Chapter 38

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This was happening and soon if he had anything to say about it and considering that Seungmin had said 'we' can choose the date, well he was part of we. He was already on his phone scrolling hotel lists and on his laptop, stores he may want to visit.

The occasion meant that another shopping trip was in order. He had already made a mental list of things he wanted to take with him during the weekend away – because one night wasn't enough- but he needed to supplement it.

He wasn't going to shop alone. Despite being an introvert he still liked going out with friends and this trip required only those that he held the utmost trust in. Considering that the few others not in his group were probably busy (and would require too much explanation), his members it was.

But who? He ruled out all of them (apart from Seungmin who was already excluded for obvious reasons) because that would be akin to that scene in movies where someone tried to walk several dogs at once...chaos.

So he texted his SoftSquad TM because the last trip was juicy, fun and useful. Only the plan had a spin-off. Apparently, Felix and Minho were training (a pang told him he very much wanted to be there though they did video call to practice together despite the lighting in the basement not being the best) together and Minho intercepted the group chat message and texted him privately.

Meowho: I'm hurt you didn't even consider me.

Considering that Minho was a marshmallow on the inside, this was probably true but coated with sarcasm.

Meowho: I have better fashion sense than Chick-fil-lix, mamawolf and cutepiggie (don't tell him I called him that) combined.

Meowho: So I'm humbly offering my shopping services.

Meowho: Jisung is coming as well because then we can go on a date after and gossip about you after hearing the juicy details which you're volunteering, directly from one of the sources.

Meowho: Also please uninvited SoftSquad from the trip. They had their chance last time. Not it's Minsung time. I would invite Baby bread but I don't think he can handle what I think you're going to buy.

Meowho: His crush on you is mildly still there and I fear that the 3rd Devil-Rays members – aka your boyfie- will kill him.

Yeah Minho basically spammed him, invited himself AND his boyfriend and kicked out all their other friends from possibly attending the trip in a few messages. And in light that he didn't want stuffed tissues in his mouth or worse, he chose to go along. Minho did have a well balanced good fashion sense though one couldn't tell from all those cargo pants. Jisung was funny and already knew almost everything they had done and he could distract Minho when the other got too much (you'd think that with Jisung suffering from anxiety it would be the other way round).

They settled on a date and a list of stores to visit because he was ever efficient and Seungmin would be proud of the neatly drawn bullet list he had made complete with relevant (and not) doodles.

Sure, he could buy online but these things needed to be tried. He wanted it as fitted as possible.


He met the couple on the point shop's . Point shop because he was going to buy the main piece from there.

It wasn't an expensive shop by any means – he could afford it and he was going to buy this thing with his own money. It was however classy in style. Nothing that he considered tacky or low quality.

Jisung coughed 'expensive girl'. Hyunjin pretended not to hear him.

"So what are we looking out for?" Minho asked.

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