An Utter Defeat

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This is a special chapter in celebration of dear H, birthday. I know it's a week late, 🙇‍♀️ but I wish you many returns, happiness, health, a lot of smiles, hugs, love and prosperity.

Wu Xie

When he wakes up, everything was dark, but he could feel Xiaoge's firm body bellow him, resting peacefully. His breathing was steady and his warmth, a blessing in the cold night and yeah... night most had come already as he provably sleep for longer that he had intended. Wu Xie knew that Xiaoge was not going to disturb his sleep and more so when he had been feeling unwell before, but it was a bit rude to fall asleep before the host was home.

"Ah, damn it..." Wu Xie cursed in a whisper and very carefully, he sat on their bed with the intention to go out and if it wasn't too late in the night, he may still have a chance to talk with Xiao Hua. However, just as he put his feet on the cold floor, the light from the night table turned on with a soft glow, making him sight. His lover was impossible to beat, because he will always notice every movement he make whatever he likes it or not.

"Feeling bad again?" Xiaoge asked and Wu Xie sighed.

"No... I honestly don't have much left to throw out anyways."

"Are you hungry? Xiao Hua give me some porridge in case you wake early."

"So... he is home already. Why didn't you wake me?" Wu Xie asked softly, although he already knew the answer.

"You needed the rest."

"Of course."

"I can heat the porridge now if you want it."

"I'm not really hungry... I wanted to talk with Xiao Hua thought."

"Are you still worry I will not accept her offer?" Xiaoge asked as he sat by Wu Xie in the bed, his feet almost touching Wu Xie's in their closeness.

"Will you? I truly want for you to regain your memories... but it's your choice... so if you rather not go with her, we can always try to find another way in." Wu Xie whisper as he looked down and Xiaoge gently took Wu Xie's hand on his and kiss it.

"I will go with her... even if I don't trust her..." Xiaoge said as he looked at Wu Xie, but he knew that look all too well... it was the kind of glance that screamed an apology for something he had decided but he will not like it, so Wu Xie was sure there was more to the story that just deciding to join forced with Fairy Huo while he sleep and he panic.

"What are you keeping from me? Did Xiao Hua talked with you while I was asleep? What did he said? What are you giving me that look again? You are not planning on leaving me behind, right?" Wu Xie keep asking as his anxiety escalated with each question getting out of his mouth. Each one of them seems to go out directly from his fearful heart and once again, unable to make Wu Xie stop panicking with words, he simply pulled Wu Xie closer and kiss him, but this time Wu Xie actually resisted and surprisingly he even push him away, making Qiling fall on his back over the bed they were previously sit on.

"Not this time Xiaoge! I will not endure another separation! I have enough of them and it's heartbreaking!" Wu Xie yelled, as he moved to sit over Xiaoge's lap to keep him down, while he let his fears out.

"Wu Xie... we need to split into two teams, you will be better working along with Xiao Hua in a safer location." Qiling try to reason with this unexpected side of Wu Xie. He could see he was very afraid of been left behind, more so than he already had anticipated, which take him by surprise... and he looked so hurt... so desperate...

"Xiao Hua has Xiazi! They work together the best, they know and trust each other with their lives and more importantly both of them can look for one another on equal terms. I know it's not the same for us yet, I know I have a long way to go to be at your level or even to take care of myself, but I NEED YOU! I NEED YOU Xiaoge and you keep letting me behind!!! It's not fair!!" Wu Xie let out his agony as a strong pain build on his chest, making it hard for him to breathe.

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