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Hei Xiazi

"Let's have a look at this first." Xiao Hua suggested as he illuminate the table that interested him most and Xiazi comply, following him to see what was there.

"Look at this... by the shape and dimension, this should be an ancient scalpel." Xiazi said quite proud of his knowledge in anatomy, but to his disappointment, Xiao Hua was not impressed at all not even curious into asking at least how he knew about a scalpel.

"Master Hua... aren't you curious of how I know this?" Xiazi asked, but was once again been ignored by Xiao Hua, who keep on looking at the remaining things on the table.

"You are not mad at me right? You promise not to ignore, just a minute ago, remember?" Xiazi insisted and Xiao Hua turned to look at him seriously.

"I never promise to listen to every little thing you had to say."

"Well, yes, but this is important information."

"How so? Even I can tell that is shaped like a scalpel, what's so impressive about it?"

"Because, I can tell about it with certainty because I have an extensive anatomy knowledge, as well as some medical one and even had a degree on it when I study in Germany." Xiazi said, as he try to impress his man.

"Is it legitimate?" Xiao Hua asked, inflating his balloon in one shoot.

"Of course it is! I can name every single bone on your body, starting with those on your lovely strong hands. Want to test me?" Xiazi asked, but Xiao Hua shook his head.

"No, I will trust you on that and since you had the knowledge, what about those things on the glass cases?" Xiao Hua asked and Xiazi stride toward the border of the table in where some arthropods were placed.

"They look like specimens preserved for who knows what purpose, which is odd on itself not only because it's well preserved, considering the age of this things, but also because specimen's preservation was invented after the Southern Tang period." Xiazi told Xiao Hua, as he examine the crystal cases.

"Indeed... so the Queen Mother cracked the preservation formula centuries ago, that is still a mystery to this day for us?" Xiao Hua asked as he looked down at the specimens.

"Most likely. She was persistent, not to mention smart and well connected... as you can see there." Xiazi illuminate the mural that had cough his attention before and Xiao Hua moved to the wall to have a better look at it.

"Here are a dragon, snake, bird and insects.... All sentient animals that have been found on archaeologist excavations as hybrids jade figures, most like the ones on this painting." Xiao Hua begin the analysis.

"Yep, but remember that in our mythology, both Fu Xi and Nu Wa where half-snakes, half-humans and it was said they lived a very, very long life." Xiazi added.

"So... what she was after was the secret of immortally of those two? That's impossible, they were gods."

"All legends and myths start from some real facts... the painting shows that she experimented on her subjects quite a lot with different results."

"This must be her laboratory."

"Yes, she tested people here... but something seems different from other longevity pills, like the shibi one."

"She had a special ingredient... something that came not from this world..." Xiao Hua whisper seen the painting of what looked like a meteor.

"A meteor, huh? A jade one at that."

"So did she succeeded in creating a real pill that actually worked the way it was supposed to?"

"Don't know, but many of the subjects were poison or have serious side effects by the strange ingredients of this particular green pill. They look like they were in deep pain..." Xiazi said as he illuminate the paintings of the apparent tortured men. Well most of them... there was a particular one that was still standing and he had the tattoo of a Qilin on his left side of his chest,   Xiazi notice in surprise.

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