43. First Fight

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The stage of disturbances.

This stage usually forces its way into a happy romance after a few months of bliss. For the first time ever in the relationship, both of you confront each other over a conflict, even though it's sorted out quickly.



It has been almost 3 months of being in a relationship with a Kpop idol, a long-distance at that. This was my first time to be in this kind of set up so it took me some time to adjust. But everything went by like a breeze since he lived up to every word he said.

There wasn't a time when I was uninformed of what's taking place in his daily life. We do video chats at night while I'm on shift and by daytime, when I catch on some z's, I'd woke up to tons of messages from him. It was just like having him around only that I don't get to kiss or hug him nor savor how good he smells. Still, it's not as bad as it seems.

Kakaotalk convo...

Babe are you up?


Aren't you supposed to
be on shift already?

Hi babe! I got late for
work...again! I dozed off
after killing the alarm.

How many lates could
you have anyways?
You've been late for
days now.

Well. You're to blame!
You're not giving me
enough reason
to sleep.

Ha! I told you you'd
go crazy over me.

It's 10 by the way. 10 lates
and I'm out!

Really? So how many
do you have left?

I've lost count. Hehe

Well. Just ditch that
job then and come
here with me. You
could sleep all day.
We could finally sleep
together again.
Don't you want that?

Very. Very tempting. But
sorry, bum life isn't for me

Then find yourself a
job here in Seoul.
There are tons here
waiting for you.
Come on..just tell
me you'll consider.
I badly want you
here with me babe.

You'd have to teach me
how to speak Korean then.

Not a problem! I'll
tutor you everyday.


So should I buy you

What?? I haven't said yes
yet silly!

But are you



😂😂😂 I am... I am... haha.
You're one impatient
boyfriend you know that?
Anyways... where you at?

At the studio taping
Run. We're
cooking in a few

Woow. You guys do all
sorts of things...

I know right. That's
how much we love
our fans baby. If you were
here, I'd cook your
favorite Jajangmyeon
for you everyday.

Wait. I don't recall telling
you that.

I saw your post a year

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