

"Okay, maybe the mutts cute but that doesn't mean that it's not dangerous!" His eyes widened and brows raised, making me come to a conclusion that I couldn't believe I had been oblivious about before.

"Wait- are you afraid of dogs?" I scoffed, maybe this was it, huh?

"No." He shook his head as his eyes enlarged at my previous question, "how worrying is someone to be afraid of dogs?"

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