83. All in the mind

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"Aish...Jinjja." When I thought I could finally get some good night's sleep, Surprise! Surprise!

I can feel my temples bursting. Damn it! If this goes on for long, I'm really gonna see a therapist!

I frowned at my reflection. I look like shit. I reached out for a bottle of moisturizer but changed my mind. It doesn't do much anyway.

Well, at least they'd think I've been miserable since the accident. They'd feel sorry for me for going through sleepless nights. Poor Jungkook-a, he must have been in a lot of trauma. I imagine them saying.

I didn't bother combing my hair and just let my fingers run through it instead. I put on my usual plain black shirt over some sweatpants of the same color.

Yup. This is me. Monochrome is just my taste. Take it or leave it.

I snatched my bag off the bed and walked towards the door. I closed it gently, seeing how she was still fast asleep. Trotting down the hallway, I can see the blanket falling to the carpet. I quietly tiptoed to her side and scooped the flannel off the floor. As I put the blanket back over her, I froze on the spot when I thought I've woken her up. Good thing she just stretched her legs out and wrapped her hands tightly back around the pillow. She was soundly sleeping once again. I stood up and took my bag but something caught my eye. She was puckering her lips like a baby. Just like my 3-year old nephew. Never really fond of kids but this is really cute.

I quickly snap myself out of my absurdity and grabbed a can of coffee from the fridge before I head out.

Better be a great day today.

"What an unpleasant surprise."  I blurted out the moment I opened the door. This must be a bad omen. Why does he have to show up on my doorstep at this time of day? Is this some sort of punishment from the world?

He rolled his eyes at me. "Where's Rozie?" He tried to peek through the half-opened door but I swiftly blocked his view.

"Still asleep... I guess. I mean you could check her yourself but you're... off-limits." I hissed the last two words out.

But he wasn't having it. He continued questioning me like that cop in that station during the accident. I shivered at the thought.

"She called me multiple times last night. Is she okay? There must have been something wrong. "

Something wrong? Well. I wouldn't call it that. I mean if it wasn't for me, I don't know. She might have been hurt? Raped even? I can feel my temper rising. This is the longest conversation we have had so far, I just realized - and I'm not enjoying it at all. So I'm ending it now.

I shrugged my shoulders. "You're the boyfriend. Shouldn't you know that? I smirked at him and closed the door. I twisted the knob twice just to make sure it's shut. My eyes locked on him the entire time with the devil's smile on my face.


I heard him say as I walked away. Great way to say your thanks hyung. You're in for a rough ride.

And just like that. My day was ruined. Life really comes right back at you.


"How are you holding up?" My manager asked out of the blue. We're on our way to the practice room and I was getting more anxious with every step.

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