72. Busted

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We managed to get past the door with ease but when we were about to turn towards the direction of my room, Taehyung got out of his pad. He was humming to himself with music blasting from his headphones. I held my ground and waited to see where he was heading. He was too focused on his phone that he failed to see one of JK's dumbbells placed along the hallway. He dropped his phone to the floor as he winced in pain. He must have hit one of his toes really hard. I can tell he was mouthing curses from where I was at. I can't help but sneer at his stupidity. Like how old is he? Seven?

It took him some more time to recover. Rozie was peeking over my shoulder and began whispering in my ear. "Why are we hiding?"

If other people would see us like this, they'd definitely say we were silly.

"They don't know I'm here and I wanna surprise them."  was the best excuse I could think of.

The truth is, They don't know I'm here already, and that I brought you home with me, should've been what I said.

"Oh wow. I bet they'd be so happy to see you."

"Well. Happy is not really the word I have in mind." I'm already getting cold feet. Hurry up already!

Taehyung finally got a hold of himself and turned left towards the kitchen giving us the chance to sneak behind his back. We dashed towards the lab and I could already hear Taehyung humming again. I hurriedly entered the passcode, threw our bags in, and shut the door behind us.

"We made it!" Rozie childishly exclaimed.

"Yeah. I guess we did." I scratched the back of my neck that was already full of cold sweat.

Her eyes scanned the room from left to right. I exhaled heavily and cleared my throat out loud.

"Before anything else, let me give you a formal introduction. I welcome you to... The Genius Lab. Lucky you for being one of the very few souls who have ever stepped foot in this hidden world of mine. This is basically where my supremely intelligent mind creates world-class music so make sure you don't touch anything."

I could see she was about to touch the keyboard beside her but instantly pulled her hand back when she heard me.

"Just kidding." I slumped into my sofa bed snickering to myself. "Ahh.." I groaned in delight. Nothing beats the comfort of my own bed. I could already feel sleep drawing me in. All this stress has exhausted me. The time on my phone displayed that it was already way past midnight. I should be snoring at this very moment.

Then Rozie cleared her throat. "So where do I sleep then?"

There. The question finally popped out.

I patted the space beside me. She shook her head and said NO.

"Why not? We already.."

She shushed me off right on the spot. What I said really made her uncomfortable. She couldn't even look me in the eye. I can't help but giggle to myself. I still affect her which is a good thing.

I could keep this going if I want to but I raised my hands in surrender seeing how she wouldn't concede defeat anytime soon.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sleeping on the couch outside."

"Good. That's very gentleman of you."

I got up from the bed and approached where she was standing with her arms crossed.

"If you wanna see the bad boy in me all you have to say is ...Yoongi." I sexily teased.

"Argh!" She pushed me away and settled herself on the bed. "I'm gonna sleep now. See you in the morning." She pretty much made herself comfortable already so I handed her a blanket and made my way out.

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