97. The Start

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When the clock struck 5:15, the train started moving. There were only three people who got into the cabin right after us. A middle-aged woman seated three rows ahead and two foreigners on the far back. Despite the number of passengers, they weren't kidding at all when they said the train doesn't wait for anybody.

The first-class cabin was divided into two lanes, the two-seater on the right and the single ones on the left. I like watching the view from the outside as I drift into my own thoughts, but given this is her first time, I figured she deserved the window seat more than I did.

 I like watching the view from the outside as I drift into my own thoughts, but given this is her first time, I figured she deserved the window seat more than I did

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The moment we settled, her eyes eagerly scanned all around. She didn't even have to bat for me to notice her perfect lashes. They were genuine ones, delicately placed around her beautiful eyes making a masterpiece altogether. Does she even know how captivating she is? I should've pulled my eyes away but she already caught me red-handed.

"Is it obvious that I'm riding first class for the first time?" She giggled.

"Naah. You're alright." feeling my ears turning red. Shouldn't she be the one blushing?

"I've never ridden a train with so few people." She said, peaking at the top of her seat.

"Well, it's the first trip. People start showing during the rush hour, around 6 or 7. And I don't like crowds so..."

"Oh, I see," she said, pursing her pink lips together. I wonder how soft they would feel as my lips envelop them.

"So ... when we get there..." she started saying, giving me a self-check of where my eyes should be in a conversation. "... do we head directly to your ... grandma's wake?" I really admire her for being so sensitive to my feelings.

"Yes, my cousin will be waiting for us at the station. He's gonna drive us there."

"But isn't it ... will it be okay for me to be there?" A worried look displayed in her eyes.

"Why won't it be?" It's really hard to focus my eyes on just one part of her face.

"Well, shouldn't it be a gathering of just your family and some special people in your lives?" She bit her lower lip. I can sense where her slight uneasiness is coming from.

"Well, let's just say ... you're someone special in my life." I lightly tucked her hair behind her left ear. I did hesitate but I said and did it anyway. I felt my heart skip a beat as I saw how she reacted to my not so well-thought statement and gesture. A flustered smile formed on her lips but she quickly avoided my gaze. She nervously shifted her eyes to her hands and out the window.

I'm not taking my words back though. She needs to get a dose of the heightened tension I feel inside every time she's next to me. When we left the apartment, I told myself I'm no longer holding back. The choice of bringing her along was quite an impulsive one. But having her with me now, I don't regret anything at all. This is just the start.

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