Chapter 90

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A/N: Finally I wrote this! This chapter has been on my mind so long. I imagine those four in a house of horrors and the shoe part and I knew I wanted a special chapter for haloween, only it's late:S But it tied in with the code so that's ok.

Chapter dedicated to @_Elxna___05 who upvotes:)


Thirty days before christmas, Hyunjin gives his heart a nice professional camera strap and a painting full of wonder and cosmos and buckweat flowers.

What does Hyunjin get in return? A lovely kiss and a a haunted house?

Hyunjin looked doubtful at the other's glee. He often appreciated the fact that the other was a bit of a sadist...but not in this case. In this case he made his doubts known.

When Hyunjin had said he needed cheering up because the video he had sweated over so much had been pulled down, he meant chocolate, a movie and sex. He didn't mean a ticket to horror and potential bodily harm and mental scarring! He had already undergone that during filming and he didn't have any more fortitude left. And whose idea was it to keep that haunted house operating anyway, it was almost a month after haloween for god's sake! Did people enjoy pain so much?

"Come on baby it will be fun!"

"Don't you come on baby me, honey. Sure it will be fun. For you! Why don't you go with Innie or something?" he proposed.

"But it will be so much more fun with you! It will be an experience. A couple experience. Wouldn't that be exciting?"

Hyunjin's ears perked up at hearing 'couple experience'. Yes he was a scaredy kitty but if he could experience something new with his love, he would try it.

"Okay" he said in a doomed voice.

He should have resisted harder. Seungmin, as it turns out, had bought four tickets so they could go on another double date but Minho...debated it wasn't fair that it was decided without them so he made them all play rock, paper and scissors. Hyunjin and Changbin looked at each other in horror.

"Now wait a minute, Seungmin bought them so he should at least get to come!" Hyunjin said, already knowing he had lost before it began.

"This is a group. What's yours is mine and vice-versa. Is that my shirt Hyunjin?" Minho asked.

"...Maybe. Hyung please!" Minho stared at him though and that was that.

So with a sigh they all shook their hands and played, some more excited than others.

Hyunjin, as expected, lost second only besting Changbin and that wasn't much reassurance since Changbin lost as much as him. Jisung and Felix lost as well. This did not bode well for any of them.

"Somehow, I feel like this was rigged" Jisung loudly complained.

"Have fun sweeties!" Minho blew them an air kiss each, giggling. His arms were wrapped around Chan, next to Jeongin's. At the very least, this experience would cheer up their leader who was feeling a bit glum at the moment so they were happy to at least provide him with entertainment. If only they could go to a norembang instead of a haunted house.

"It's practically Christmas, why are we doing this?"

"Because your boyfriend is evil" Hyunjin answered Jisung.

"And yours had the idea in the first place to take you to a haunted house and he didn't complain when he won the game..."

"I'm considering that couch thing for once." He knew it was not healthy but damn was he...scared.

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