4. Got stood up

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I woke up extra early today. I was oozing with excitement as to what this day had in store for me. I did my morning routine and took a little much longer in picking what outfit to put on. It's not like I'm going on a date or something. 😊 I just wanna look good. For him? Oh, stop that thought this instant!

Should I wear a skirt? Or maybe a cute denim dress? Or should I pull off a sporty get-up?
Argh! Dressing up has never been this hard!

I helplessly threw a bundle of clothes to the bed.

"What time is it?" Jennie squinting her eyes at me.


"And you're up?" She sat up and crossed her legs resting her sleepy face on her palm. "What's with all the clothes?"

"Just trying to find something nice to wear."

"The dotted red skirt and that blue top would do." She said in half-opened eyes. "I'm going for a run."

After an hour...

I finally made up my mind and went for what Jennie suggested. It's cute and girly. A pair of white kicks would do the trick.

I hope he'd like how I look.

It's already 9 am and he still hasn't messaged me yet. Maybe he woke up late. Or maybe he was on his way. What if he forgot about today? Argh! I don't have his number so all I can really do is wait.

It's half past 9. Maybe I'm just too early. Back home when people say they'd meet at 9 it actually meant 10. So ok. Might as well go somewhere to pass the time.

I've decided to take a walk and appreciate the view outside. Mister Sun finally decided to show up after a day of sulking. I walked past a street vendor selling Chapssalteok. I tried to resist but ended up buying myself half a dozen. Yes. I'm a pig.

I window shop from one store to another. Looking at the price tags makes me do the math and see how much it would cost in our currency. Back home, 10,000 was already a big amount of money but here, that's actually the price you get from items on sale.

I got carried away and didn't notice it was already 15 minutes before 11 o'clock. I looked at my phone and still no sign of him. I was starting to feel negative about this but hey, the guy's a celebrity out here. Maybe something just came up. I'm sure he'd let me know.

I walked to the café where we met yesterday in hopes of seeing him there. I ordered the usual and sat on the same seat I had. I looked at the window seeing people pacing back and forth.
He's coming. He's on his way. I said to myself.

I've finished my drink and I was basically staring at my phone for an hour and a half. I started to fidget with my hands. I constantly look up every time the door opens to see if he's arrived only to find disappointment coming in as each face showed no familiarity. I feel really bad. I feel like crying. I was really looking forward to this day and it has not come out as planned. By this time, we could have been pigging out somewhere after tiring ourselves out from touring the palaces and wearing that stupid costume. I put my face on my hands and felt every bit of frustration knocking its way in.

Why? Why stood me up?

I got startled out of my wits when my phone suddenly beeped. Oh my god. Could this be him? I hurriedly swiped the screen to open the message.

It was from Jennie.

"Where in the city of Seoul are you? We're getting some lunch. Coming?"

I let out a long sigh. The feeling you get after watching The Notebook equals my feelings right now.

It took me several minutes to reply. I stared at the screen blankly.

I. Feel. Really. Bad. Right. Now.

"Yes." I finally managed to type the word in.

I took my bag and gave a last look around hoping to see ... Naah. Just accept the fact that you've been stood up Rozie.

To be continued...

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