The Show Down Between The Huo And Wu

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Wu Xie

It really took him by surprise to find out that the one interested in buying the drawings was none other than Xiu Xiu's grandmother. He honestly never expected her to be interested in ancient an morgue architecture. Nevertheless, as the head of the Huo family, he needed to pay her his respects according to her position, otherwise his Wu family will look bad into her eyes for him been disrespectful.

"Granny Huo, we had never met before, I'm Wu Xie..." He said to her with a charming smile as he extended his hand... which she rudely ignored by having a sip of her tea. Well... that was unexpected and Xiaoge instantly disliked the old woman, because anyone who disrespect Wu Xie, openly or otherwise was hastily written in his black list of potential enemies to watch for, deep within his heart.

"You do resemble Wu Lao Gou. I didn't believe it at first, but it's now undeniable. So that treacherous dog did have children." The old woman said and Wu Xie was startle for a moment, not having been told of any story of his grandfather with Fairy Huo, before he recollected himself.

"Do you know my grandfather?" Wu Xie asked curiously, sensing the interesting story between the two that perhaps didn't end to well.

"More than that." Granny Huo admitted and Wu Xie wonder just what happen between them, to leave the woman with such bitterness in her heart. Still, he could not ask that, right? So he try to play it safe.

"Oh, it's a good thing you were friends." Wu Xie said with a smile, which make Granny Huo mock a smile back.

"You resemble him more when you smile. Looks that you are no saint, either." She said and Wu Xie was tempted to retort back at that. Who in the Mystic Nine exclusive club was saint anyways? Not her, certainly, because even him knew a thing or two about her reputation among the Mystic Nine and was not exactly a heavenly one.

Xiaoge gave the old woman his coldest glare yet. Wu Xie was by far the best man he had known, caring and cheerful, polite and good natured, selfless and charming, always thinking in the well beings of others and putting others life before his own no matter the cost. If he had a hard time keeping Wu Xie safe was not only because of his bad luck, but also because he will place himself in danger to save even strangers or even enemies at any given opportunity. How dare she imply Wu Xie was a bad man? No wonder the Wu family keep Wu Xie out of the Mystic Nine radar for so long. They were indeed vicious...

"Xiaoge... let it go..." Pangzi whisper to him, coming closer, to slightly pat his back, in a calming gesture. Wu Xie wanted to avoid a confrontation, so he let it go too this time.

"Did my grandfather owed a debt to the Huo family I am not aware off?" Wu Xie asked the Huo family head.

"Let's just get straight to the point. Do you agree to sell the thing?" The woman asked and Wu Xie was relieved to be back on track, instead of taking in more insults.

"Actually the Yangshi Lei drawing means nothing to me. I just want to know why you want to buy it at such a high price. Just what's in it to pick your interest?" Wu Xie asked without hesitation.

"Do you really want to know?" She asked back and Wu Xie assented.

"Sure. Providing isn't you who's asking, but your grandmother." The woman said and Wu Xie finally frowned. Just what happen between those three in the past? Was Granny Huo in love of his grandfather and hate him when he got marry with his grandmother? Oh, no wonder the bitterness now... yet, he was glad his grandfather had choose his grandmother to marry. This woman was definitely not good for the Wu.

"Ah, a love grudge, I'm sure of it." Pangzi once again whisper to Xiaoge, so he will catch up with the spitting words to his lover and understanding the reason behind it. Still, to Xiaoge, Granny Huo image did not change in the slightest just because she once loved Wu Xie's grandfather and lost her fight with his grandmother.

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