Chapter 89

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A/N: This is the Instagram chapter! It's my first time making fake instagram posts. I didn'r realise they take so much time. I generated a photo so you can read that but I also typed as well so people using screen readers can get them read, hence why each post is double. Let me know what you think and try to guess the usernames!

Chapter dedicated to @PuppyBreadThe1st who upvotes and comments:)


The first thing he did once awake was look at Seungmin and thank all the stars. The second thing he did was wear his new collar silently in the bathroom and sneak out of the room, leaving a rushed note that he had gone on a refreshing walk to enjoy their last morning in peace.

He didn't go only for a walk however; he went to find a thank you gift for Seungmin for the collar and everything. Said collar lay hidden under a scarf; hidden not because of shame but for privacy. It really was a refreshing morning and he did take several photos but he also simply enjoyed his surroundings.

It didn't take him that long to locate a store that printed photos. What Hyunjin ended up with however was a good quality camera strap. He had giggled when he saw it because while useful, it was also cheeky. A collar for a strap! He didn't like strapping much though but he'll take it on the rare occasion that he felt bratty. With stress, that tended to be more often nowadays but he liked being a good boy best and he'll do his best to honour his collar even though the collar was to honour him.

Hyunjin hummed on the way home and imagined him painting those buckwheat flowers and cosmos together for a pleasant composition that he would gift to Seungmin along with the strap. No matter their schedule, he was going to finish it quickly as they got home.

Seungmin was already awake and drinking a coffee that he made himself.

"It's not as good as yours" he said in greeting along with a smile. He didn't question where he had been. Knowing Seungmin, he probably knew so Hyunjin was grateful he didn't have to lie.

They went out then on another leisure walk and they saw some exhibitions and museums in a rush but better in a rush than not at all! Even on a holiday they couldn't help but be ambitious.

In no time they're on the way home; them and their fuck machine.

He couldn't believe that owned that now.

The journey back wasn't as exciting mainly because Hyunjin zonked out as soon as Seungmin hit the gas pedal. He was woken up on the ferry and he fell asleep on Seungmin's shoulder once they were seated. He didn't remember but Seungmin told him he remained asleep so he had to drag him to the car himself. Seungmin was strong and also, he had woken up early so he had no shame.

Apparently the others thought so too.

"Welcome home cheaters" Jisung told them with a glare. All the others were staring at the front door with a mixture of pouts and glares.

"What?" Hyunjin asked, still sleepy.

"Oh I see that your holiday did you good. Refreshing was it?" Jeongin asked passive aggressively.

"How did you even?" Hyunjin mumbled.

"Your parents messaged Chan to see when they could come visit with Kkami because apparently your dog actually missed you! You know, after not hearing from you for days!" Jisung explained.

Oh right...he hadn't told his parents anything. Their relationship was always getting better but their habit of infrequent communications sometimes persisted.

"So where did you go? And why didn't you tell us?" Chan asked much calmer than the others.

"Jeju-do and we didn't want to create a fuss hyung" Seungmin explained.

Flowers for you [SeungJin]Where stories live. Discover now