Cold Cage

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Xiao Hua

Panzi and he sit at the open of the cave to have some fresh air and away from that hellish place. Xiao Hua was tempted to get down in search for Xiazi, but as much as he wanted to reunite with him and see if he was really doing fine on his own, he had a hard task to complete, even if they knew how the mechanism worked now.

"You are still worry, right?" Panzi asked him.

"For what?"

"Hei Xiazi."

"Ah... a bit..."

"He is quite strong, you shouldn't worry too much. I have work with him several times and a thing like that is no real match for him. In many ways, he resemble Xiaoge. He is sturdy."

"I know..."

"But you still worry."

"I worry for the reason that's taking him so long to return. We know nothing of the traps that the Zhang's had set on this place to start with. I know that this place had been explored before by the Nine families, but some secrets are not that easily to find or traps to get rid of... maybe he is down for so long because there are other stuffs in the hiding that he is keeping us from."

"It's possible. I'm sure he will want to keep you safe, just like Xiaoge keeps Master Xiao Sanye safe."

"I don't need saving... but that's not beyond that idiot thinking." Xiao Hua conceded and Panzi smiled.

"He cares as much."


"I won't say anything, it's not my business to interfere anyways. It's just not a bad thing to care for someone you treasure."

"I guess... by the way Panzi... about my uncle... I can help with the mess he left in Wu San Xing's name."

"I can handle it."

"I am in this business too, Panzi... I know it's not going too well without Wu San Xing handling things personally."

"It will crumble eventually but..."

"There is no need to let things crumble. The Wu's can't fall after working so hard to get as far as they have over the years. They are still ranked five, even if they had distance themselves from the Nine."

"Master Hua, you are too kind."

"Didn't you said it was not a bad thing to care? The Wu's are family to me as well."

"Which is why the Wu's had also protect the Xie's in their own way, even if it had been indirectly."

"I know. That you are here helping me instead of Wu Xie, while he is far away, proves our families are as one."

"Indeed... even Master Wu Er Bai rushed to help you all in Banai with Cox Hendry."

"You got news of that fiasco?" Xiao Hua asked as Panzi smiled.

"Of course. Master Xiao Sanye is my responsibility as well."

"Then, don't deny my helping hand when the time comes. Wu Xie may be the heir... but we all know he is not ready yet."

"But the time will come where he had to take the weight..."

"Sadly yes... not matter how much the Wu's tried to protect their heir... at the end, he will just have to learn the hard way... as I did."

"Unfortunately... but I think he will do it well. He had an unbreakable sprit and a strong will..."

"For sure... but it worries me if..."

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