The Promise

941 60 181

Zhang Qiling

Ever since Xiu Xiu left, Xiaoge notice that Wu Xie's look became sadder, almost gloomy and he found himself wanting to cheer him up, but didn't knew how to do it. Usually, it was Pangzi the one who take that role, but as right now, Pangzi was enjoying himself way too much to notice, Wu Xie's sadness. So, the only thing he had as his disposal was either a kiss or offering Wu Xie his drink.

The first option will do the trick, or at least Xiaoge thought that Wu Xie will definitely prefer for him to kiss him when he was feeling down, but they were not alone and Pangzi will no doubt protest with another Pingxie remark that annoyed Wu Xie so much, so he discarded the kiss and let it in store for when they find the chance to be alone again. The second option, then became the only one, which make him take his glass and offer it to his tired lover.

"Wu Xie... have some." Xioage whisper and Wu Xie smiled at him quite handsomely. It was the kind of smiles he loved, but the sadness was still reflected on his eyes.

"Ah, Xiaoge, thanks, but I still have mine... enjoy yourself, don't mind me." Wu Xie said, but Xiaoge did mind him a lot, so he was not going to give up that easily.

"You are sad. Take it." He insisted and this time, Wu Xie sighed.

"I just feel bad for Xiu Xiu and her aunt..." Wu Xie explained.

"Come on, Tianzhen... you did her a favor by not telling her that her real aunt is no longer human. She is better thinking that her aunt die, so snap out of it. You make Xiaoge worry..." Pangzi said and Wu Xie smiled again to Qiling.

"No need to worry Xiaoge... I just care for others as well." Wu Xie said to Qiling, as he softly touched his arm in reassurance.

"Too much actually, and that's exactly why people like Ning took advantage of you sometimes." Pangzi said without thinking.

"Pangzi!" Xiaoge called loudly while giving him his coldest stare yet.

"Oops... forbidden name, I get it, my bad." Pangzi apologize, but well... he wasn't telling a lie, right?

"Don't mind him, Xiaoge, I'm fine... we came here to relax from our latest ordeal, so let's do just that before something else end up happening outside of our control." Wu Xie said, which make Xiaoge relax a bit and drink from his glass.

Yeah, they better take the little time they had to rest to do so for as long as they could. He may not remember most things from his past, but he had the feeling that he had very little time to enjoy before Wu Xie came to his life, which only make him more found of Wu Xie with each second he have him close... because a life without him most have been... no life at all.

"Xiaoge, I know you are wiped by Wu Xie's young charm and all, but don't stare at him with such passion in front of others. It even make me blush, not to mention it melts Tianzhen into a full star." Pangzi teased, which only make Wu Xie more conscious of the way Xiaoge was staring at him while he drank from his glass.

"Si Pangzi! Just give it a rest already..." Wu Xie said, yet his face was indeed on fire, which make Pangzi only laugh.

"Alright... maybe I should leave the two of you alone for a while. Obviously, Xiaoge wants to really comfort you in some other more intimate way..." Pangzi suggested, making Wu Xie blush hotter, especially when Xiaoge actually looked amusedly pleased with his embarrassment.

"Oh, come on Xiaoge, don't make it easier for me to get into Pangzi's never ending teasing..." Wu Xie manage to say to him as his face overheated.

"But he is not wrong." Xiaoge confessed.

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