25. One last look

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We arrived at the airport an hour before our flight. I was busy replying to the emails sent by my boss. He was already giving me deadlines and stuff and I'm not even home yet! I turned my phone off. Vacation is definitely over for me!

We checked in very smoothly and in less than 30 minutes this will all just be a beautiful fantasy.

I looked outside the window and saw the planes taking off one by one. My eyes still hurt from all the crying I had earlier. I filled in the girls with the details of my short-lived romance. Jennie amazingly had been considerate enough to keep her thoughts to herself. Somehow, I felt lighter after getting everything off my chest.

"I'm sooo excited to wear all those clothes I bought. I bet it would take months for me to wear each single one of them!" Her face filled with so much delight.

Yoona simply rolled her eyes at her."I can't believe this trip has finally concluded. But I'm really looking forward to Christmas!"

"Oh my. I didn't realize that. Now I have to think of the perfect gift to ask my dad. Any suggestions?"

Seeing how uninterested me and Yoona were but as conceited as she could be, she asked us again.


The voice-over from the speakers suddenly roared across the lounge.

"Passengers for flight...."

I could barely make out the details of the flight she was referring to but I think the plane arrived a little bit early than expected.

Jennie jumped to her feet. "Omg! That's us!"

We began to line up as the crew took our boarding passes one by one. Once I get into that plane, there's no turning back.

"Good evening Ma'am, boarding pass please." She had an all-out smile on her perfectly made-over look.

For a moment I hesitated.

I could feel something drawing me back out there. I looked around and gave the area one last look. I was honestly wishing my eyes would find his among this sea of people. But as I scanned each corner, there was just no sight of him.

"Ma'am do you still need to get something?"

"Oh sorry." Handing over my pass.

"No worries. Have a nice trip!"

My feet seemed too heavy for me to walk. Each foot seemed to weigh a ton. This is it. Anneoyong Seoul! My heart sank at the thought. A part of me was still holding on, I could tell.

Just let it go Rozie. Let it go. I said to myself.

Easier said than done!  Like who the hell moves on in just 48 hours?  I thought to myself.

I looked up to find my friends waiting for me in the hallway wearing a concerned look on their faces.

"Ready?" Yoona asked.

It took all my might to convince my heart what my mind was telling me to. But it is a fact.

Life goes on.

So I nodded and smiled. Ready!


I've missed the feel of the steering wheel in my hands. I've been driving for 8 years now and I'm pretty much good at it. But I haven't driven lately, with all the little sleep we're getting from work.

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