116. The Right Choice

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The gentle sound of the waves hitting the beach sounded almost like a lullaby

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The gentle sound of the waves hitting the beach sounded almost like a lullaby. I gently closed my eyes, nestling my robe closer around me. As a small breeze blew by my face and tickled my nose, I took a deep breath of the fresh ocean air, feeling goosebumps on my skin as it brushed past me.

It was nearly midnight, and the night sky was to die for. A black to midnight blue gradient was the backdrop for the full moon. The heavens were so clear, that the moon with its ethereal glow took the spotlight. There wasn't a single star in sight making it the Mona Lisa of this magnificent exhibit.

Back in my childhood days, I had a phase when I was so into astronomy. Encyclopedias were still a thing back then and I often found myself flipping through the pages as I waited for my dad to pick me up from school.

It came to my knowledge that the moon shines at night but not by its own doing. It just shows off the light that the sun reflects on it. While people find the moon to be very beautiful, it does have a forbidding appearance. There isn't any form of life up there and it is full of bowl-shaped craters. In fact, even if you look at the moon with your naked eye, you can see some dark spots on it. Without the sun, the moon really is just nothing; cold, alone, and ugly in the darkness.

I anxiously bit my fingernails at the thought. Not to mention the fact that I was actually at the same spot and time as I was the night before. It was on this balcony overlooking the same ocean, the same sky, and the same moon as Saturday evening, but this time everything was different. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness and I'm entirely sure why.

"Rozie..." The sound of his voice calling out to me pierced my heart even now.

"Don't ... don't you see yourself loving me?" His struggle to get the words out was so obvious. His fingers clutched around me, keeping him steady as it must have taken all his might to bring himself to it.

I couldn't look at him, the next words that will escape my lips will surely leave him wounded. But I have to say it.

"Jungkook, ... " I was stupefied the moment our eyes met. Seeing my reflection staring right back at me sent me guilt-ridden. I had to grapple with my thoughts to recall what I should say next. 

"... you know that I..."  I almost chickened out. I just want to put his face in my hands and forget the line between what's right and wrong. But again, I have to say it.

"... can't." When the last word ran off my mouth, I instantly wanted to take it back. The look in his aching eyes was unbearable. 

Oh God, what have I done?!  I bit my tongue hard, hating its power to break a heart with just a single, meaningless word.

I'm sorry but I didn't mean it. This is just ... the right thing to do.

You said it, Rozie. It's all over now.

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