Chapter 58

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A/N:I have so many other ideas although these chapters may feel disjointed. This is more them just being without an overarching theme most times just like life. Also, every morning I check the comments and votes from the previous night and they keep me motivated. I'll still continue writing without them but they make my day better so please if you like the chapter consider upvoting it and if you can, comment. Even in another language! I will translate.

Today's dedication is for STAYStrayFromNorm who upvotes and comments!


Hyunjin was in pain and for once it wasn't just emotional. He'd been ignoring it because it would flare up for a day or two and not consistently and then settle down again so with enough persistence and clove oil he'd gone by. But now his wisdom tooth – one of the four – was acting up again and it didn't look like it would calm down any time soon if ever.

His jaw felt tender and hurt to touch or move and he felt hot all over probably from a slight fever or perspiration from his body's pain synapses going into overdrive.

All those sweets the day before and the lollipops that were still being replenished in their bedside table probably did not help him.

In hope that the pain would be reduced, he'd sprinkled some more clove oil there and filled his mouth with cotton. Minho had laughed at him saying that he felt useless now as he wasn't even needed since his job had been stolen.

Hyunjin gagged because the oil worked miracles without actually solving the problem but it tasted horrendous. It probably wasn't even meant to be ingested but he still managed to get an overpowering whiff. The taste of wet cotton on his teeth also didn't help. He'd take metal on metal anytime.

"Come on you cute marshmallow, you look even more like a cute marshmallow than usual but even marshmallows need to go to the d—" Hyunjin stopped Seungmin by placing a hand over his mouth.

Listen, Hyunjin liked a lot of D-words. Most prominently was dick but also ducks, dessert –his tooth twinged at the very thought - , dominoes, DANCE, derrière, DOGS, Dalmatians, design, doughnuts –his tooth protested and he got the message - Dami...lots of D-words but there was one d word which he hated. HATED.


No he couldn't even think it. He shuddered. His mouth being so open and held with torture contraception's – he'll do it for a d/s scene but not for that- the bright light about to welcome him into the unknown afterlife, the slimy –with his own saliva – gloved hands in his mouth, his saliva flowing uncontrolled on his chin and most horrendously their tools especially the whirling ones. Nope. He'll do all these things in a scene but not at the dent***.

He shook his head, jostling his jaw more than he should but that pain was better than the other kind if he were to actually go to that unmentionable place.

"Come on you big baby. How can you sing or rap or even move enough to dance when you're in so much pain?" Minho asked. Why was he being reasonable for once?

Watch him. He'll manage everything without going to that place. Except talk perhaps. Or laugh. Or eat.


"Baby. How can I kiss you or get blowjobs if you're in pain? Remember, this isn't the kind of pain you like" Seungmin whispered in his ear. Not low enough apparently because Changbin gagged. Hyunjin looked miserable enough cuddled in the other's chest however, that the hyung didn't comment out loud.

After a lot, A LOT, of cajoling from his team mates he agreed to book an appointment which Chan immediate took care of not wanting him to back out. Smart move really.

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